- 为了更快的体验产品,使用了ModelScope提供的远程环境,即Notebook进行开发,更加便捷。免费GPU资源,不用白不用!!!
- 如果本地测试,也可以先安装依赖:pip install "modelscope[nlp]" -f https://modelscope.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/releases/repo.html
- 参考文档:基于modelscope提供的palm模型使用文档:https://modelscope.cn/?spm=a2c6h.12873639.article-detail.6.76931c2fFoao1h#/models/damo/nlp_palm2.0_text-generation_chinese-base/summary
- 数据:使用了中文LCSTS的test数据来测试以及英文的CNN/Dail Mail测试数据
- 中文测试:
frommodelscope.pipelinesimportpipelinefrommodelscope.utils.constantimportTaskstext_generation_zh=pipeline(Tasks.text_generation, model='damo/nlp_palm2.0_text-generation_chinese-base') result_zh=text_generation_zh("北上广深一线城市的房价节节攀高,二、三线城市的房价则喜忧参半。调查发现,“鬼城”现象正逐渐成为小城市中的普遍现象。媒体报道称有新开的楼盘因为位置相对比较偏不好卖,卖不出去,在开盘当天花钱雇人排队制造“热销”假象。") print(result_zh['text']) "鬼城现象逐渐成为小城市普遍现象"
- 英文测试:
frommodelscope.pipelinesimportpipelinefrommodelscope.utils.constantimportTaskstext_generation_en=pipeline(Tasks.text_generation, model='damo/nlp_palm2.0_text-generation_english-base') result_en=text_generation_en("The Director of Public Prosecutions who let off Lord Janner over alleged child sex abuse started""her career at a legal chambers when the disgraced Labour peer was a top QC there . Alison Saunders ,""54 , sparked outrage last week when she decided the 86-year-old should not face astring of charges""of paedophilia against nine children because he has dementia . Today , newly-released documents""revealed damning evidence that abuse was covered up by police andsocial workers for more than 20 years .""And now it has emerged Mrs Saunders ' law career got off to a flying start when she secured her""pupillage -- a barrister 's training contract at 1 Garden Court Chambers in London in 1983 .") print(result_en['text']) "Alison Saunders, 54, sparked outrage last week when she decided the 86-year-old should not face charges of paedophilia against nine children because he has dementia. New documents reveal damning evidence that abuse was covered up by police and social workers for more than 20 years. Mrs Saunders'law career got off to a flying start when she secured her pupillage - a barrister"
- 测试的case,模型对于新闻、热点等生成的摘要质量还可以,但是到其他领域,比如论文上效果差一些
- 针对较长的输入文本生成摘要能力较差,无法捕捉到隐藏在长文本中的关键信息