
简介: 【滤波跟踪】基于粒子、sigma和卡尔曼滤波器实现目标跟踪滤波附matlab代码





智能优化算法  神经网络预测雷达通信 无线传感器

信号处理图像处理路径规划元胞自动机无人机 电力系统

⛄ 内容介绍


⛄ 部分代码

%% Particle Filter Demonstration


% This script demonstrates using a particle filter to determine the

% position and velocity of a bouncing ball for the article "How Kalman

% Filters Work".


% <http://www.anuncommonlab.com/articles/how-kalman-filters-work/>


% Copyright 2016 Tucker McClure @ An Uncommon Lab

%% Set up and start the figure.

% Set the random number generator seed so the results are the same every

% time we run the script. (Comment out this line to see different results

% every time.)


% Initial true state, measurement noise covariance, and measurement

x0 = [0; 3; 1; 0];

R  = 0.25^2 * eye(2);

z0 = x0(1:2) + covdraw(R);

% Initial state estimate and covariance. The initial particles will be

% centered on this initial estimate and distributed according to the

% covariance. The initial particle weights are all equal (1/N).

xh0 = [z0; 1; 0];

P0  = blkdiag(R, 2^2 * eye(2));

nX  = 100;

X   = bsxfun(@plus, covdraw(P0, nX), xh0);

w   = 1/nX * ones(1, nX);

% Calculate the whole true trajectory.

[~, x, t] = propagate_ball(0, 10, x0);

% Create a function to calculate the colors for the particles according to

% their weights. This looks pretty good.

colors = @(w) 1 - max(0.95*w/max(w).^0.85, 0.05);

% Prepare the figure.

set(clf(figure(1)), 'Color', [1 1 1]);


axis equal;

axis([-1 11 0 5]);

caxis([0 1]);

xlabel('Right [m]');

ylabel('Up [m]');

hold on;

% Add the initial particles.

hX = scatter(X(1,:), X(2,:), [], colors(w), '.');

% Measurement

hz = plot(z0(1), z0(2), 'o', 'Color', [0.85 0.325 0.098]);

% Start the legend.

legend([hz hX], 'Measurement', 'Particles');

% colorbar();

%% Propagate the truth and draw the measurement.

% Manually propagate the truth and take a noisy measurement.

tk = 1;

xk = propagate_ball(0, tk, x0);

zk = xk(1:2) + covdraw(R);

set(hz, 'XData', [get(hz, 'XData'), zk(1)], ...

       'YData', [get(hz, 'YData'), zk(2)]);

%% Propagate the particles, drawing their trajectories.

% Get trajectories for each ball.

xt = cell(1, nX);

Xn = zeros(size(X));

ht = zeros(1, nX);

line_colors = colors(w).' * [1 1 1];

for k = 1:nX

   [Xn(:,k), xt{k}] = propagate_ball(0, 1, X(:,k));

   ht(k) = plot(xt{k}(1,:), xt{k}(2,:), 'Color', line_colors(k,:));


set(hX, 'XData', Xn(1,:), 'YData', Xn(2,:), 'CData', colors(w));

uistack(hz, 'top');

%% Show distance to each particle.

hd = zeros(1, nX);

for k = 1:nX

   hd(k) = plot([xt{k}(1,end) zk(1)], [xt{k}(2,end), zk(2)], ...

                'Color', [0.85 0.325 0.098]);


%% Use the bootstrap filter to update the weights.

% Get rid of the error lines.


% Create the propagation and observation functions.

f = @propagate_ball;

h = @(t, x, u) x(1:2);

% Create a function to make a random process noise draw. Since we don't use

% process noise for the bouncing ball, this is pretty easy:

d = @(varargin) [];

% Create a function to determine how likely a measurement error is. Since

% our measurement errors are Gaussian, we'll use the probability density

% function for a multivariate Gaussian distribution. (Note, since the

% "probabilities" of each particle are only important relative to each

% other, we can drop the constant scaling factor of the PDF.)

invR = inv(R);

p = @(t, dz, varargin) exp(-0.5 * dz.' * invR * dz); %#ok<MINV>

% Run the bootstrap filter for the first time step.

[xh, X, w, wt] = bf(0, tk, ...  % Last and current times

                   X, w, ...   % Last particles and weights

                   [], ...     % Input vector (we don't use one)

                   zk, ...     % Current measurement

                   f, h, ...   % Propagation and measurement functions

                   d, ...      % Function to draw random process noise

                   p, ...      % Fcn to determine prob. of meas. error

                   [], ...     % Tuning parameter (let it use a default)

                   false);     % Don't resample and regularize (see below)

% Update the particle plot.

set(hX, 'XData', X(1,:), 'YData', X(2,:), 'CData', colors(wt));

% Update the trajectories.

line_colors = colors(wt).' * [1 1 1];

for k = 1:nX

   set(ht(k), 'Color', line_colors(k,:));


[~, si] = sort(wt, 'descend');

uistack(ht(si), 'top');

%% Show weighted average.

hxh = scatter(xh(1), xh(2), 100, [0.25 0.75 0.25], 'o', 'filled');

legend([hz hX hxh], 'Measurement', 'Particles', 'Estimated State');

%% Propagate again.

% Propagate the truth and create a noisy measurement.

tkm1 = tk;

tk   = 2;

xk = propagate_ball(tkm1, tk, xk);

zk = xk(1:2) + covdraw(R);

% Create the little trajectories for each particle.

for k = 1:nX

   [Xn(:,k), xt{k}] = propagate_ball(tkm1, tk, X(:,k));


% Update the measurement.

set(hz, 'XData', [get(hz, 'XData'), zk(1)], ...

