⛄ 内容介绍
⛄ 部分代码
% @=============================================================================
% Reference: Identifying Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder
% from Cortical Hemodynamic Responses
% Using Machine Learning Approaches
% =============================================================================@
function main()
clc; clear; close all;
% Add current path and all subfolders to the path.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Pre-processed NIRS signals by: linear fitting, moving average, and
% removing artifact channels.
% The generated ∆HbO dataset:
% samples_52ch_HbO.mat
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Three steps of fNRIS signals analysis for differing MDDs from HCs
step = 3;
if step == 1
elseif step == 2
elseif step == 3
%% ===================================================================
% Feature Selection Method I: Ranking Features by Statistical Test
function Method1_RankingFeatures()
% (1) A data matrix consists of 52 channels × 16 variables was extracted.
% (2) Statistical test was applied to find the significantly different
% channels on each variable, and subsequently generate feature channels
% as predictors for a classifier.
stat_result = statistics_test_feature();
% Results:
% Supplementary Figure 1 - Color Map
% Supplementary Figure 2 - count_sigdiff_channels
% Supplementary Table 3 - hc_cf_mstd, mdd_cf_mstd, pvalues_cluster
% % generate feature set with significant difference
% generate_sigdiff_feature(stat_result.feature_names, ...
% stat_result.diff_feature_cluster, ...
% stat_result.count_sigdiff_channels);
% (3) Five supervised models were implemented to learn pattern
% from feature channels
% (6)(10) Performances were evaluated by five-fold cross-validation and
% prediction accuracy
data_type = 'sigdiff_feature_topsigch'; % 'sigdiff_feature_topcluster'
feature_type = 'feature_channel';
feature_fname = 'featureset_sigdiff_5ch.mat';
integral_type = '';
centroid_type = '';
model_type = 'funcfit_nb';
[pred_train, pred_test] = test_feature_performance(data_type, ...
feature_type, feature_fname, ...
integral_type, centroid_type, ...
% Result: Supplementary Table 6
% (10) performances were estimated by nested cross-validation
[result_inner_cv, result_outer_train, result_outer_test] = ...
nested_crossvalidation(data_type, ...
feature_type, feature_fname, ...
'', '', model_type);
% Result: Supplementary Table 6
%% ===================================================================
% Feature Selection Method II: Two-phase Feature Selection by Genetic Algorithm
function Method2_GASelection()
% -------------- Phase-One --------------
% The input is the candidate channels from one of the 10 significant variables,
% while the output is a channel subset of the specific variable.
% The optimization of channel selection was performed over all 10 variables.
data_type = 'integral';
feature_type = 'feature_channel';
feature_fname = '';
integral_type = 'integral_stim';
centroid_type = '';
model_type = 'funcfit_svm';
func_pop = @func_population_rand;
binary_ga(data_type, feature_type, feature_fname, ...
integral_type, centroid_type, model_type, func_pop);
% Result: ga_ma50_integral_stim__svm_0.7316_0.7363.mat, etc.
% -------------- Phase-Two --------------
% The selected channel subsets from 10 significant variables were then
% combined into a feature set, i.e., fusion features.
% Result: fusion_10variants_svm.mat, etc.
% GA learned which feature channels contributed best to the accuracy
% of a supervised model.
data_type = 'fusion_feature';
feature_type = 'feature_channel';
feature_fname = 'fusion_10variants_svm.mat';
model_type = 'funcfit_svm';
func_pop = @func_population_optm;
binary_ga(data_type, feature_type, feature_fname, ...
'', '', model_type, func_pop);
% Results:
% ga_fusion_features_svm_0.8053_0.7802.mat, etc.
% Supplementary Figure 3
%% ===================================================================
% Validate the Performance of Optimal Features
function Validation()
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Classification performances were reported by the
% 5-fold cross-validation in training set and
% prediction accuracy in test set.
data_type = 'ga_optimal_feature';
feature_type = 'feature_channel';
feature_fname = 'ga_fusion_features_svm_0.8053_0.7802.mat';
model_type = 'funcfit_svm';
[pred_train, pred_test] = test_feature_performance(data_type, ...
feature_type, feature_fname, ...
'', '', model_type);
% Result: TABLE 1 of main text
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Classification performances were estimated by nested cross-validation
[result_inner_cv, result_outer_train, result_outer_test] = ...
nested_crossvalidation(data_type, ...
feature_type, feature_fname, ...
'', '', model_type);
% Result: TABLE 1 of main text
% -------------- Characteristics of optimal feature --------------
p1_fus_feature_fname = 'fusion_10variants_svm.mat';
p2_opt_feature_fname = 'ga_fusion_features_svm_0.8053_0.7802.mat';
[pvalues_optfeatures, pvalues_roifeatures, ...
hc_roi, mdd_roi, count_common_channels] = ...
test_optimalfeature(p1_fus_feature_fname, p2_opt_feature_fname);
% Results:
% Figure 2 of main text -- hc_roi, mdd_roi
% Figure 3 of main text -- count_common_channels
% Supplementary Table 4 -- hc_roi, mdd_roi, pvalues_roifeatures
% -------------- Common features between different models --------------
% test_common_features();
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1]江筱, 邵珠宏, 尚媛园,等. 基于级联深度神经网络的抑郁症识别[J]. 计算机应用与软件, 2019, 36(10):7.