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% SeismicAnalysis_3DFrames_Ex02%----------------------------------------------------------------% PURPOSE % To compute the Dynamic Non-Linear Seismic analysis for a % 3D Reinforced Concrete Frame.%%----------------------------------------------------------------% Notes: There is the option to extract the topology of the % structure from a SAP2000 model by using the SM Toolbox.%% To download the SM Toolbox visit: % https://github.com/RJ-Soft/SM-Toolbox/releases/tag/7.0.2%----------------------------------------------------------------%% LAST MODIFIED: L.F.Veduzco 2023-06-13% Faculty of Engineering% Autonomous University of Queretaro%----------------------------------------------------------------clear allclc%% Topology and node coordinates%{% OOPTION 2: Imported from a SAP2000 model (the SM Toolbox is required)APIDLLPath ='C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\SAP2000 22\SAP2000v1.dll';ProgramPath ='C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\SAP2000 22\SAP2000.exe';ModelName = 'Frame_Ex01.sdb';ModelPath = fullfile('C:\Users\luizv\OneDrive\SeismicAnalysis_3DFrames\StaticModalAnalysis\FrameSAP2000_Ex02',ModelName);[coordxyz,NiNf]=ExtractTopologySAP2000(ProgramPath,APIDLLPath,... ModelPath); coordxyz=coordxyz*2.54; % to change the location coordinates from in to cm%}% OPTION 1: Coordinates and connectivity manually givenNiNf=[1,2; 2,3; 3,4; 3,5; 5,6; 7,8; 8,9; 9,10; 9,11; 11,12; 8,2; 9,3; 11,5; 2,13; 13,14; 14,3; 14,15; 15,5; 8,16; 16,17; 17,9; 17,18; 18,11; 16,13; 17,14; 18,15; 13,19; 19,20; 20,14; 20,21; 21,15; 16,22; 22,23; 23,17; 23,24; 24,18; 22,19; 23,20; 24,21]; coordxyz=[0,0,0; 0,0,118.110236220472; 137.795275590551,0,118.110236220472; 137.795275590551,0,0; 393.700787401575,0,118.110236220472; 393.700787401575,0,0; 0,157.480314960630,0; 0,157.480314960630,118.110236220472; 137.795275590551,157.480314960630,118.110236220472; 137.795275590551,157.480314960630,0; 393.700787401575,157.480314960630,118.110236220472; 393.700787401575,157.480314960630,0; 0,0,236.220472440945; 137.795275590551,0,236.220472440945; 393.700787401575,0,236.220472440945; 0,157.480314960630,236.220472440945; 137.795275590551,157.480314960630,236.220472440945; 393.700787401575,157.480314960630,236.220472440945; 0,0,354.330708661417; 137.795275590551,0,354.330708661417; 393.700787401575,0,354.330708661417; 0,157.480314960630,354.330708661417; 137.795275590551,157.480314960630,354.330708661417; 393.700787401575,157.480314960630,354.330708661417]*2.54;nnodes=length(coordxyz(:,1));nbars=39;% Topology matrixni=NiNf(:,1);nf=NiNf(:,2); Edof=zeros(nbars,13);for i=1:nbars Edof(i,1)=i; Edof(i,2)=ni(i)*6-5; Edof(i,3)=ni(i)*6-4; Edof(i,4)=ni(i)*6-3; Edof(i,5)=ni(i)*6-2; Edof(i,6)=ni(i)*6-1; Edof(i,7)=ni(i)*6; Edof(i,8)=nf(i)*6-5; Edof(i,9)=nf(i)*6-4; Edof(i,10)=nf(i)*6-3; Edof(i,11)=nf(i)*6-2; Edof(i,12)=nf(i)*6-1; Edof(i,13)=nf(i)*6; end%% Materials% f'c of each elementfc1=300;fpc=zeros(nbars,1)+fc1;% Elasticity modulus of each element in function of f'cE=14000.*sqrt(fpc);v1=0.2;v=zeros(nbars,1)+v1; % Poisson modulusG=E./(2.*(1+v)); % Shear modulus%% Geometry% cross-section dimensions of each element (rectangular geometry)dimensions=[30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 25 40; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 25 40; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 30 30; 25 40; 25 40; 25 40];% cross-section area of each elementA=dimensions(:,1).*dimensions(:,2);% Cross-section inertiaIy=1/12.*dimensions(:,1).*dimensions(:,2).^3;Iz=1/12.*dimensions(:,2).*dimensions(:,1).^3;adim=dimensions(:,2).*0.5;bdim=dimensions(:,1).*0.5;% Saint Venant constant (polar inertia - Torsion)J=adim.*bdim.^3.*(16/3-3.36.*bdim./adim.*(1-bdim.^4./(12.*adim.