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%_______________________________________________________________________________________%% Multi-Verse Optimizer (MVO) source codes demo version 1.0 %% %% Developed in MATLAB R2011b(7.13) %% %% Author and programmer: Seyedali Mirjalili %% %% e-Mail: ali.mirjalili@gmail.com %% seyedali.mirjalili@griffithuni.edu.au %% %% Homepage: http://www.alimirjalili.com %% %% Main paper: %% %% S. Mirjalili, S. M. Mirjalili, A. Hatamlou %% Multi-Verse Optimizer: a nature-inspired algorithm for global optimization %% Neural Computing and Applications, in press,2015, %% DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-015-1870-7 %% %%_______________________________________________________________________________________%% You can simply define your cost in a seperate file and load its handle to fobj% The initial parameters that you need are:%__________________________________________% fobj = @YourCostFunction% dim = number of your variables% Max_iteration = maximum number of generations% SearchAgents_no = number of search agents% lb=[lb1,lb2,...,lbn] where lbn is the lower bound of variable n% ub=[ub1,ub2,...,ubn] where ubn is the upper bound of variable n% If all the variables have equal lower bound you can just% define lb and ub as two single number numbers% To run MVO: [Best_score,Best_pos,cg_curve]=MVO(Universes_no,Max_iteration,lb,ub,dim,fobj)%__________________________________________function [Best_universe_Inflation_rate,Best_universe,Convergence_curve]=MVO(N,Max_time,lb,ub,dim,fobj)%Two variables for saving the position and inflation rate (fitness) of the best universeBest_universe=zeros(1,dim);Best_universe_Inflation_rate=inf;%Initialize the positions of universesUniverses=initialization(N,dim,ub,lb);%Minimum and maximum of Wormhole Existence Probability (min and max in% Eq.(3.3) in the paperWEP_Max=1;WEP_Min=0.2;Convergence_curve=zeros(1,Max_time);%Iteration(time) counterTime=1;%Main loopwhile Time<Max_time+1 %Eq. (3.3) in the paper WEP=WEP_Min+Time*((WEP_Max-WEP_Min)/Max_time); %Travelling Distance Rate (Formula): Eq. (3.4) in the paper TDR=1-((Time)^(1/6)/(Max_time)^(1/6)); %Inflation rates (I) (fitness values) Inflation_rates=zeros(1,size(Universes,1)); for i=1:size(Universes,1) %Boundary checking (to bring back the universes inside search % space if they go beyoud the boundaries Flag4ub=Universes(i,:)>ub; Flag4lb=Universes(i,:)<lb; Universes(i,:)=(Universes(i,:).*(~(Flag4ub+Flag4lb)))+ub.*Flag4ub+lb.*Flag4lb; %Calculate the inflation rate (fitness) of universes Inflation_rates(1,i)=fobj(Universes(i,:)); %Elitism if Inflation_rates(1,i)<Best_universe_Inflation_rate Best_universe_Inflation_rate=Inflation_rates(1,i); Best_universe=Universes(i,:); end end [sorted_Inflation_rates,sorted_indexes]=sort(Inflation_rates); for newindex=1:N Sorted_universes(newindex,:)=Universes(sorted_indexes(newindex),:); end %Normaized inflation rates (NI in Eq. (3.1) in the paper) normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates=normr(sorted_Inflation_rates); Universes(1,:)= Sorted_universes(1,:); %Update the Position of universes for i=2:size(Universes,1)%Starting from 2 since the firt one is the elite Back_hole_index=i; for j=1:size(Universes,2) r1=rand(); if r1<normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates(i) White_hole_index=RouletteWheelSelection(-sorted_Inflation_rates);% for maximization problem -sorted_Inflation_rates should be written as sorted_Inflation_rates if White_hole_index==-1 White_hole_index=1; end %Eq. (3.1) in the paper Universes(Back_hole_index,j)=Sorted_universes(White_hole_index,j); end if (size(lb,2)==1) %Eq. (3.2) in the paper if the boundaries are all the same r2=rand(); if r2<WEP r3=rand(); if r3<0.5 Universes(i,j)=Best_universe(1,j)+TDR*((ub-lb)*rand+lb); end if r3>0.5 Universes(i,j)=Best_universe(1,j)-TDR*((ub-lb)*rand+lb); end end end if (size(lb,2)~=1) %Eq. (3.2) in the paper if the upper and lower bounds are %different for each variables r2=rand(); if r2<WEP r3=rand(); if r3<0.5 Universes(i,j)=Best_universe(1,j)+TDR*((ub(j)-lb(j))*rand+lb(j)); end if r3>0.5 Universes(i,j)=Best_universe(1,j)-TDR*((ub(j)-lb(j))*rand+lb(j)); end end end end end %Update the convergence curve Convergence_curve(Time)=Best_universe_Inflation_rate; %Print the best universe details after every 50 iterations if mod(Time,50)==0 display(['At iteration ', num2str(Time), ' the best universes fitness is ', num2str(Best_universe_Inflation_rate)]); end Time=Time+1;end
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