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function [h] = plotStabDiag(fn,Az,fs,stablity_status,Nmin,Nmax)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% [h] = plotStabDiag(fn,Az,fs,stablity_status,Nmin,Nmax) plots the% stabilization diagram of the identified eigen frequencies as a function% of the model order, calculated with the SSI-COV method.% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% Input:% fn: cell : eigen frequencies identified for multiple system orders.% Az : vector: Time serie of acceleration response (illustrative purpose)% fs: sampling frequency% stablity_status: cell of stability status for each model order% Nmin: scalar: minimal number of model order% Nmax: scalar: maximal number of model order% Output: h: handle of the figure% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% See also: SSICOV.m% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% Author: Etienne Cheynet, UIS% Updated on: 08/03/2016% -------------------------------------------------------------------------Npoles =Nmin:1:Nmax;[Saz,f]=pwelch(Az,[],[],[],fs);h = figure;ax1 = axes;hold on;box onfor jj=0:4, y = []; x = []; for ii=1:numel(fn) ind = find(stablity_status{ii}==jj); x = [x;fn{ii}(ind)']; y = [y;ones(numel(ind),1).*Npoles(ii)]; end x1{jj+1}=x; y1{jj+1}=y;endh1=plot(x1{1},y1{1},'k+','markersize',5);% new poleh2=plot(x1{2},y1{2},'ko','markerfacecolor','r','markersize',5); % stable poleh3=plot(x1{3},y1{3},'bo','markersize',5); % pole with stable frequency and vectorh4=plot(x1{4},y1{4},'gsq','markersize',5); % pole with stable frequency and dampingh5=plot(x1{5},y1{5},'gx','markersize',5); % pole with stable frequencyif isempty(h1), h1=0;elseif isempty(h2), h2=0;elseif isempty(h3), h3=0;elseif isempty(h4), h4=0;elseif isempty(h5), h5=0;endH = [h1(1),h2(1),h3(1),h4(1),h5(1)];legend(H,... 'new pole',... 'stable pole',... 'stable freq. & MAC',... 'stable freq. & damp.',... 'stable freq.',... 'location','Northoutside','orientation','horizontal');ylabel('number of poles');xlabel('f (Hz)')xlim([0,max([fn{:}])*1.1])hold offax2 = axes('YAxisLocation', 'Right');linkaxes([ax1,ax2])plot(ax2,f,Saz./max(Saz).*0.001,'k');ax2.YLim = [0,Nmax];ax2.XLim = [0,max([fn{:}])*1.1];set(ax2,'yscale','log')ax2.Visible = 'off';ax2.XTick = [];ax2.YTick = [];set(gcf,'color','w')end
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🔗 参考文献
[1] Magalhaes, F., Cunha, A., & Caetano, E. (2009). Online automatic identification of the modal parameters of a long span arch bridge. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23(2), 316-329.
[2] Cheynet, E., Jakobsen, J. B., & Snæbjörnsson, J. (2016).Buffeting response of a suspension bridge in complex terrain. Engineering Structures, 128, 474-487.
[3] Cheynet, E., Jakobsen, J. B., & Snæbjörnsson, J. (2017).Damping estimation of large wind-sensitive structures.Procedia Engineering, 199, 2047-2053.
[4] Cheynet, E., Snæbjörnsson, J., & Jakobsen, J. B. (2017).Temperature Effects on the Modal Properties of a Suspension Bridge.In Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2 (pp. 87-93). Springer.