⛄ 内容介绍
最小二乘支持向量机是支持向量机的一种改进,它是将传统支持向量机中的不等式约束改为等式约束, 且将误差平方和(SumSquaresError)损失函数作为训练集的经验损失,这样就把解二次规划问题转化为求解线性方程组问题, 提高求解问题的速度和收敛精度。
2.1 最小二乘支持向量机Matlab工具箱下载链接:https://www.esat.kuleuven.be/sista/lssvmlab/(毫无疑问下载最新版本)
2.2 将LS-SVM文件添加到matlan使用路径中,便可直接使用。
1 导入训练数据:load 读取mat文件和ASCII文件;xlsread读取.xls文件;csvread读取.csv文件。
2 数据预处理:效果是加快训练速度。
方法有:归一化处理(把每组数据都变为 - 1~ +1之间的数, 所涉及到的函数有premnmx, post mnmx, tramnmx)
标准化处理(把每组数据都化为均值为 0, 方差为 1的一组数据, 所涉及到的函数有 prestd,poatstd, trastd)
主成分分析 (进行正交处理, 减少输入数据的维数, 所涉及到的函数有 prepca, trapca)
3 LS-SVM lab用于函数回归主要用到 3个函数, trainlssvm函数用来训练建立模型, simlssvm函数用于预估模型, plotlssvm函数是 LS-SVM lab工具箱的专用绘图函数。
⛄ 部分代码
disp('This is a simple demo, solving a simple regression task using');
disp('LS-SVMlab and constructing confidence intervals. A dataset is constructed in the right formatting. The');
disp('data are represented as matrices where each row contains one');
disp('datapoint: ');
disp(' ');
disp('press <ENTER> key'); pause
disp(' ');
disp('>> X = (-3:0.02:3)'';');
X = (-3:0.02:3)';
disp('>> Y = sinc(X)+0.1.*randn(length(X),1);');
eval('Y = sinc(X)+0.1.*randn(length(X),1);',...
'Y = sin(pi.*X+12345*eps)./(pi*X+12345*eps)+0.1.*randn(length(X),1);');
disp('>> X');
disp('>> Y');
disp('In order to make an LS-SVM model, we need 2 extra parameters: gamma');
disp('(gam) is the regularization parameter, determining the trade-off');
disp('between the fitting error minimization and smoothness of the');
disp('estimated function. sigma^2 (sig2) is the kernel function');
disp('parameter of the RBF kernel. These can be found via cross-validation:');
disp(' ');
model = initlssvm(X,Y,'f',[],[],'RBF_kernel','o');
disp('>> model = tunelssvm(model,''simplex'',''crossvalidatelssvm'',{10,''mse''});');
model = tunelssvm(model,'simplex','crossvalidatelssvm',{10,'mse'});
disp(' ');
disp('press <ENTER> key'); pause
disp(' ');
disp('Training the model ');
disp(' ');
disp('>> model = trainlssvm(model)');
model = trainlssvm(model);
disp(' ');
disp('Computation of Confidence Intervals ');
disp(' ');
disp('press <ENTER> key'); pause
disp('ci = cilssvm(model);')
ci = cilssvm(model);
disp('The LS-SVM result and confidence intervals can be displayed if the dimension of the input');
disp('data is 1 or 2. ');
disp(' ');
disp('>> plotlssvm(model);');
figure; plotlssvm(model);
disp(' ');
hold all
disp('All plotting is done with this simple command. It looks for the');
disp('best way of displaying the result.')
disp(' ');
disp(' This concludes the demo');
⛄ 运行结果