       'YData', [get(hz, 'YData'), zk(2)]);

% Update the particles.

set(hX, 'XData', Xn(1,:), 'YData', Xn(2,:), 'CData', colors(wt));

% Update their trajectories.

line_colors = colors(wt).' * [1 1 1];

for k = 1:nX

   set(ht(k), 'XData', xt{k}(1,:), 'YData', xt{k}(2,:), ...

       'Color', line_colors(k,:));


[~, si] = sort(wt, 'descend');

uistack(ht(si), 'top');

%% Update weights again.

% Just get the updated weights. We don't want the new particles, because

% we're going to show the resampled and regularized particles next.

[~, ~, ~, wt] = bf(tkm1, tk, X, w, [], zk, f, h, d, p, [], false);

% draw_particles(Xn, wt);

% Update the particles.

set(hX, 'CData', colors(wt));

% Update their trajectories.

line_colors = colors(wt).' * [1 1 1];

for k = 1:nX

   set(ht(k), 'Color', line_colors(k,:));


[~, si] = sort(wt, 'descend');

uistack(ht(si), 'top');

%% Resample and regularize.

% Run the filter again, this time resampling and regularizing the

% particles.

[xh, X, w, wt] = bf(tkm1, tk, X, w, [], zk, f, h, d, p, [], true);

% Show the new estimate.

set(hxh, 'XData', [get(hxh, 'XData'), xh(1)], ...

        'YData', [get(hxh, 'YData'), xh(2)]);

% Update the particles.

set(hX, 'XData', X(1,:), 'YData', X(2,:), 'CData', colors(w));

% Hide the trajectories; they no longer connect to the particles.

set(ht, 'Visible', 'off');

% return;

%% Run out the filter for 10s.

% Turn the trajectories back on.

set(ht, 'Visible', 'on');

% Truth

hx = plot(xk(1), xk(2), 'x', 'Color', [0 0.4470 0.7410]);

legend([hz hX hxh hx], 'Measurements', 'Particles', 'Estimated', 'Truth');

% Start the animated GIF.

make_gif = true;

if make_gif

   animation_name = fullfile('animations', 'particle_demo_animation.gif');

   [A, map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe()), 256);

   imwrite(A, map, animation_name, 'gif', ...

           'LoopCount', inf, ...

           'DelayTime', 2);


% Set the time step for the simulation.

dt = 0.1;

% Loop until we reach 10s, animating the results.


t0 = tk;

for tk = tk+dt:dt:10


   % Update truth and create noisy measurement.

   xk = propagate_ball(tk-dt, tk, xk);

   zk = xk(1:2) + covdraw(R);


   % Create little trajectories for particles (just for the plot).

   for k = 1:nX

       [~, xt{k}] = propagate_ball(tk-dt, tk, X(:,k));


   % Resample on every other time step.

   resample = mod(tk, 0.2) < eps;


   % Run the filter.

   [xhk, X, w, wt] = bf(tk-dt, tk, X, w, [], zk, f, h, d, p, [], ...


   % Draw everything.

   set(hX,  'XData', X(1,:), 'YData', X(2,:), 'CData', colors(w));

   line_colors = colors(wt).' * [1 1 1];

   for k = 1:nX

       set(ht(k), 'XData', xt{k}(1,:), ...

                  'YData', xt{k}(2,:), ...

                  'Color', line_colors(k,:));


   set(hz,  'XData', [get(hz, 'XData') zk(1)], ...

            'YData', [get(hz, 'YData') zk(2)]);

   set(hxh, 'XData', [get(hxh, 'XData') xhk(1)], ...

            'YData', [get(hxh, 'YData') xhk(2)]);

   set(hx,  'XData', [get(hx, 'XData') xk(1)], ...

            'YData', [get(hx, 'YData') xk(2)]);

   % Add to the animated GIF.

   if make_gif

       [A, map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe()), 256);

       delay = dt;

       if tk == 10

           delay = 2;


       imwrite(A, map, animation_name, 'gif', ...

               'WriteMode', 'append', ...

               'DelayTime', delay);



   % Wait until it's time for the next frame.

   while toc() + t0 < tk + dt




end % simulation loop

% Plop full truth on top of it.

htt = plot(x(1, :), x(2, :), 'Color', [0 0.4470 0.7410]);

%% Example multimodal probability distribution

% This simple function will create the matrix square root of a random,

% valid covariance matrix.

randsqrtcov = @()   orth(randn(2)) ...      % Random rotation matrix

                 * diag(sqrt(rand(1, 2))); % Random eigenvalues

% Draw 3 random Gaussian distributions about 3 distinct means.


n = 500;


a = [randsqrtcov() * randn(2, n) + repmat(3 * randn(2,1), 1, n), ...

    randsqrtcov() * randn(2, n) + repmat(3 * randn(2,1), 1, n), ...

    randsqrtcov() * randn(2, n) + repmat(3 * randn(2,1), 1, n)];

plot(a(1,:), a(2,:), '.', 'Color', 0.75*[1 1 1]);

title('Example of Particles for a Multimodal Probability Distribution');

xlabel('State 1');

ylabel('State 2');

⛄ 运行结果

⛄ 参考文献

[1]杨玉林. 基于卡尔曼滤波和粒子滤波的目标跟踪性能对比[J]. 佳木斯大学学报:自然科学版, 2021.

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