⛄ 内容介绍
The availability of communication channels able to offer a good level of quality of service is pivotal after theoccurrence of a disaster in order to share critical info or to coordinate search and rescue operations.
With the developments in both Smart City and 5G paradigms new communication opportunities arise thanks to ad-hoc networks among smartphones and surviving IoT devices, cellular networks as well as wireless networks based on vehicles.
With all these opportunities, the choice of the communication medium to use to access the Internet by the user equipment must consider the quality of service achievable through each of them, while reducing the amount of energy consumed for communicating, given that it might not be possible to have access to energy sources.
This work evaluates the adoption of Game Theory to find association strategies that maximize the quality of service perceived in post-disaster scenarios in which UAVs have been deployed to support the cellular network.
⛄ 部分代码
% Add functions to path
addpath('association', 'constants', 'data', 'evaluation', 'disruption', 'performance', 'placement', 'utils');
% Set random number generator seed for reproducibility
% rng(6);
% Definition of the area of interest
vertex_1 = [40.77405, 14.79425];
vertex_2 = [40.76728, 14.80319];
altitude = 280;
origin = [min(vertex_1(1), vertex_2(1)) + (max(vertex_1(1), vertex_2(1)) - min(vertex_1(1), vertex_2(1))) / 2, ...
min(vertex_1(2), vertex_2(2)) + (max(vertex_1(2), vertex_2(2)) - min(vertex_1(2), vertex_2(2))) / 2, altitude];
% Selection of network operator and technology
radio = ["LTE", "UMTS"];
mcc = 222;
mnc = [10, 6];
fprintf('Getting towers in the area ...');
towers_table = tower_placement(vertex_1, vertex_2, origin, altitude, radio, mcc, mnc);
% User placement
number_of_users = 500;
fprintf('Placing users in the area ...');
users_table = user_placement(vertex_1, vertex_2, altitude, number_of_users);
% Signal-based user association before disaster
fprintf('Performing signal-based user association before disaster ...');
[base_stations_info_table_sbbd, user_association_table_sbbd] = signal_based_association(users_table, towers_table, empty_uavs_table, true);
user_association_plot(users_table, towers_table, empty_uavs_table, user_association_table_sbbd, 'Signal-based pre-disaster');
% Natural disaster simulation
center = [0, 0];
radius = 250;
destruction_probability = 0.4;
damage_probability = 0.8;
fprintf('Simulating disaster ...');
towers_table_ad = natural_disaster(center, radius, destruction_probability, damage_probability, towers_table);
% Signal-based user association after disaster without UAVs
fprintf('Performing signal-based user association before disaster ...');
[base_stations_info_table_sbad, user_association_table_sbad] = signal_based_association(users_table, towers_table_ad, empty_uavs_table, true);
user_association_plot(users_table, towers_table_ad, empty_uavs_table, user_association_table_sbad, 'Signal-based post-disaster');
% UAV placement
cell_size = 20;
max_uavs = 48;
fprintf('Placing UAVs in the area (this may take a while) ...\n');
uavs_table = uav_placement(vertex_1, vertex_2, origin, altitude, cell_size, max_uavs, users_table, towers_table_ad);
% Signal-based user association after disaster with UAVs deployed
fprintf('Performing signal-based user association after UAV deployment ...');
[base_stations_info_table_sbadwu, user_association_table_sbadwu] = signal_based_association(users_table, towers_table_ad, uavs_table, true);
user_association_plot(users_table, towers_table_ad, uavs_table, user_association_table_sbadwu, 'Signal-based post-disaster with UAVs deployed');
% Game-theoretic user association after disaster with UAVs deployed
game_learning_rate = 0.05;
fprintf('Performing game-theoretic user association after UAV deployment ...');
[base_stations_info_table_gtadwu, user_association_table_gtadwu, changes_history] = game_theoretic_association(users_table, towers_table_ad, uavs_table, true, game_learning_rate);
user_association_plot(users_table, towers_table_ad, uavs_table, user_association_table_gtadwu, 'Game-theoretic post-disaster with UAVs deployed');
% Plot user throughput distributions
throughput_distributions = [user_association_table_gtadwu.throughput user_association_table_sbadwu.throughput user_association_table_sbad.throughput user_association_table_sbbd.throughput];
labels = {'Ottimizzato', 'Post-disastro con UAV', 'Post-disastro', 'Pre-disastro'};
throughput_distribution_plot(throughput_distributions, labels);
% Plot the number of strategy changes for each round of the game
⛄ 运行结果