💥1 概述
1.1 RBF神经网络模型
在 RBF神经网络中,设输入层节点个数为Ⅰ,隐含层节点数为M,输出层节点数为N,输入量为x.当x经输入到模型后,会经过Ⅰ次传递。因此定义x为Ⅰ维输入量。设输出量为y,同理y会经过N次输出,称y为N维输出量。一般来说,采用高斯激活函数作为隐含层节点的作用函数,该函数在RBF网络隐含层第i个节点输出为:
1.2 K-均值聚类算法
📚2 运行结果
function [C]=K_Means(X,M,D) %% Function for Finding K-Means in the X data % X is the Data Matrix % M is the Number of Means Required (K) temp=randperm(size(X,1)); % Random Permutation of Random index to pick data point C=X(temp(1:M),:); % Initial Guess for Centers is the random data point J=[]; % Cost Function to be minimized k=1; % Iteration number while(1) J(k)=0; S=zeros(M,size(X,2)); % Sum of values fall in K Centers indeX=[]; % Index of the closest Center to the test data point for i=1:size(X,1) temp=0; % temporary Variable for storing distance to centers for j =1:M temp(j)=(norm((X(i,:)-C(j,:))).^2); end [tmp,ind]=min(temp); % Finding the closest Center for ith data point indeX=[indeX ind]; % Index of the closest Center to the test data point S(ind,:)=S(ind,:)+X(i,:); % Sum of values fall in K Centers J(k)=J(k)+sum(temp); % Cost Function end for j=1:M N(j)=length(find(indeX==j)); % Number of Values closest to jth Center end Ctemp=[]; % Temporary Values for Center that will be updated only if different for l=1:size(X,2) Ctemp=[Ctemp S(:,l)./N']; end %% Check for update and stoping condition % Temporary Values for Center that will be updated only if different if(sum(sum(~(C==Ctemp)))~=0) C=Ctemp; else break end %% Optional Animated Graph for Data only work if number of argument to function > 2 % START if (nargin>2) scatter(X(:,1),X(:,2)) hold on scatter(C(:,1),C(:,2),'filled') hold off pause(0.25) end % END k=k+1; end %% Optional Graph for Cost only work if number of argument to function > 2 % START if (nargin>2) figure,plot(J) xlabel('Iterations'); ylabel('Cost'); title('Cost Function'); end % END
🎉3 参考文献