
简介: 四旋翼飞行器的动力学、控制和路径规划matlab仿真





智能优化算法       神经网络预测       雷达通信      无线传感器        电力系统

信号处理              图像处理               路径规划       元胞自动机        无人机

⛄ 内容介绍


  1. 动力学:四旋翼飞行器的动力学研究主要涉及到飞行器的运动学和动力学特性。运动学描述了飞行器的位置、速度和加速度等运动状态,而动力学描述了飞行器的受力和力矩等物理特性。了解四旋翼飞行器的动力学特性有助于优化飞行控制系统,提高飞行性能。
  2. 控制:四旋翼飞行器的控制是指通过调节电机转速或改变电机输出力矩来控制飞行器的姿态和位置。常用的控制方法包括PID控制器、模型预测控制(MPC)和自适应控制等。控制系统需要根据传感器获取的数据实时调整飞行器的姿态和位置,以实现期望的飞行任务。
  3. 路径规划:路径规划是指在给定环境中找到一条合适的路径,使得飞行器能够顺利地从起点到达目标点。在四旋翼飞行器中,路径规划可以通过全局路径规划和局部路径规划两种方式实现。全局路径规划通常使用遗传算法、A*算法等搜索算法来找到最优路径,而局部路径规划则根据当前飞行状态和环境信息来调整飞行器的姿态和速度,以避免障碍物和保持航迹稳定。

