
简介: 一种三合一组学数据可视化和分析方法附matlab代码





智能优化算法       神经网络预测       雷达通信      无线传感器        电力系统

信号处理              图像处理               路径规划       元胞自动机        无人机

⛄ 内容介绍


⛄ 完整代码

% For full user guidance, please see the first reference, and it is a free/open access (OA) article.


% References

% Zhao, H., & Wang, S. C. (2022). A Coding Basis and Three-in-One Integrated Data Visualization Method ‘Ana’ for the Rapid Analysis of Multidimensional Omics Dataset. In Life (Vol. 12, Issue 11, p. 1864). https://doi.org/10.3390/life12111864

% Zhao, H., Avena-Bustillos, R. J., & Wang, S. C. (2022). Extraction, Purification and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds in California Olive Pomace. In Foods (Vol. 11, Issue 2). https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11020174

% matlab - How I obtain bars with function bar3 and different widths for each bar? - Stack Overflow. (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2022, from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24269516/how-i-obtain-bars-with-function-bar3-and-different-widths-for-each-bar

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% The percentage icon '%' means the contents after the % are all text notes instead of executable code.

clear, clc% clean RAM and command window

close all% close all figures, but Clustergram 1 must be closed manully.

tic % start timing


% Initial input area for normal users or beginners

fn= 'olivephenolics';% input the excel file name in the '' area, olivephenolics can be replaced by user's excel file name, the excel file must be in the same folder as the this .m file

unt= 'mg/g';% input unit of data in the '' area, mg/g can be replaced by the user's unit, such as %, g/mL, mg/mL etc.

fs= 20;% input font size, 18-22 are recommended, must be >=7

cl= parula;% color style: jet(256) is rainbow; cool is blue to pink;  parula is blue to yellow; redbluecmap is blue to red; [] is transparent; user can replaced jet(256) by cool, [] or parula or bredbluecmap, etc.

pcamz= 10;% PCA marker size

pcalable= 0;% 0 will lable PCA vectors by variable/ compound numbers; 1 will lable PCA vectors by variable/ compound full names.

mk= '.'; % set PCA data marker in '' area; . is dot; p is star; s is square; * is snow flasker; o is o; 'd' is rhombus.

% Note: Method for print or output figures:

% Figure 1, 3D heatmap

% print(fig3Dbar,'olive-adjudtsize.png','-dpng','-r150');% -r150 defines 150dpi,-r300 will provide 300 dpi, -r100 will provide 100 dpi, etc. See S. Fig. 3

% Clustergram 1, heatmap cluster, can only be output to a pdf for high-resolution as descripted in S. Fig. 4.

% Figure 2-7, print PCA charts automatically at 150 dpi


% It may result in errors if modify code below this line if not skillful on MATLAB.

% But it would be greatly helpful for active learners to modify the code to improve coding skills.

fname= strcat(fn);% excel file name

info= readtable(fname,'PreserveVariableNames',true, 'ReadRowNames',true);% read data again for column names

rm= string(info.Properties.RowNames);% read row names of samples

cm= string(info.Properties.VariableNames);% read column/variable names of phenolic compounds

sz= size(info);% read data area size

ns= sz(1);% read sample number

nb= sz(2);% read compound number

num= readmatrix(fname); % read data only

num(:,1) = []; % delete first column NAN

ave= num; % define ave values


% plot 3D bar chart with size adjustments


fig3Dbar=figure; % name figure as fig3Dbar

h=bar3(ave,'detached');%'detached', 'grouped', or 'stacked'


values=ave; % values equal to ave.

m= 1.1*max(values(:))*2; % normalize constant for bar width, 1.1 ensure a small distance between bars

shading interp % set color shading properties

for i = 1:length(h)% the following code set bottom size in accordance with the z-axis values

   % Get the ZData matrix of the current group

   xdata= get(h(i),'Xdata');

   ydata= get(h(i),'Ydata');

   zdata= get(h(i),'Zdata');


   for k = 1:size(xdata,1)/6

       datax = xdata((k-1)*6+1+(0:5),:);

       datay = ydata((k-1)*6+1+(0:5),:);



       xdata((k-1)*6+1+(0:5),:) = round(xdata((k-1)*6+1+(0:5),:),0)+dirx*values(ceil(((k-1)*6+1)/6),i)/m;

       ydata((k-1)*6+1+(0:5),:) = round(ydata((k-1)*6+1+(0:5),:),0)+diry*values(ceil(((k-1)*6+1)/6),i)/m;





