1. 数据集制作
在论文中AlexNet作者使用的是ILSVRC 2012比赛数据集,该数据集非常大(有138G),下载、训练都很消耗时间,我们在复现的时候就不用这个数据集了。由于MNIST、CIFAR10、CIFAR100这些数据集图片尺寸都较小,不符合AlexNet网络输入尺寸227x227的要求,因此我们改用kaggle比赛经典的“猫狗大战”数据集了。
1.1 制作图片数据的索引
import os train_txt_path = os.path.join("data", "catVSdog", "train.txt") train_dir = os.path.join("data", "catVSdog", "train_data") valid_txt_path = os.path.join("data", "catVSdog", "test.txt") valid_dir = os.path.join("data", "catVSdog", "test_data") def gen_txt(txt_path, img_dir): f = open(txt_path, 'w') for root, s_dirs, _ in os.walk(img_dir, topdown=True): # 获取 train文件下各文件夹名称 for sub_dir in s_dirs: i_dir = os.path.join(root, sub_dir) # 获取各类的文件夹 绝对路径 img_list = os.listdir(i_dir) # 获取类别文件夹下所有png图片的路径 for i in range(len(img_list)): if not img_list[i].endswith('jpg'): # 若不是png文件,跳过 continue #label = (img_list[i].split('.')[0] == 'cat')? 0 : 1 label = img_list[i].split('.')[0] # 将字符类别转为整型类型表示 if label == 'cat': label = '0' else: label = '1' img_path = os.path.join(i_dir, img_list[i]) line = img_path + ' ' + label + '\n' f.write(line) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': gen_txt(train_txt_path, train_dir) gen_txt(valid_txt_path, valid_dir)
1.2 构建Dataset子类
PyTorch 加载自己的数据集,需要写一个继承自torch.utils.data中Dataset类,并修改其中的__init__方法、__getitem__方法、__len__方法。默认加载的都是图片,__init__的目的是得到一个包含数据和标签的list,每个元素能找到图片位置和其对应标签。然后用__getitem__方法得到每个元素的图像像素矩阵和标签,返回img和label。
from PIL import Image from torch.utils.data import Dataset class MyDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, txt_path, transform = None, target_transform = None): fh = open(txt_path, 'r') imgs = [] for line in fh: line = line.rstrip() words = line.split() imgs.append((words[0], int(words[1]))) # 类别转为整型int self.imgs = imgs self.transform = transform self.target_transform = target_transform def __getitem__(self, index): fn, label = self.imgs[index] img = Image.open(fn).convert('RGB') #img = Image.open(fn) if self.transform is not None: img = self.transform(img) return img, label def __len__(self): return len(self.imgs)
1.3 加载数据集和数据预处理
pipline_train = transforms.Compose([ #随机旋转图片 transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), #将图片尺寸resize到227x227 transforms.Resize((227,227)), #将图片转化为Tensor格式 transforms.ToTensor(), #正则化(当模型出现过拟合的情况时,用来降低模型的复杂度) transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) #transforms.Normalize(mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) pipline_test = transforms.Compose([ #将图片尺寸resize到227x227 transforms.Resize((227,227)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) #transforms.Normalize(mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) train_data = MyDataset('./data/catVSdog/train.txt', transform=pipline_train) test_data = MyDataset('./data/catVSdog/test.txt', transform=pipline_test) #train_data 和test_data包含多有的训练与测试数据,调用DataLoader批量加载 trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=train_data, batch_size=64, shuffle=True) testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=test_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=False) # 类别信息也是需要我们给定的 classes = ('cat', 'dog') # 对应label=0,label=1
在数据预处理中,我们将图片尺寸调整到227x227,符合AlexNet网络的输入要求。均值mean = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],方差std = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],然后使用transforms.Normalize进行归一化操作。
examples = enumerate(trainloader) batch_idx, (example_data, example_label) = next(examples) # 批量展示图片 for i in range(4): plt.subplot(1, 4, i + 1) plt.tight_layout() #自动调整子图参数,使之填充整个图像区域 img = example_data[i] img = img.numpy() # FloatTensor转为ndarray img = np.transpose(img, (1,2,0)) # 把channel那一维放到最后 img = img * [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] plt.imshow(img) plt.title("label:{}".format(example_label[i])) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.show()
2. 搭建AlexNet神经网络结构,并定义前向传播的过程
class AlexNet(nn.Module): """ Neural network model consisting of layers propsed by AlexNet paper. """ def __init__(self, num_classes=2): """ Define and allocate layers for this neural net. Args: num_classes (int): number of classes to predict with this model """ super().