⛄ 部分代码

clear;close all;%% Simulation Parametersdt = 0.001; % simulation time stepcontrollerRate = 0.01; % interval at which the controller activatesplan_rate = 0.5;gps_rate = 0.1; % 10Hz gps updatevicon_rate = 0.0025; %400hz update for the vicon systemmotor_control_period = 1/500;using_vicon = true;lab_z = 12.2;lab_y = 9.1;lab_x = 9.1;% for repeatability:rng('default');%% Target Craft Parameterstarget_velocity = [0; 0; 0];  % velocity of the targetobs_pos = [1 1 8]';        % position of the target% Capturing Parametersobs_radi = [0.5 0.5 0.25];buffer = 0.75;start_pos = [3,3,0];tilt_angle = pi/10;claw_length = 0.4;ds = 0.001;%% State Machine Parametersstate = 0;generated_trajectory = 0;in_hover = 0;position_for_hover = [0;0;0];%% Quadrotor ParametersI = [0.1 0 0;   0 0.1 0;   0 0 0.1];  % moment of inertia matrixm = 4;      % mass - smaller mass helps performanceg = -9.8;    % gravityL = 0.25;    % length of quad armc_T = 0.00000545;c_Q = 0.0000002284; gamma = [c_T, c_T, c_T, c_T;     0, L*c_T, 0, -L*c_T;     -L*c_T, 0, L*c_T, 0;     -c_Q, c_Q, -c_Q, c_Q];  gammainv = inv(gamma);A1c = 1;A1s = 1; dx = 0.058; % this should be roughly correct. Note that we drag I believe I have a speed capdy = 0.058; % drag in yD = diag([dx, dy, 0]);%% Motor ParametersV_batt = 12; % volts % max rotor speed ~2000.0 rad/s (at 12v) (which translates to about 87N of thrust at max)%% Sensor Parametersgps_sigma = 0.02;      % 2cm standard deviationvicon_sigma = 0.0001;    % 0.1mm standard deviationimu_rate = controllerRate;R_dot_hat = [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0];  % Initial rotation matrix derivative estimateR_hat = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];    % Initial rotation matrix estimateb_dot_hat = [0; 0; 0];b_hat = [0; 0; 0];bias_a = [0.000; 0.000; 0.000];   % bias of the accelerometer in newtons - can revise this number/make it different between runsmu_a = 0;             % mean of the accelerometer noisesigma_a = 0.0006;         % standard deviation of the accelerometer noisebias_b = 0;             % bias of the gyro. Can also be changed/made random between runsmu_b = 0;             % mean of the gyro noisesigma_b = 0.000015;         % standard deviation of the rate measurements in rad/ska = 1;kb = 1;k_w = 1;%% Initial ConditionseulerAngles = zeros(3,1); % ZYX: yaw, roll, pitchomega = zeros(3,1);omegadot = zeros(3,1);q_position = start_pos';    % this is position of the center of mass of the quad in the world frameq_velocity = [0; 0; 0];      % in the world frameq_acceleration = [0; 0; 0];    % in the world frameq_jerk = [0;0;0];r_hat = [0; 0; 0];        % initial estimate of the positionomega_motor_act = zeros(4,1);rotMat = eul2rotm(eulerAngles', 'XYZ');xw = [1; 0; 0]; % world coordinate x axisyw = [0; 1; 0]; % world coordinate y axiszw = [0; 0; 1]; % world coordinate z axisa_hat = [0; 0; 0];thrust = 0;% "History" of the given variablesanglesHist = zeros(3,1);positionHist = zeros(3,1);rotMatHist = zeros(3, 3, 1);velHist = zeros(3, 1);omega_motor_hist = zeros(4,1);moment_des_hist = zeros(3,1);b1_hist = zeros(3, 1);b2_hist = zeros(3, 1);b3_hist = zeros(3, 1);e_R_hist = zeros(3, 1);R_com_hist = zeros(3, 3, 1);b1_com_hist = zeros(3,1);b2_com_hist = zeros(3,1);b3_com_hist = zeros(3,1);in_bounds_hist = [true; true; true];target_position_hist = obs_pos;r_effort = zeros(3, 1);v_effort = zeros(3, 1);%% Gainsk_motor = 0.00001;k_motor_ff = 0.006;kp_attitude = 19.5;kd_attitude = 6;kp_thrust = [35.5 0 0;       0 35.5 0;       0 0 35.5];kd_thrust = 75.5;%% Trajectory Planningj_max = 11; % max jerka_max = 15; % max accelerationv_max = 20; % max velocity%% Path Planning[pathCoefs, path, arc_len, T, N, B, curvature, torsion, lookup_table] = makeGeoPath(obs_pos', obs_radi, buffer, start_pos, tilt_angle, claw_length);T = T';N = N';B = B';[len, vel, acc, jerk] = optimizeSplineTrajectory(controllerRate, arc_len(1)+arc_len(2));psi_s = zeros(length(acc),1); % Right now, I don't use yawpsi_dot_s = zeros(length(acc),1);endtime = length(acc)*controllerRate - controllerRate + 1;%% Simulation Params %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%simCounter = 1;controllerCounter = 1;endtime_mod = endtime+1;geo_path_index = 2;profile_index = 2;%% Simulation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for t = 0:dt:endtime  tspan = [t, t+dt];  %% Sensors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  % Position estimate will come from a "GPS" that will report at 10Hz  % with a 2cm standard deviation  % if using VICON, the update rate will be faster and sigma will be ~2  % orders of magnitude smaller  if(~using_vicon)    if(mod(t, gps_rate) == 0)      r_hat = normrnd(q_position, gps_sigma);    end  else    if(mod(t, vicon_rate) == 0)      r_hat = normrnd(q_position, vicon_sigma);    end  end    % IMU complementary observer with gyro and accelerometer. magnetometer  % is not used because in most practical cases it yields to much noise  % to be effective  % future improvements could involve using the vicon data to improve the  % attitude estimate  if(mod(t, imu_rate) == 0)    eta_a = normrnd(mu_a, sigma_a);    a_imu = rotMat' * (q_acceleration - g*zw) + bias_a + eta_a; % the reading of the imu    a_hat = rotMat * a_imu;        eta_b = normrnd(mu_b, sigma_b);    omega_imu = omega + bias_b + eta_b;    % this filter assumes minimal up and down accelerations I believe    alpha = (ka/g^2)*cross(rotMat'*zw, a_imu); % can add in vicon terms here    b_dot_hat_prev = b_dot_hat;    b_dot_hat = kb*alpha;    b_hat = b_hat + ((b_dot_hat + b_dot_hat_prev)/2) * imu_rate; % this is a simple trapezoidal intregration routine    R_dot_hat_prev = R_dot_hat;    R_dot_hat = (R_hat * hatmap(omega_imu - b_hat))- alpha;    R_hat = R_hat + ((R_dot_hat + R_dot_hat_prev)/2) * imu_rate; % this is a simple trapezoidal intregration routine  end    %% Controller %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  if(mod(t, controllerRate) == 0)  if t <= 1    u1_com = norm(-g*m);    M = [0;0;0];  else  %% Path Following  index = controllerCounter - 1/controllerRate;  % Step 1: Get the location on the path that is closests to the current  % location  geo_path_index = getClosestLocation(geo_path_index, path, q_position);    % Step 2: Get the corresponding arc length of the path  profile_index = getClosestLocationProfile(profile_index, len, lookup_table(geo_path_index));    % Step 3: Get the velocity, acceleration and jerk that correspond to  % that arc length  v_des = T(:, geo_path_index)*vel(profile_index);  a_des = acc(profile_index)*T(:, geo_path_index) + vel(profile_index)^2*curvature(geo_path_index)*N(:, geo_path_index);  if controllerCounter > 1    kappa_prime = (curvature(geo_path_index)-curvature(geo_path_index-1))/0.0001;    j_des = (jerk(profile_index) - curvature(geo_path_index)^2*vel(profile_index)^3)*T(:, geo_path_index) +(3*curvature(geo_path_index)*vel(profile_index)*acc(profile_index)+kappa_prime*vel(profile_index)^2)*N(:, geo_path_index) + curvature(geo_path_index)*torsion(geo_path_index)*vel(profile_index)^3*B(:, geo_path_index);  else    j_des = [0;0;0];  end    e_r = dot((path(geo_path_index,:)'-r_hat),N(:, geo_path_index))*(N(:, geo_path_index)) + dot((path(geo_path_index,:)'-r_hat),B(:, geo_path_index))*(B(geo_path_index));  e_v = v_des - q_velocity;    e_r_hist(:, controllerCounter) = e_r;  e_v_hist(:, controllerCounter) = e_v;    a_com = 6.25*e_r + 4.5*e_v + m*a_des -g*m*zw;   u1_com = norm(a_com);  e1 = [cos(psi_s(profile_index)); sin(psi_s(profile_index)); 0];    b3 = (a_com)/norm(a_com);   b2 = cross(b3, e1)/norm(cross(b3, e1));  b1 = cross(b2, b3);    Rd = [b1 b2 b3];      h_omega = (m/norm(m*a_com)) * (j_des - (dot(b3, j_des) * b3));  omega_des = [dot(-h_omega, b2); dot(h_omega, b1); dot(psi_dot_s(profile_index) * zw, b3)];    e_R = veeMap(0.5*(Rd'*R_hat - R_hat'*Rd))';  e_w = omega - R_hat' * Rd * omega_des;  M = -2.0*e_R - 2.75*e_w;     omega_des_hist(:, controllerCounter) = omega_des;  j_des_hist(:, controllerCounter) = j_des;  e_R_hist(:, controllerCounter) = e_R;  e_w_hist(:, controllerCounter) = e_w;  a_des_hist(:, controllerCounter) = a_des;  v_des_hist(:, controllerCounter) = v_des;  a_com_hist(:, controllerCounter) = a_com;  b3_com_hist(:, controllerCounter) = b3;  u1_com_hist(:, controllerCounter) = u1_com;  M_hist(:, controllerCounter) = M;  geo_path_index_hist(controllerCounter) = geo_path_index;   profile_index_hist(controllerCounter) = profile_index;  lookup_hist(controllerCounter) = lookup_table(geo_path_index);    end  u_des = [u1_com; M]; % Thrust mag, moment around X, moment around Y, moment around Z  omega_motor_des = gammainv * (u_des);  omega_motor_des = sign(omega_motor_des) .* sqrt(abs(omega_motor_des));   omega_motor_des(1) = 1*(omega_motor_des(1));   omega_motor_des(2) = -1*(omega_motor_des(2));   omega_motor_des(3) = 1*(omega_motor_des(3));   omega_motor_des(4) = -1*(omega_motor_des(4));  omega_motor_des_hist(:, controllerCounter) = omega_motor_des;  controllerCounter = controllerCounter + 1;  end  if (mod(t, motor_control_period) == 0)    Vin = k_motor*(omega_motor_des - omega_motor_act) + k_motor_ff*omega_motor_des; % motor controller        % saturate Vin to the motor battery    for n = 1:4      Vin(n) = min([Vin(n), V_batt]);      Vin(n) = max([Vin(n), -V_batt]);    end    Vin_hist(:, simCounter) = Vin;  end      %% Model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %% Motor Dynamics   [~, y] = ode45(@(t_s, omega_motor_act) motorDynamics(Vin, omega_motor_act), tspan, omega_motor_act);   omega_motor_act = y(size(y, 1), :)';   omega_motor_hist(:, simCounter) = omega_motor_act;  u = gamma * omega_motor_act.^2;  moments = u(2:4);  thrust = u(1) * rotMat*zw;  thrust_hist(simCounter) = u(1);  moments_hist(:,simCounter) = u(2:4);  %% Attitude Dynamics  [~, y] = ode45(@(t_s, y) attitudeChange(omega, moments, I), tspan,  [eulerAngles; omega]); % is omega or omegadot the initial condition? should be omega  omega = (y(size(y, 1), [4 5 6]))';  eulerAngles = (y(size(y, 1), [1 2 3]))';    anglesHist(:, simCounter) = eulerAngles;  rotMat = eul2rotm(eulerAngles', 'XYZ');  rotMatHist(:, :, simCounter) = rotMat;    %% Rotor Flapping and Drag Dynamics  % this will need to be factored into the position dynamics  % this flapping model is assuming:   % - the vehicle's velocity is small compared to the tip velocity  % - the wind speed is negligble   % - the vertical distance from the rotor to the CoM is very small   % - the induced drag acts as a torsional spring    A_flap = 1/(omega_motor_des(1)) * [A1c, -A1s, 0; A1s, A1c, 0; 0, 0, 0];  D_ind = diag([dx, dy, 0]);  D = A_flap + D_ind;  F_ext = u(1) * ((D_ind + A_flap) * (rotMat' * q_velocity));  F_ext_hist(:, simCounter) = F_ext;  %% Position Dynamics  [~, y] = ode45(@(t_s, y) sumOfForces(rotMat, g, m, thrust, F_ext), tspan, q_velocity);  q_velocity = (y(size(y, 1), :))';  [~, y] = ode45(@(t_s, y) simpleIntegral(q_velocity, 1), tspan, q_position);  q_position = (y(size(y, 1), :))';    q_acceleration = sumOfForces(rotMat, g, m, thrust, F_ext);    if q_position(3) <= 0 % effect of the ground    q_position(3) = 0;    q_velocity(3) = 0;    q_acceleration(3) = 0;  end    if(t ~= 0)    in_bounds_hist(:, simCounter) = check_bounds(q_position, lab_x, lab_y, lab_z, t, in_bounds_hist(:, simCounter - 1));  end    if simCounter > 1    q_jerk = (q_acceleration - acc_hist(:, simCounter-1))/dt;  else    q_jerk = [0;0;0];  end    positionHist(:, simCounter) = q_position;   acc_hist(:, simCounter) = q_acceleration;  velHist(:, simCounter) = q_velocity;  j_hist(:, simCounter) = q_jerk;    %% Update the target craft  obs_pos = obs_pos + target_velocity * dt;  target_position_hist(:, simCounter) = obs_pos;    simCounter = simCounter + 1;  endtime_mod = t;  end%% Visualizationn_sim = 0:dt:endtime_mod;n_controller = 0:controllerRate:endtime_mod;n_sensors = 0:imu_rate:endtime_mod;n_motor = 0:motor_control_period:endtime_mod;n_plan = 0:plan_rate:endtime_mod;k_simCounter = 1:simCounter-1;k_plan = 1:(plan_rate/dt):simCounter-1;figure;subplot(3, 1, 1);plot(n_sim, anglesHist(1, k_simCounter));title('Yaw of Craft vs. Time');subplot(3,1,2);plot(n_sim, anglesHist(2, k_simCounter));title('Pitch of Craft vs Time');subplot(3,1,3);plot(n_sim, anglesHist(3, k_simCounter));title('Roll of Craft vs Time');figure;subplot(3, 1, 1);plot(n_sim, positionHist(1, k_simCounter));hold onplot(n_sim, target_position_hist(1, k_simCounter));hold offlegend('q pos', 't pos');title('x of Craft vs. Time');grid on;subplot(3,1,2);plot(n_sim, positionHist(2, k_simCounter));hold onplot(n_sim, target_position_hist(2, k_simCounter));hold offlegend('q pos', 't pos');title('y of Craft vs Time');grid on;subplot(3,1,3);plot(n_sim, positionHist(3, k_simCounter));hold onplot(n_sim, target_position_hist(3, k_simCounter));hold offlegend('q pos', 't pos');title('z of Craft vs Time');grid on;figure;plot3(positionHist(1, :), positionHist(2, :), positionHist(3, :), '-o','Color', 'm', 'MarkerSize', 3);hold on;plot3(path(:,1), path(:,2), path(:,3), '--');k = 1:20:controllerCounter-1;h = 1:200:simCounter-1;% for w = 1:length(h)%   v1 = [positionHist(1,h(w)), positionHist(2,h(w)), positionHist(3,h(w))];%   v2 = [positionHist(1,h(w))+b3_com_hist(1,k(w)), positionHist(2,h(w))+b3_com_hist(2,k(w)), positionHist(3,h(w))+b3_com_hist(3,k(w))];%   v = [v1; v2];%   plot3(v(:,1), v(:,2), v(:,3), 'Color', 'r', 'MarkerSize', 3);%   %   v1 = [positionHist(1,h(w)), positionHist(2,h(w)), positionHist(3,h(w))];%   v2 = [positionHist(1,h(w))+rotMatHist(1,3,h(w)), positionHist(2,h(w))+rotMatHist(2,3,h(w)), positionHist(3,h(w))+rotMatHist(3,3,h(w))];%   v = [v1; v2];%   plot3(v(:,1), v(:,2), v(:,3), 'Color', 