Automatic Detection of Welding Defects Using Faster R-CNN

简介: 专家需要正确检测测试结果,手动解释超过500个区块的结构的无线电图形测试图像需要大量时间和成本。

Automatic Detection of Welding Defects Using Faster R-CNN





Experts are required to properly detect the test results and it takes a lot of time and cost to manually Interpret the radio-graphic testing image of the structure over 500 blocks.


a method of automatically detecting welding defect using Faster R-CNN which is a deep learning basis.using data augmentation method to artificially increase the limited data.


1. Introduction

For the weld testing, there are various technologies such as radiographic testing (RT), ultrasonic testing (UT) and magnetic testing (MT) used as non-destructive testing (NDT).


Since welding information of more than 2000 locations per block is manually prepared, omissions and errors commonly occur, which requires additional work, resulting in a huge amount of time and cost.


Of various deep learning algorithms, a convolutional neural network (CNN) that has recently been researched a lot for image classification shows high performance compared to conventional algorithms.


not only the boundaries of defects but also the types of defects are important because NDT rules depending on the type of defect.that handles radiographic images, research on object detection employing CNN has already been underway.automatically detects the welding defects in radiographic images by employing Faster R-CNN that shows high-performance in terms of accuracy.


We compared ResNet [12] and Inception-ResNet V2 [13] that showed high-performance in ImageNet by configuring them as backbone networks.

我们通过将ResNet[12]和Inception-ResNet V2[13]配置为主干网络,比较了它们在ImageNet中表现出的高性能。

Table 1 describes the method and features of defect detection.



2 Methodology

2.1. Convolutional Neural Network

2.2. Faster R-CNN

Faster R-CNN, as shown in Figure 2a, proposed a novel method by constructing a neural network in the conventional selective search as a method of obtaining region proposals.

Faster R-CNN,如图2a所示,提出了一种新的方法,通过在传统的选择性搜索中构建神经网络来获得区域建议。


2.3. ResNet

In forming a deep network, the gradient value becomes too large or saturated with small values, resulting in a vanishing gradient problem that loses or slows the learning effect.


ResNet added an identity shortcut connection to the conventional neural network structure to obtain the learning effect of the deep network.

ResNet 在传统的神经网络结构上增加了一个身份快捷连接,以获得深度网络的学习效果。

2.4. Inception-ResNet V2

Inception-ResNet is a model that combines structural features and is divided into V1 and V2.Figure 3b shows the module A of Inception-ResNet [13].



The module form of Inception-ResNet V1 and Inception-ResNet V2 are the same, but there are differences in the number of internal filters and the modification of stem.

Inception-ResNet V1和 V2的模块形式相同,但在内部过滤器的数量和stem的修改上有所不同。

The Inception-ResNet model improves performance due to the difference between Inception V3 and V4. The high recognition rate and learning rate are verified through recent studies, and it is expected to achieve high outcomes when used as the feature extractor of the welding defect detection algorithm.

由于Inception V3和V4之间的差异,Inception-ResNet模型提高了性能。近期的研究验证了该算法具有较高的识别率和学习率,将其作为焊接缺陷检测算法的特征提取器有望取得较高的效果。

3 Welding Defect Data

In the dataset, the defect types are composed of porosity, lacks of fusion, slag, and cracks。The dataset is composed of radiographic testing images taken differently depending on the steel plate, pipe, and pipe size, thus it can be read and evaluated without dividing the weld after learning.


3.1. Pre-Processing

High-definition images degrade the learning rate, and it is difficult to expect good performance with an increase in the number of parameters to learn.


we removed the rest except for the weld and used it as the training data along with the information marked.



In this study, we segmented the radiographic testing images to fit the weld into Sections 2–5 (Figure 5). The segmented image becomes smaller from 4900 pixels to less than 980 pixels, and the learning rate was reduced from 1.7 s to 0.3 s per epoch.


The total number of data increased to 341 from the 134 through image segmentation. Of them, there are 321 training data and 20 validation data.


3.2. Small Object in Faster R-CNN

In MS COCO object detection competition [14], small , medium, and large are classified according to the pixel area, so the welds belong to both small and large object.

在MS COCO对象检测竞赛[14]中,根据像素面积对小型、中型和大型进行分类,因此焊缝同时属于小型和大型对象。

To theoretically estimate the size of the anchor box generated in RPN, we selected the size and aspect ratio by taking into account intersection over union (IoU) according to [15].


4. Experiments and Results

The detection rate-recall graph of the algorithms for the porosity and LoS is shown in Figure 7.



Table 3 shows the result of evaluating the performance of the algorithm.



When comparing the feature extractor, ResNet showed relatively higher performance than Inception-ResNet V2.This shows that the classification of defect classes is lower than that of other models, but the performance of locations is better.

当比较特征提取器时,ResNet显示出比Inception-ResNet V2相对更高的性能。这表明缺陷类别的分类低于其他模型,但是位置的性能更好。

The porosity has similar training and evaluation data, and has a high overall detection rate.


5. Conclusions

we set the size of the anchor box and aspect ratio to be suitable for small objects, and set the number of region proposal recommendations through an experiment.


we compared ResNet and Inception-ResNet V2 with the feature extractor of Faster R-CNN, and proposed ResNet with the highest performance.

我们将ResNet和Inception-ResNet V2与更快的R-CNN的特征提取器进行了比较,并提出了性能最高的ResNet。

In this study, we used data conversion for efficient training and performance improvement.The experimental results show that data conversion could increase the performance by 0.074 in radiographic testing images.but covered specific welding defects to increase practicality.


We increased the data of the LoS through data conversion and image segmentation, but could not significantly decrease the biased results.


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