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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Copyright (c) 2019-present, Mahmoud Afifi% York University, Canada% Email: mafifi@eecs.yorku.ca - m.3afifi@gmail.com%% This source code is licensed under the license found in the% LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.% All rights reserved.%%%% Please cite the following work if this program is used:% Mahmoud Afifi and Michael S. Brown. Sensor Independent Illumination % Estimation for DNN Models. In BMVC, 2019%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%clcclear allclose allMatlab_ver = 'higher'; %'2018b', '2019a', or 'higher'image_name = fullfile('imgs_w_normalization',... 'Cube+_challenge_CanonEOS550D_243.png'); %image name %Note: be sure that the image is in the raw-RGB linear space and the %black/saturation normalization is correctly applied to the image before %using it.model_name = 'trained_model_wo_NUS_Canon1DsMkIII'; %trained model namedevice = 'gpu'; %cpuin_img_sz = 150; %our network accepts 150x150 raw-RGB imageif strcmpi(Matlab_ver, '2018b') == 1 || strcmpi(Matlab_ver,'2019a') == 1 old = 1; load(fullfile('models_old',model_name)); %load the trained modelelse old = 0; load(fullfile('models',model_name)); %load the trained modelendI_ = imread(image_name); %read the imagesz =size(I_);if sz(1)~=in_img_sz || sz(2)~=in_img_sz I = imresize(I_,[in_img_sz,in_img_sz]); %resize the imageelse I = I_;end%estimate the scene illuminantif old == 1 est_ill = predict(trained_model,I,'ExecutionEnvironment',device); else est_ill = predict_(trained_model,I,device); %estimate the scene illuminantendest_ill = est_ill./norm(est_ill); %make it a unit vectorfprintf('Estimated scene illuminant = %f, %f, %f\n',... est_ill(1),est_ill(2),est_ill(3)); %display the resultfactor = 6; %scale factor to aid visualizationsubplot(1,3,1); imshow(I_*factor); title('Input raw-RGB image'); %show input raw-RGB image (scaled to aid visualization)subplot(1,3,2); imshow(imresize(imread('mapped.png')*factor,[sz(1) sz(2)]));title('mapped image');subplot(1,3,3); imshow(reshape(... reshape(im2double(I_),[],3)*diag(est_ill(2)./est_ill),sz)*factor); %apply white balance correction then show the result (scaled to aid visualization)title('White-balanced raw-RGB image');linkaxes
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⛄ 参考文献
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