💥1 概述
作为计算机视觉的基本研究内容,图像局部特征描述的目的是利用特征向量来稳定地表达被检测图像的局部特征,从而利用这些特征构成的描述子来稳定进行图像的匹配,具有一定的理论研究价值和实际工程应用价值。特别是随着近年来深度学习技术的兴起与快速发展,该领域的研究者们都相继提出了许多不同的研究方法。如今,基于学习的局部特征描述方法在该领域越来越受欢迎。然而,在不同场景和任务要求中,研究者都在致力于如何设计在精确性、鲁棒性和效率方面具有卓越性能的图像局部特征描述方法。本文对经典的手工设计和主流的基于学习两类方法分别进行全面而系统的分析与总结。最后总结了图像局部特征描述的现状,并为未来的工作提供参考。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于检测黑色素瘤皮肤病变的计算机辅助诊断(CAD)系统。本文的目的是开发一种新的形状描述符来分析形状的轮廓不规则性,称为基于凸缺陷的特征(CDBS)。 主要m_file(CDBS_curve.m)首先计算典型黑色素瘤病变的CDBS。然后,将使用CAD方案呈现病变类型(黑色素瘤或非黑色素瘤)。
📚2 运行结果
% compute Convex Deficiency-Based Signature for an examplary melanoma lesion % exctracting 5 proposed features from CDBS curve % exctracting 12 shape & textural features % plotting CDBS curve % detecting type of the lesion clc clear all close all % reading original melanoma image & its binary mask I=imread('./SSM25_orig.jpg'); imBW=imread('./SSM25_contour.png'); % Preprocessing the input RGB image im = PREPROCESS(I); % obtaining coordinates of lesion contour [B,L] = bwboundaries(imBW,'noholes'); bn=B{1,1}; % obtaining convex hull of lesion shape s1=regionprops(L,'ConvexHull','Area','Perimeter','centroid',... 'PixelList','Solidity','Extent','BoundingBox'); ch=cat(1,s1.ConvexHull); % calculating CDBS di=zeros(length(ch),length(bn)); for j=1:length(bn) for k=1:length(ch) di(k,j)=sqrt( (bn(j,1)-ch(k,2))^2+(bn(j,2)-ch(k,1))^2 ); end end CDBS=min(di); %% Extracting features from CDBS Curve % Finding Local Extrema [ymax1,imax1,ymin1,imin1] = extrema(CDBS); % Variance of CDBS curve Fp(1,1) = var(CDBS,1); % 10th order central standardized moment of CDBS curve Fp(2,1) = normoment(CDBS,10); % Ratio of Median point of CDBS curve % to number of boundary points Fp(3,1) = median(CDBS)/length(CDBS); % Ratio of number of zero-incidence points on % CDBS curve to number of boundary points Fp(4,1) = (length(find(CDBS==min(CDBS))))/length(CDBS); % Ratio of number of zero-incidence points to the % number of maximum extrema on CDBS curve Fp(5,1) = (length(find(CDBS==min(CDBS))))/length(ymax1); %% Extracting shape & textural features % Transforming main image to gray scale imgray=rgb2gray(im); % Transforming main image to HSV color space imhsv=rgb2hsv(im); % lesion area A=cat(1,s1.Area); % lesion perimeter P=cat(1,s1.Perimeter); % coordinate of lesion center centroids=cat(1,s1.Centroid); % bounding box information Box=cat(1,s1.BoundingBox); % coordinates of lesion pixels Pix_list=cat(1,s1.PixelList); % obtaining lesion Major axis & Minor axis information s2=diameter(L); maj_co=s2.MajorAxis; min_co=s2.MinorAxis; % Computing Major Axis Length max_axis=sqrt((maj_co(1,1)-maj_co(2,1))^2+... (maj_co(1,2)-maj_co(2,2))^2); % Computing Minor Axis Length min_axis=sqrt((min_co(1,1)-min_co(2,1))^2+... (min_co(1,2)-min_co(2,2))^2); % Computing distance of left corner of bounding box % from centroid of the lesion dist_Cbox=((Box(1,1)-centroids(1,1))^2+... (Box(1,2)-centroids(1,2))^2); % Computing sum of entire gray scale values of lesion for j=1:length(Pix_list) gray1(j,1)=imgray(Pix_list(j,2),Pix_list(j,1)); end % Computing