^4))); %% Prescribed boudnary conditions [dof, displacement]bc=[1 0; 2 0; 3 0; 4 0; 5 0; 6 0; 19 0; 20 0; 21 0; 22 0; 23 0; 24 0; 31 0; 32 0; 33 0; 34 0; 35 0; 36 0; 37 0; 38 0; 39 0; 40 0; 41 0; 42 0; 55 0; 56 0; 57 0; 58 0; 59 0; 60 0; 67 0; 68 0; 69 0; 70 0; 71 0; 72 0]; %% Additional data (optional)type_elem=[1 "Col"; 2 "Beam"; 3 "Col"; 4 "Beam"; 5 "Col"; 6 "Col"; 7 "Beam"; 8 "Col"; 9 "Beam"; 10 "Col"; 11 "Beam"; 12 "Beam"; 13 "Beam"; 14 "Col"; 15 "Beam"; 16 "Col"; 17 "Beam"; 18 "Col"; 19 "Col"; 20 "Beam"; 21 "Col"; 22 "Beam"; 23 "Col"; 24 "Beam"; 25 "Beam"; 26 "Beam"; 27 "Col"; 28 "Beam"; 29 "Col"; 30 "Beam"; 31 "Col"; 32 "Col"; 33 "Beam"; 34 "Col"; 35 "Beam"; 36 "Col"; 37 "Beam"; 38 "Beam"; 39 "Beam";]; elemcols=[];elembeams=[];beams=0;cols=0;for j=1:nbars if type_elem(j,2)=="Beam" beams=beams+1; elembeams=[elembeams,j]; elseif type_elem(j,2)=="Col" cols=cols+1; elemcols=[elemcols,j]; endend%% Local z axis of each elementfor i=1:nbars if type_elem(i,2)=="Col" eobars(i,:)=[0 1 0]; else eobars(i,:)=[0 0 1]; endend %% Loads beams_LL=-50; % Uniformly distributed loads over the beams% Assignation of distributed loads on beamsqbarxyz=zeros(nbars,4);qbarxyz(elembeams',3)=beams_LL;%% Mode of vibration of interestmodal=2; % 2 -> acceleration in the x direction % 1 -> acceleration in the y direction%% Damping matrix (for the damped case)omega1=3; % Frequenciesomega2=5;zeta1=0.25; % Damping factorszeta2=0.2; D=[1/(2*omega1) omega1/2; 1/(2*omega2) omega2/2];theta=[zeta1; zeta2];RayCoeff=D\theta; % Rayleigh coefficients%% Modal analysispvconc=0.0024; % unit weight of concreteunitWeightElm=zeros(nbars,1)+pvconc;% Consistent mass method[Cgl,Mgl,Kgl]=SeismicModalMDOF3DFrames(coordxyz,A,unitWeightElm,qbarxyz,...eobars,Edof,E,G,J,Iy,Iz,NiNf(:,1),NiNf(:,2),g,RayCoeff);Dof=zeros(nnodes,6);for i=1:nnodes Dof(i,1)=6*i-5; Dof(i,2)=6*i-4; Dof(i,3)=6*i-3; Dof(i,4)=6*i-2; Dof(i,5)=6*i-1; Dof(i,6)=6*i;end[Ex,Ey,Ez]=coordxtr(Edof,coordxyz,Dof,2);%% Dynamic analysis% Seismic response spectrum from the CFE-15g=981; % gravity accelerationFsit=2.4; FRes=3.8; % Factores de sitio y de respuestaa0_tau=9; % cm/seg^2ro=0.8; % Redundance factoralf=0.9; % Irregularity factorQ=4; % Seismic behaviour factorTa=0.1;Tb=0.6;Te=0.5; % Structure's periodk=1.5; % Design spectrum slopeQp=1+(Q-1)*sqrt(Te/(k*Tb)); % Ductility factorRo=2.5; % Over-resistance indexR=Ro+1-sqrt(Te/Ta); % Over-resistance factorsa=-a0_tau*Fsit*FRes/(R*Qp*alf*ro); % Reduced pseudo-acceleration (cm/seg^2)% Time discretizationdt=0.05;ttotal=10;t=0:dt:ttotal;npoints=length(t);% Ground acceleration historytload=1.5; % duration of external excitationg=sa*cos(5*t); % Acceleration in timefor i=1:length(g) if t(i)>3*tload g(i)=10*cos(30*t(i)); endendfigure(1)grid onplot(t,g,'b -','LineWidth',1.8)hold onxlabel('Time (sec)')ylabel('Acceleration (Kg/cm^2)')title('Ground acceleration in time')nodeHist=[2 13 19];dofhist=nodeHist*6-5; % dof to evaluate% Forces historyf=zeros(6*nnodes,npoints+1);for i=1:npoints % Modal analysis without Damping [f(:,i+1),Ts(:,i),Lai(:,i),Egv]=ModalsMDOF3DFrames(Mgl,Kgl,... bc,g(i),modal);end%% Plot of the modal in question and its frequencyFreq=1./Ts(:,1);zc=0.5*max(coordxyz(:,3));if length(modal)==1 % If only one modal was entered figure(6) % Undeformed structure grid on NoteMode=num2str(modal); title(strcat('Eigenmode ','- ',NoteMode)) elnum=Edof(:,1); plotpar=[1,2,1]; eldraw3(Ex,Ey,Ez,plotpar,elnum) % Deformed structure magnfac=100; Edb=extract(Edof,Egv(:,modal)); plotpar=[1,3,1]; [magnfac]=eldisp3(Ex,Ey,Ez,Edb,plotpar,magnfac); FreqText=num2str(Freq(modal)); NotaFreq=strcat('Freq(Hz)= ',FreqText); text(50,zc,NotaFreq);end% Analysis in time with viscous dampingbeta=0.25;gamma=0.5;d0=zeros(6*nnodes,1);v0=zeros(6*nnodes,1);% Solving the motion equation with the Newmark-Beta method% Initial elements' end support conditionssupport=[1 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 2 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 3 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 4 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 5 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 6 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 7 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 8 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 9 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 10 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 11 