'b', 'MarkerSize', 3);%   %   %   v1 = [positionHist(1,h(w)), positionHist(2,h(w)), positionHist(3,h(w))];%   %   v2 = [positionHist(1,h(w))+b3_d_hist(1,k(w)), positionHist(2,h(w))+b3_d_hist(2,k(w)), positionHist(3,h(w))+b3_d_hist(3,k(w))];%   %   v = [v1; v2];%   %   plot3(v(:,1), v(:,2), v(:,3), 'Color', 'k', 'MarkerSize', 3);%   %% endgrid on;%title('position in 3d space');[x_ell, y_ell, z_ell] = ellipsoid(obs_pos(1), obs_pos(2), obs_pos(3), obs_radi(1), obs_radi(2), obs_radi(3));surf(x_ell, y_ell, z_ell);axis equal;xlabel('Position in X');ylabel('Position in Y');zlabel('Position in Z');hold off;nC = 1:controllerCounter -1;figure; plot(n_controller, u1_com_hist, 'lineWidth', 2.0)%title('Commanded Thrust and Actual Thrust');hold on;plot(0:dt:endtime_mod, thrust_hist, 'lineWidth', 2.0)hold offaxis([0 endtime 0 70]);legend('Commanded Thrust', 'Actual Thrust');xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Force (N)');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, M_hist(2,:));legend('y');title('Moments Commanded');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, omega_des_hist)title('Omega_des');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, e_R_hist)title('Rotation error');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, e_w_hist)title('Omega error')figure;for k = 1:simCounter-1  magV(k) = norm(velHist(:,k));  magA(k) = norm(acc_hist(:,k));endplot(1:k, magV);title('Mag of Linear Vel');figure;plot(1:k, magA);title('Mag of Linear Acc');figure; plot(((1:controllerCounter-1)-1)/100, e_v_hist, 'lineWidth', 2.0)xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Distance (m)');legend('Error in X', 'Error in Y', 'Error in Z');title('Velocity Error');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, e_r_hist)title('Position Error');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, e_R_hist)title('Rotation Error');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, e_w_hist)title('Angular Velocity Error');figure; plot(1:controllerCounter-1, M_hist)title('Applied Moments');figure;subplot(2,1,1);plot((1:controllerCounter-1)/100, a_des_hist, 'lineWidth', 2.0);legend('X Acceleration', 'Y Acceleration', 'Z Acceleration');xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');title('Desired Acceelration');subplot(2,1,2);plot((1:simCounter-1)/1000, acc_hist, 'lineWidth', 2.0);legend('X Acceleration', 'Y Acceleration', 'Z Acceleration');xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');title('Actual Acceleration');%% Helper Functions %%%%%%%function M = hatmap(vector)  M = [0 -vector(3) vector(2);     vector(3) 0 -vector(1);     -vector(2) vector(1) 0];endfunction s = veeMap(R)s = [R(3,2), R(1,3), R(2,1)];endfunction k = getClosestLocation(k_prev, path, r)k = k_prev;if k+1 < length(path)  if norm(path(k,:)-r) > norm(path(k+1,:)-r)    minNotFound = true;    k = k+1;    while minNotFound && k+1 < length(path)      if norm(path(k,:)-r) < norm(path(k+1,:)-r)        minNotFound = false;      else        k = k+1;      end    end  endelse  k = length(path);endendfunction k = getClosestLocationProfile(k_prev, path, r)k = k_prev;if k+1 < length(path)  if norm(path(k)-r) > norm(path(k+1)-r)    minNotFound = true;    k = k+1;    while minNotFound && k+1 < length(path)      if norm(path(k)-r) < norm(path(k+1)-r)        minNotFound = false;      else        k = k+1;      end    end  endelse  k = length(path);endend