%set(h,'EdgeColor','k') % set edge color as k black

view(-25, 83); % default view angle

colormap (cl) % set colormap as cl

colorbar % show color bar


xticks(1:nb)% add x ticks

yticks(1:ns)% add y ticks

set(gca,'XTickLabel',cm)% label x axis by column/variable names of phenolic compound

set(gca,'YTickLabel',rm)% label y axis by row names of samples

set(h,'FaceAlpha',.8) % set transparency of bars to 0.5

zlabel(unt,'FontSize',fs) % set font size of z-axis

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs; % set font size of color code bar


colormap(cl); % define color as descripted by cl

cb.Label.String = unt; % set unit of color code bar as descripted by unt

%print(fig3Dbar,'olive-adjudtsize.png','-dpng','-r150');% -r150 defines 150dpi,-r300 will provide 300 dpi, -r100 will provide 100 dpi, etc.

% Cluster analysis

cfac=clustergram(ave, 'RowLabels', rm,'ColumnLabels',cm,'Colormap',colormap(cl),'Standardize','Row'); % the code standardize data on each row

% For more information see: https://www.mathworks.com/help/bioinfo/ref/clustergram.html


set(cfac,'Annotate','off') % turn of annotate

set(cfac,'Linkage','Average') % set linkage method by Average

set(cfac,'RowPDist','Euclidean') % row distance method Euclidean

set(cfac,'ColumnPDist','Euclidean') % column distance method Euclidean



sdz = zscore(ave,[],2); % standardized data along data rows

[coefs,score,latent,tsquared,explainedvariance] = pca(sdz); % run PCA


if pcalable== 0 % 0 will lable PCA vectors by variable/ compound numbers; 1 will lable PCA vectors by variable/ compound full names.

   lbls= string(1:length(cm));


   lbls= cm;



figPCA12biplot= figure; % open a new figure

pa12= biplot(coefs(:,1:2),'Scores',score(:,1:2),'VarLabels',lbls,'Marker',mk,'MarkerSize',pcamz); % plot PCA biplot of PC1 vs. PC2

grid off % turn off grid

box off % ture off box

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs-6; % set font size of tick, 6 less than label font size

xlabel(['PC1',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(1)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label x-axis

ylabel(['PC2',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(2)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label y-axis

print(figPCA12biplot,'PCA12-biplot.png','-dpng','-r150');% print figure at 150 dpi


clr = hsv(ns);

figPCA12score= figure;

gscatter(score(:,1),score(:,2),rm,clr,mk) % plot PCA scoreplot of PC1 vs. PC2


grid off % turn off grid

box off % ture off box

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs-6; % set font size of tick, 6 less than label font size

xlabel(['PC1',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(1)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label x-axis

ylabel(['PC2',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(2)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label y-axis

print(figPCA12score,'PCA12-score.png','-dpng','-r150');% print figure at 150 dpi


figPCA23biplot= figure; % open a new figure

pa23= biplot(coefs(:,2:3),'Scores',score(:,2:3),'VarLabels',lbls,'Marker',mk,'MarkerSize',pcamz); % plot PCA biplot of PC2 vs. PC3

grid off % turn off grid

box off % ture off box

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs-6; % set font size of tick, 6 less than label font size

xlabel(['PC2',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(2)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)

ylabel(['PC3',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(3)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)



figPCA12score= figure;

gscatter(score(:,2),score(:,3),rm,clr,mk)% plot PCA scoreplot of PC2 vs. PC3


grid off % turn off grid

box off % ture off box

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs-6; % set font size of tick, 6 less than label font size

xlabel(['PC2',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(2)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label x-axis

ylabel(['PC3',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(3)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label y-axis

print(figPCA12score,'PCA23-score.png','-dpng','-r150');% print figure at 150 dpi


figPCA123biplot= figure; % open a new figure

pa123= biplot(coefs(:,1:3),'Scores',score(:,1:3),'VarLabels',lbls,'Marker',mk,'MarkerSize',pcamz); % plot PCA biplot of PC1 vs. PC2 vs. PC3

