⛄ 内容介绍
一,引言 对政府收支及其宏观经济效应的研究是公共财政理论的学科范畴,其核心是在以家庭(或代表性消费者),厂商和市场为考察对象的最优经济增长模型的基础上,引入了政府行为并分析其对宏观均衡的经济变量人均增长,资本与消费水平等的影响.在Solow模型中引入政府支出,得出了政府支出增加会减少均衡时的资本存量,从而减少实际人均均衡产出的结论.该结论与古典的IS-LM模型的结论完全相左,原因在于Solow模型的固定储蓄率假设导致了消费者不能选择储蓄行为.而Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans模型(以下简称PCK模型)将储蓄率作为内生变最,得出"政府支出的增加对均衡时的资本存量没有影响,仅仅把消费水平降低了相同的比例"的结论.该结论仍与实证研究以及传统的IS-LM模型的结论不符,解释力不足,原因可能是忽略了两种现象:一是人们在跨期选择时对未来的耐心程度即贴现因子具有内生性,即消费者行为对宏观经济均衡有影响;二是存在某些影响效用或生产的变量没有被引入效用函数或生产函数.
⛄ 部分代码
function varargout = ds2nfu(varargin)
% DS2NFU Convert data space units into normalized figure units.
% [Xf, Yf] = DS2NFU(X, Y) converts X,Y coordinates from
% data space to normalized figure units, using the current axes. This is
% useful as input for ANNOTATION.
% POSf = DS2NFU(POS) converts 4-element position vector, POS from
% data space to normalized figure units, using the current axes. The
% position vector has the form [Xo Yo Width Height], as defined here:
% web(['jar:file:D:/Applications/MATLAB/R2006a/help/techdoc/' ...
% 'help.jar!/creating_plots/axes_pr4.html'], '-helpbrowser')
% [Xf, Yf] = DS2NFU(HAX, X, Y) converts X,Y coordinates from
% data space to normalized figure units, on specified axes HAX.
% POSf = DS2NFU(HAX, POS) converts 4-element position vector, POS from
% data space to normalized figure units, using the current axes.
% Ex.
% % Create some data
% t = 0:.1:4*pi;
% s = sin(t);
% % Add an annotation requiring (x,y) coordinate vectors
% plot(t,s);ylim([-1.2 1.2])
% xa = [1.6 2]*pi;
% ya = [0 0];
% [xaf,yaf] = ds2nfu(xa,ya);
% annotation('arrow',xaf,yaf)
% % Add an annotation requiring a position vector
% pose = [4*pi/2 .9 pi .2];
% posef = ds2nfu(pose);
% annotation('ellipse',posef)
% % Add annotations on a figure with multiple axes
% figure;
% hAx1 = subplot(211);
% plot(t,s);ylim([-1.2 1.2])
% hAx2 = subplot(212);
% plot(t,-s);ylim([-1.2 1.2])
% [xaf,yaf] = ds2nfu(hAx1,xa,ya);
% annotation('arrow',xaf,yaf)
% pose = [4*pi/2 -1.1 pi .2];
% posef = ds2nfu(hAx2,pose);
% annotation('ellipse',posef)
% Michelle Hirsch
% mhirsch@mathworks.com
% Copyright 2006-2014 The MathWorks, Inc
%% Process inputs
error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin))
% Determine if axes handle is specified
if length(varargin{1})== 1 && ishandle(varargin{1}) && strcmp(get(varargin{1},'type'),'axes')
hAx = varargin{1};
varargin = varargin(2:end);
hAx = gca;
errmsg = ['Invalid input. Coordinates must be specified as 1 four-element \n' ...
'position vector or 2 equal length (x,y) vectors.'];
% Proceed with remaining inputs
if length(varargin)==1 % Must be 4 elt POS vector
pos = varargin{1};
if length(pos) ~=4,
[x,y] = deal(varargin{:});
if length(x) ~= length(y)
%% Get limits
axun = get(hAx,'Units');
axpos = get(hAx,'Position');
axlim = axis(hAx);
% Handle log scale axes
if strcmp(hAx.XScale,"log")
axlim(1:2) = log10(axlim(1:2));
x = log10(x);
if strcmp(hAx.YScale,"log")
axlim(3:4) = log10(axlim(3:4));
y = log10(y);
axwidth = diff(axlim(1:2));
axheight = diff(axlim(3:4));
%% Transform data
if exist('x','var')
varargout{1} = (x-axlim(1))*axpos(3)/axwidth + axpos(1);
varargout{2} = (y-axlim(3))*axpos(4)/axheight + axpos(2);
pos(1) = (pos(1)-axlim(1))/axwidth*axpos(3) + axpos(1);
pos(2) = (pos(2)-axlim(3))/axheight*axpos(4) + axpos(2);
pos(3) = pos(3)*axpos(3)/axwidth;
pos(4) = pos(4)*axpos(4)/axheight;
varargout{1} = pos;
%% Restore axes units
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1]吴立军, 曾繁华. 后危机时代中国经济增长的稳态路径研究--基于四万亿投资冲击下的偏离与均衡分析[J]. 当代财经, 2012(1):10.