⛄ 运行结果

⛄ 参考文献

[1] 赵帅.四旋翼飞行器几种姿态控制算法的研究[D].广西师范大学,2017.

[2] 万斌.四旋翼无人机协同作业研究[D].青岛理工大学[2023-07-30].DOI:CNKI:CDMD:2.1018.072052.

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🍅 仿真咨询

1 各类智能优化算法改进及应用


2 机器学习和深度学习方面




3 路径规划方面


4 无人机应用方面


5 无线传感器定位及布局方面


6 信号处理方面


7 电力系统方面


8 元胞自动机方面

交通流 人群疏散 病毒扩散 晶体生长

9 雷达方面


缓存 算法 物联网
本系统基于MATLAB 2017b,对AODV与LEACH自组网进行了升级仿真,新增运动节点路由测试,修正丢包率统计。AODV是一种按需路由协议,结合DSDV和DSR,支持动态路由。程序包含参数设置、消息收发等功能模块,通过GUI界面配置节点数量、仿真时间和路由协议等参数,并计算网络性能指标。 该代码实现了节点能量管理、簇头选举、路由发现等功能,并统计了网络性能指标。
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算法 5G 数据安全/隐私保护
该简介展示了使用MATLAB 2022a进行无线通信信道仿真的结果,仿真表明信道的时间、频率和空间相关性随间隔增加而减弱,并且宏小区与微小区间的相关性相似。文中介绍了SCM和SCME模型,分别用于WCDMA和LTE/5G系统仿真,重点在于其空间、时间和频率相关性的建模。SCME模型在SCM的基础上进行了扩展,提供了更精细的参数化,增强了模型的真实性和复杂度。最后附上了MATLAB核心程序,用于计算不同天线间距下的空间互相关性。
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算法 5G 数据安全/隐私保护
该研究利用MATLAB 2022a进行了3D-MIMO技术的仿真,结果显示了不同场景下的LOS概率曲线。3D-MIMO作为5G关键技术之一,通过三维天线阵列增强了系统容量和覆盖范围。其信道模型涵盖UMa、UMi、RMa等场景,并分析了LOS/NLOS传播条件下的路径损耗、多径效应及空间相关性。仿真代码展示了三种典型场景下的LOS概率分布。
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该程序基于蚁群优化算法(ACO)为无人机(UAV)规划最优巡检路线,将无人机视作“蚂蚁”,巡检点作为“食物源”,目标是最小化总距离、能耗或时间。使用MATLAB 2022a版本实现,通过迭代更新信息素浓度来优化路径。算法包括初始化信息素矩阵、蚂蚁移动与信息素更新,并在满足终止条件前不断迭代,最终输出最短路径及其长度。
算法 数据挖掘 vr&ar
该程序基于ESTAR指数平滑转换自回归模型,对CPI数据进行统计分析与MATLAB仿真,主要利用M-ESTAR模型计算WNL值、P值、Q值及12阶ARCH值。ESTAR模型结合指数平滑与状态转换自回归,适用于处理经济数据中的非线性趋势变化。在MATLAB 2022a版本中运行并通过ADF检验验证模型的平稳性,适用于复杂的高阶自回归模型。
机器学习/深度学习 算法
本课题旨在通过提取ECG信号的时空特征并应用QRS波检测算法识别心电信号中的峰值。使用MATLAB 2022a版本实现系统仿真,涵盖信号预处理、特征提取、特征选择、阈值设定及QRS波检测等关键步骤,以提高心脏疾病诊断准确性。预处理阶段采用滤波技术去除噪声,检测算法则结合了一阶导数和二阶导数计算确定QRS波峰值。
机器学习/深度学习 算法 数据安全/隐私保护
本项目展示了一种结合粒子群优化(PSO)与分组卷积神经网络(GroupCNN)的时间序列预测算法。该算法通过PSO寻找最优网络结构和超参数,提高预测准确性与效率。软件基于MATLAB 2022a,提供完整代码及详细中文注释,并附带操作步骤视频。分组卷积有效降低了计算成本,而PSO则智能调整网络参数。此方法特别适用于金融市场预测和天气预报等场景。
机器学习/深度学习 算法 数据安全/隐私保护
本项目展示了一种结合非采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)与卷积神经网络(CNN)的人脸识别系统。通过NSCT提取多尺度、多方向特征,并利用CNN的强大分类能力实现高效识别。项目包括ORL人脸库的训练结果对比,提供Matlab 2022a版本下的完整代码及详细中文注释,另有操作步骤视频指导。
机器学习/深度学习 算法
该程序基于小波神经网络实现数据分类,输入为5个特征值,输出为“是”或“否”。使用MATLAB 2022a版本,50组数据训练,30组数据验证。通过小波函数捕捉数据局部特征,提高分类性能。训练误差和识别结果通过图表展示。

