⛄ 内容介绍
⛄ 部分代码
% *************************************************************************************************************
% Source Code of JAYA Optimization based Feed-Forward
% Neural Network
% Cite: Wang S, Rao RV, Chen P, Zhang Y, Liu A, Wei L. Abnormal breast detection in
% mammogram images by feed-forward neural network trained by Jaya algorithm.
% *************************************************************************************************************
% Enjoy JAYA-ANN!
close all
% Generating random correlated data
mu = 50;
sigma = 5;
M = mu + sigma * randn(300, 2);
R = [1, 0.75; 0.75, 1];
L = chol(R);
M = M*L;
x = M(:,1); % Example Inputs, Replace by your data inputs for your own experiments
y = M(:,2); % Example labels, Replace by your data labels for your own experiments
%% JAYA algorithms
%% Problem Definition
pop = 30; % Population size
% Min-max normalization of data
m = max(x); mn = min(x); mm = m-mn;
X = ((x-mn)/mm); Y = ((x-mn)/mm);
% 90%:10% splitting of data for training and testing
sz = (ceil(size(X,1))*0.9);
inputs = (X(1:sz))';
targets = (Y(1:sz))';
XTest = (X(sz+1:end))';
YTest = Y(sz+1:end)';
% number of neurons
n = 4;
% create a neural network
net = feedforwardnet(n);
% configure the neural network for this dataset
net = configure(net, inputs, targets);
% Denormalizaion and Prediction by FNN
FNN_Pred = ((net(XTest))' * mm) + mn;
sz = n^2 + n + n + 1; % Number of design variables i.e., no. of weights in FNN
maxGen = 30; % Maximum number of iterations
mini = repmat(-1,1,sz); % Lower Bound of Variables
maxi = ones(1,sz); % Upper Bound of Variables
objective = @(x) NMSE(x, net, inputs, targets); % Cost Function
disp(['Optimum value = ',num2str(val,10)])
plot(fopt,'LineWidth', 2);
ylabel('Best Cost');
disp(' ' );
% Setting optimized weights and bias in network
net = setwb(net, Best');
% Denormalizaion and Prediction by JAYA_FNN
JAYA_FNN_Pred = ((net(XTest))' * mm) + mn;
YTest = (YTest * mm) + mn;
JAYA_FNN_Execution_Time_Seconds = toc
% Plotting prediction results
plot(YTest,'LineWidth',2, 'Marker','diamond', 'MarkerSize',8);
hold on;
plot(FNN_Pred, 'LineWidth',2, 'Marker','x', 'MarkerSize',8);
plot(JAYA_FNN_Pred, 'LineWidth',2, 'Marker','pentagram', 'MarkerSize',8);
title('JAYA Optimization based Feed-Forward Neural Network');
xlabel('Time Interval');
legend('Actual Values', 'FNN Predictions', 'JAYA-FNN Predictions');
hold off;
% Performance Evaluaion of FNN and JAYA-FNN
fprintf('Performance Evaluaion of FNN and JAYA-FNN using Normalized Root Mean Square Error \n');
NRMSE_FNN = (abs( sqrt( mean(mean((FNN_Pred - YTest).^2) )) )) / (max(YTest)-min(YTest))
NRMSE_JAYA_FNN = (abs( sqrt( mean(mean((JAYA_FNN_Pred - YTest).^2) ) ) )) / (max(YTest)-min(YTest))
% Objective Function for minimizing normalized mean square error of FNN by
% updation of nework's weights and biases
function [f] = NMSE(wb, net, input, target)
% wb is the weights and biases row vector obtained from the genetic algorithm.
% It must be transposed when transferring the weights and biases to the network net.
net = setwb(net, wb');
% The net output matrix is given by net(input). The corresponding error matrix is given by
error = target - net(input);
% The mean squared error normalized by the mean target variance is
f = (mean(error.^2)/mean(var(target',1)));
% It is independent of the scale of the target components and related to the Rsquare statistic via
% Rsquare = 1 - NMSEcalc ( see Wikipedia)
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1] Babu G A , Bhukya S N , Kumar R S . Feed forward network with back propagation algorithm for detection of breast cancer[C]// International Conference on Computer Science & Education. IEEE, 2013.
[2]朱正林, 刘权, 张欢. 基于优化广义回归神经网络的碟式太阳能温度预测研究[J]. 南京工程学院学报:自然科学版, 2020, 18(1):5.