grid off % turn off the grid

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs-6; % set font size of tick, 6 less than label font size

xlabel(['PC1',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(1)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)

ylabel(['PC2',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(2)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)

zlabel(['PC3',' ', num2str(explainedvariance(3)),'%'],'FontSize',fs)% label z-axis

box on % ture on box



ev= figure;

pareto(explainedvariance,0.99) % draw Explained Variance

ax = gca;

ax.FontSize = fs-6; % set font size of tick, 6 less than label font size

xlabel('Principal Component','FontSize',fs)

ylabel('Explained Variance(%)','FontSize',fs)

box off % ture off box


toc% stop timing

⛄ 运行结果

⛄ 参考文献

[1]宋驰等. "一种文本数据挖掘与可视化的新方法." 北京生物医学工程 27.2(2008):5

❤️ 关注我领取海量matlab电子书和数学建模资料

算法 Serverless
本项目基于魏格纳函数和焦散线方法,使用MATLAB 2022A模拟自加速光束。通过魏格纳函数法生成多种自加速光束,并设计相应方法,展示仿真结果。核心程序包括相位和幅度的计算、光场分布及拟合分析,实现对光束传播特性的精确控制。应用领域涵盖光学成像、光操控和光束聚焦等。 关键步骤: 1. 利用魏格纳函数计算光场分布。 2. 模拟并展示自加速光束的相位和幅度图像。 3. 通过拟合分析,验证光束加速特性。 该算法原理基于魏格纳函数描述光场分布,结合数值模拟技术,实现对光束形状和传播特性的精确控制。通过调整光束相位分布,可改变其传播特性,如聚焦或加速。
算法 人机交互 数据安全/隐私保护
编解码 算法 数据安全/隐私保护
本内容介绍基于MATLAB 2022a的低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC)仿真,展示了完整的无水印仿真结果。LDPC是一种逼近香农限的信道编码技术,广泛应用于现代通信系统。BP译码算法通过Tanner图上的消息传递实现高效译码。仿真程序涵盖了不同Eb/N0下的误码率计算,并分析了码长、码率、迭代次数和信道类型对译码性能的影响。核心代码实现了LDPC编码、BPSK调制、高斯信道传输及BP译码过程,最终绘制误码率曲线并保存数据。 字符数:239
74 5
算法 数据安全/隐私保护
编解码 算法 数据安全/隐私保护
本程序系统基于BP译码的LDPC误码率MATLAB仿真,分析不同码长、码率、信道对译码性能的影响,并与卷积码、Turbo码及BCH编译码进行对比。升级版增加了更多码长、码率和信道的测试,展示了LDPC码的优越性能。LDPC码由Gallager在1963年提出,具有低复杂度、可并行译码等优点,近年来成为信道编码研究的热点。程序在MATLAB 2022a上运行,仿真结果无水印。
67 0
算法 数据可视化
奇异谱分析(SSA)是一种基于奇异值分解(SVD)和轨迹矩阵的非线性、非参数时间序列分析方法,适用于提取趋势、周期性和噪声成分。本项目使用MATLAB 2022a版本实现从强干扰序列中提取趋势线,并通过可视化展示了原时间序列与提取的趋势分量。代码实现了滑动窗口下的奇异值分解和分组重构,适用于非线性和非平稳时间序列分析。此方法在气候变化、金融市场和生物医学信号处理等领域有广泛应用。
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【2023高教社杯】D题 圈养湖羊的空间利用率 问题分析、数学模型及MATLAB代码
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【2023高教社杯】D题 圈养湖羊的空间利用率 问题分析、数学模型及MATLAB代码
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算法 数据挖掘 vr&ar
该程序基于ESTAR指数平滑转换自回归模型,对CPI数据进行统计分析与MATLAB仿真,主要利用M-ESTAR模型计算WNL值、P值、Q值及12阶ARCH值。ESTAR模型结合指数平滑与状态转换自回归,适用于处理经济数据中的非线性趋势变化。在MATLAB 2022a版本中运行并通过ADF检验验证模型的平稳性,适用于复杂的高阶自回归模型。