__init__() # input size should be : (b x 3 x 227 x 227) # The image in the original paper states that width and height are 224 pixels, but # the dimensions after first convolution layer do not lead to 55 x 55. self.net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=96, kernel_size=11, stride=4), # (b x 96 x 55 x 55) nn.ReLU(), nn.LocalResponseNorm(size=5, alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75, k=2), # section 3.3 nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), # (b x 96 x 27 x 27) nn.Conv2d(96, 256, 5, padding=2), # (b x 256 x 27 x 27) nn.ReLU(), nn.LocalResponseNorm(size=5, alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75, k=2), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), # (b x 256 x 13 x 13) nn.Conv2d(256, 384, 3, padding=1), # (b x 384 x 13 x 13) nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(384, 384, 3, padding=1), # (b x 384 x 13 x 13) nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(384, 256, 3, padding=1), # (b x 256 x 13 x 13) nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), # (b x 256 x 6 x 6) ) # classifier is just a name for linear layers self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=True), nn.Linear(in_features=(256 * 6 * 6), out_features=500), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=True), nn.Linear(in_features=500, out_features=20), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(in_features=20, out_features=num_classes), ) def forward(self, x): """ Pass the input through the net. Args: x (Tensor): input tensor Returns: output (Tensor): output tensor """ x = self.net(x) x = x.view(-1, 256 * 6 * 6) # reduce the dimensions for linear layer input return self.classifier(x)
3. 将定义好的网络结构搭载到GPU/CPU,并定义优化器
#创建模型,部署gpu device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = AlexNet().to(device) #定义优化器 optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
4. 定义训练过程
def train_runner(model, device, trainloader, optimizer, epoch): #训练模型, 启用 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, 将BatchNormalization和Dropout置为True model.train() total = 0 correct =0.0 #enumerate迭代已加载的数据集,同时获取数据和数据下标 for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0): inputs, labels = data #把模型部署到device上 inputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device) #初始化梯度 optimizer.zero_grad() #保存训练结果 outputs = model(inputs) #计算损失和 #多分类情况通常使用cross_entropy(交叉熵损失函数), 而对于二分类问题, 通常使用sigmod loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, labels) #获取最大概率的预测结果 #dim=1表示返回每一行的最大值对应的列下标 predict = outputs.argmax(dim=1) total += labels.size(0) correct += (predict == labels).sum().item() #反向传播 loss.backward() #更新参数 optimizer.step() if i % 100 == 0: #loss.item()表示当前loss的数值 print("Train Epoch{} \t Loss: {:.6f}, accuracy: {:.6f}%".format(epoch, loss.item(), 100*(correct/total))) Loss.append(loss.item()) Accuracy.append(correct/total) return loss.item(), correct/total
5. 定义测试过程
def test_runner(model, device, testloader): #模型验证, 必须要写, 否则只要有输入数据, 即使不训练, 它也会改变权值 #因为调用eval()将不启用 BatchNormalization 和 Dropout, BatchNormalization和Dropout置为False model.eval() #统计模型正确率, 设置初始值 correct = 0.0 test_loss = 0.0 total = 0 #torch.no_grad将不会计算梯度, 也不会进行反向传播 with torch.no_grad(): for data, label in testloader: data, label = data.to(device), label.to(device) output = model(data) test_loss += F.cross_entropy(output, label).item() predict = output.argmax(dim=1) #计算正确数量 total += label.size(0) correct += (predict == label).sum().item() #计算损失值 print("test_avarage_loss: {:.6f}, accuracy: {:.6f}%".format(test_loss/total, 100*(correct/total)))
6. 运行
#调用 epoch = 20 Loss = [] Accuracy = [] for epoch in range(1, epoch+1): print("start_time",time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time()))) loss, acc = train_runner(model, device, trainloader, optimizer, epoch) Loss.append(loss) Accuracy.append(acc) test_runner(model, device, testloader) print("end_time: ",time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())),'\n') print('Finished Training') plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(Loss) plt.title('Loss') plt.show() plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(Accuracy) plt.title('Accuracy') plt.show()
经历 20 次 epoch 的 loss 和 accuracy 曲线如下:
7. 保存模型
print(model) torch.save(model, './models/alexnet-catvsdog.pth') #保存模型
AlexNet 的模型会打印出来,并将模型模型命令为 alexnet-catvsdog.pth 保存在固定目录下。
8. 模型测试
from PIL import Image import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') model = torch.load('./models/alexnet-catvsdog.pth') #加载模型 model = model.to(device) model.eval() #把模型转为test模式 #读取要预测的图片 # 读取要预测的图片 img = Image.open("./images/test_cat.jpg") # 读取图像 #img.show() plt.imshow(img) # 显示图片 plt.axis('off') # 不显示坐标轴 plt.show() # 导入图片,图片扩展后为[1,1,32,32] trans = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize((227,227)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ]) img = trans(img) img = img.to(device) img = img.unsqueeze(0) #图片扩展多一维,因为输入到保存的模型中是4维的[batch_size,通道,长,宽],而普通图片只有三维,[通道,长,宽] # 预测 # 预测 classes = ('cat', 'dog') output = model(img) prob = F.softmax(output,dim=1) #prob是2个分类的概率 print("概率:",prob) value, predicted = torch.max(output.data, 1) predict = output.argmax(dim=1) pred_class = classes[predicted.item()] print("预测类别:",pred_class)
概率: tensor([[1.0000e+00, 5.8714e-13]], grad_fn=<SoftmaxBackward>)预测类别: cat
好了,以上就是使用 PyTorch 复现 AlexNet 网络的核心代码。建议大家根据文章内容完整码一下代码,可以根据实际情况使用自己的数据集,并调整FC6、FC7、Output Layer的神经元个数。