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 12 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 13 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 14 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 15 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 16 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 17 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 18 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 19 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 20 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 21 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 22 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 23 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 24 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 25 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 26 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 27 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 28 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 29 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 30 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 31 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 32 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 33 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 34 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 35 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 36 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 37 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 38 "Fixed" "Fixed"; 39 "Fixed" "Fixed"]; % Elastic resistant bending moments for each element's endsMp=[5030800 5003800; 3630000 276940; 3190000 1190000; 3000000 5769400; 4630000 30076940; 8380000 1380000; 4630000 4769400; 9000000 5001090; 5030800 5003800; 363000 276940; 3190000 1190000; 300000 57694000; 4630000 3007694; 5030800 5003800; 3630000 276940; 3190000 1190000; 3000000 5769400; 4630000 30076940; 8380000 1380000; 4630000 4769400; 9000000 5001090; 5030800 5003800; 363000 276940; 3190000 1190000; 300000 57694000; 4630000 3007694; 5030800 5003800; 3630000 276940; 3190000 1190000; 3000000 5769400; 4630000 30076940; 8380000 1380000; 4630000 4769400; 9000000 5001090; 5030800 5003800; 363000 276940; 3190000 1190000; 300000 57694000; 4630000 3007694]*10; % Kg-cmmpbar=zeros(nbars,2); % to save the plastic moments at each articulation % of each bar as plastifications occurplastbars=zeros(2,nbars);% Non-Linear Newmark-Beta[Dsnap,D,V,A,elPlasHist]=MDOFNewmarkBetaNonLinear3DFrames(Kgl,Cgl,Mgl,d0,... v0,dt,beta,gamma,t,f,dofhist,bc,RayCoeff,qbarxyz,A,Mp,E,G,Iy,Iz,J,... coordxyz,ni,nf,eobars,support,mpbar,plastbars); %% Dynamic displacement analysis per DOFfigure(2)grid onplot(t,D(1,:),'b -','LineWidth',1.8)grid onlegend(strcat('DOF-',num2str(dofhist(1))))hold onfor i=2:length(dofhist) plot(t,D(i,:),'LineWidth',1.8,'DisplayName',... strcat('DOF-',num2str(dofhist(i))))endhold onxlabel('Time (sec)')ylabel('Displacements (cm)')title('Displacements in time per DOF')%% Deformation history of structuresdtstep=5;Xc=max(coordxyz(:,1));Yc=max(coordxyz(:,2));Zc=max(coordxyz(:,3));figure(3)axis('equal')axis offsfac=10; % This is the scale factor for the plotting of the deformed % structures.title(strcat('Deformed structures in time. Scale x ',num2str(sfac)))for i=1:5 Ext=Ex+(i-1)*(Xc+400); plotpar=[1,2,1]; elnum=Edof(:,1); %eldraw3(Ext,Ey,Ez,plotpar,elnum); Edb=extract(Edof,Dsnap(:,dtstep*i-(dtstep-1))); plotpar=[1,3,1]; eldisp3(Ext,Ey,Ez,Edb,plotpar,sfac); Time=num2str(t(5*i-4)); NotaTime=strcat('Time(seg)= ',Time); text((Xc+400)*(i-1)+50,150,NotaTime);endEyt=Ey-(Yc+1000);for i=6:10 Ext=Ex+(i-6)*(Xc+400); plotpar=[1,2,1]; elnum=Edof(:,1); %eldraw3(Ext,Eyt,Ez,plotpar,elnum); Edb=extract(Edof,Dsnap(:,dtstep*i-(dtstep-1))); plotpar=[1,3,1]; [sfac]=eldisp3(Ext,Eyt,Ez,Edb,plotpar,sfac); Time=num2str(t(5*i-4)); NotaTime=strcat('Time(seg)= ',Time); text((Xc+400)*(i-6)+50,-250,NotaTime) end% ----------------------------- End ----------------------------------
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🔗 参考文献
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