sum of all lesion region values in HSV color space for k=1:3 for j=1:length(Pix_list) hsv1(j,k)=imhsv(Pix_list(j,2),Pix_list(j,1),k); end Shsv(1,k)=sum(hsv1(:,k)); end % Ratio of lesion area to its bounding box area. Fl(1,1)=cat(1,s1.Extent); % Ratio of maximum axis of the lesion to its minimum axis Fl(2,1)=max_axis/min_axis; % Ratio of the lesion bounding box length to its bounding box width Fl(3,1)=Box(1,3)/Box(1,4); % Ratio of lesion area to its convex hull area Fl(4,1)=cat(1,s1.Solidity); % Ratio of the lesion area to the distance of leftcorner % of bounding box from centroid of the lesion Fl(5,1)=A/dist_Cbox; % Ratio of sum of entire gray scale values of % lesion region to its area Fl(6,1)=sum(gray1)/A; % Ratio of the lesion area to its squared perimeter Fl(7,1)=A/(P^2); % Ratio of the lesion perimeter to its bounding box perimater Fl(8,1)=P/(2*(Box(1,3) + Box(1,4))); % Ratio of the sum of all lesion region values % in HSV color space to the lesion area Fl(9,1)=Shsv(1,1)/A; Fl(10,1)=Shsv(1,2)/A; Fl(11,1)=Shsv(1,3)/A; % A nonlinear combination of Fl(6,1) & Fl(11,1) Fl(12,1) = Fl(6,1)^2 + Fl(11,1)^2; %% figures % displaying melanoma lesion with its convex hull figure(1), plot(bn(:,2),bn(:,1),'Color','k','LineWidth',2) hold on plot(ch(:,1),ch(:,2),'Color','k',... 'LineWidth',3,'LineStyle','--') legend('C(t)','H(l)') hold off saveas(gcf, './imBW.png') % plotting CDBS curve of a melanoma lesion figure(2),plot(CDBS,'Color','b','LineWidth',3) grid on xlabel('t','FontSize',10,'FontWeight','bold') ylabel('RCH(t)','FontSize',10,'FontWeight','bold') title('CDBS Curve') saveas(gcf, './CDBScurve.png') %% Estimating type of lesion % combining Fp & Fl F = [Fl; Fp]; % loading data: weight matrices, randomly split trainset, % testset and their targets load('./Preset.mat') % loading normalizing factors of each fold load('./mMax.mat') M = 0; nM = 0; % detecting types of the lesion by performing the classification % algorithm over 10 separate trials for kk = 1:10 % loading weight matrices for each trials Pre = Preset{kk,1}; Weight = Pre{1,3}; % minmax1 = mMax{kk,1}; % calculating the output of sample during 5-fold cross-validation for gg = 1:5 % min features min_f = minmax1{gg,1}; % max features max_f = minmax1{gg,2}; % Normalizing Test data Testdata = (F'-min_f)./(max_f-min_f); % loading wieght matrix of first layer in each trial v = Weight{gg,2}; % loading wieght matrix of second layer in each trial w = Weight{gg,1}; % compute output for testset y = Output(Testdata,v,w); % counting the number of times that test data is detected as % melanoma or non-melanoma in each fold and each trial if y(1,1)>y(2,1) M = M + 1; else nM = nM + 1; end w=[];v=[]; end Pre = []; minmax1 = []; end % detecting the type of the lesion by majority voting if M > nM display('Melanoma Detected') else display('non-Melanoma Detected') end
🎉3 参考文献
[1]Saeid Amouzad Mahdiraji, Yasser Baleghi, Sayed Mahmoud Sakhaei (2018) CDBS: Modified Shape Signature for Concave Boundaries Description: Application to Skin Lesion Classification