⛄ 内容介绍
⛄ 完整代码
% Example 1: Nested pie chart
close all
% Initialize data points
inner_pie = [0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, 0.3, 0.2];
outer_pie = [0.25, 0.25, 0.5];
C = {...
inner_pie,... % Inner pie must come first!
% Spider plot
% Title
title('Nested Pie Chart');
% Legend properties
legend_str = cell(length(inner_pie), 1);
for ii = 1:length(legend_str)
inner_value = inner_pie(ii);
legend_str{ii} = sprintf('Inner Pie #%i: %.1f%%', ii, inner_value*100);
lg =legend(legend_str, 'Location', 'southoutside');
lg.Title.String = 'Inner Pie';
function varargout = pie_nested(C, varargin)
%pie_nested Create a nested pie chart.
% Syntax:
% pie_nested(C)
% pie_nested(C, Name, Value, ...)
% h = pie_nested(_)
% Documentation:
% Please refer to the MathWorks File Exchange or GitHub page for the
% detailed documentation and examples.
% Figure properties
fig = figure;
background_color = 'w';
fig.Color = background_color;
% Check for output arguments
if nargout > 1
error('Error: Too many output arguments assigned.');
varargout{1} = fig;
% Axes properties
ax = gca;
ax.Color = background_color;
% Axis properties
hold(ax, 'on');
axis(ax, 'square');
scaling_factor = 1.2;
axis(ax, [-1, 1, -1, 1] * scaling_factor);
% Axis properties
ax.XTickLabel = [];
ax.YTickLabel = [];
ax.XColor = 'none';
ax.YColor = 'none';
% Pie properties
num_pie = length(C);
num_outmost = length(C{end});
pie_labels = cell(num_outmost, 1);
% Number of wedges
num_wedges = cellfun(@(C) length(C), C, 'UniformOutput', false);
num_wedges = cell2mat(num_wedges);
max_wedges = max(num_wedges);
% Default labels
for ii = 1:num_outmost
pie_labels{ii} = sprintf('Label %i', ii);
% Pre-allocation
wedge_colors = cell(num_pie, 1);
percent_status = cell(num_pie, 1);
% Default arguments
rho_lower = 0.2;
edge_color = 'k';
line_width = 2;
line_style = '-';
wedge_colors(:) = {lines(max_wedges)};
percent_status(:) = {'on'};
percent_precision = 1;
percent_fontcolor = 'w';
percent_fontsize = 10;
percent_fontweight = 'bold';
percent_edgecolor = 'none';
percent_backgroundcolor = 'none';
fill_transparency = 1;
label_fontsize = 10;
label_fontcolor = 'k';
label_fontweight = 'bold';
label_edgecolor = 'none';
label_backgroundcolor = 'none';
label_rotation = 0;
label_offset = 0;
label_interpreter = 'none';
interval_res = 0.01;
% Number of optional arguments
numvarargs = length(varargin);
% Check if optional arguments were specified
if numvarargs > 1
% Initialze name-value arguments
name_arguments = varargin(1:2:end);
value_arguments = varargin(2:2:end);
% Iterate through name-value arguments
for ii = 1:length(name_arguments)
% Set value arguments depending on name
switch lower(name_arguments{ii})
case 'rholower'
rho_lower = value_arguments{ii};
case 'edgecolor'
edge_color = value_arguments{ii};
case 'linewidth'
line_width = value_arguments{ii};
case 'linestyle'
line_style = value_arguments{ii};
case 'wedgecolors'
wedge_colors = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentstatus'
percent_status = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentprecision'
percent_precision = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentfontcolor'
percent_fontcolor = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentfontsize'
percent_fontsize = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentfontweight'
percent_fontweight = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentedgecolor'
percent_edgecolor = value_arguments{ii};
case 'percentbackgroundcolor'
percent_backgroundcolor = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labelfontsize'
label_fontsize = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labelfontcolor'
label_fontcolor = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labelfontweight'
label_fontweight = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labeledgecolor'
label_edgecolor = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labelbackgroundcolor'
label_backgroundcolor = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labelrotation'
label_rotation = value_arguments{ii};
case 'labelinterpreter'
label_interpreter = value_arguments{ii};
case 'filltransparency'
fill_transparency = value_arguments{ii};
error('Error: Please enter in a valid name-value pair.');
% Initialize rho
rho_upper = 1;
rho_range = rho_upper - rho_lower;
rho_interval = rho_range/num_pie;
rho = rho_lower:rho_interval:rho_upper;
% Iterate through number of nested pies
for ii = 1:num_pie
% Initialize
sub_pie = C{ii}; % Convert from cell to numerical array
num_wedge = num_wedges(ii);
wedge_color = wedge_colors{ii};
% Check if data does not sum to one
if sum(sub_pie) ~= 1
% Display warning
warning('Data does not sum to 1. Attempting to normalize data...');
% Normalize data to add up to one
sub_pie = sub_pie / sum(sub_pie);
% Initialize theta
theta = 2 * pi * sub_pie;
theta = cumsum(theta);
theta = [0, theta]; %#ok<*AGROW>
% Iterate through number of wedges
for jj = 1:num_wedge
% Initialize
theta_start = theta(jj);
theta_end = theta(jj+1);
rho_start = rho(ii);
rho_end = rho(ii+1);
% Make cyclic
theta_sides = [theta_start, theta_end, theta_end, theta_start, theta_start];
rho_sides = [rho_start, rho_start, rho_end, rho_end, rho_start];
% Initialize
x_patch = [];
y_patch = [];
% Iterate through a four-sided polygon
for kk = 1:4
% Initialize
interval = interval_res;
% Check if interval needs to be flipped
if theta_sides(kk) > theta_sides(kk+1)
interval = -interval_res;
% Polar coordinates of polygon
theta_side = theta_sides(kk):interval:theta_sides(kk+1);
rho_side = rho_sides(kk) * ones(1, length(theta_side));
% Convert from polar to cartesian coordinates
[x_cart, y_cart] = pol2cart(theta_side, rho_side);
% Append to array
x_patch = [x_patch, x_cart];
y_patch = [y_patch, y_cart];
% Create patch object
patch(x_patch, y_patch, wedge_color(jj, :),...
'LineStyle', line_style,...
'EdgeColor', edge_color,...
'LineWidth', line_width,...
'FaceAlpha', fill_transparency);
% Find midpoint of theta and rho
theta_diff = diff(theta)/2;
theta_diff = theta(1:end-1) + theta_diff;
rho_wedge = rho(ii:ii+1);
rho_delta = diff(rho_wedge)/2;
rho_diff = rho_wedge(1:end-1) + rho_delta;
rho_labels = rho_wedge(end) + rho_delta;
% Iterate through rho midpoints
for jj = 1:length(rho_diff)
% Initialize
rho_txt = rho_diff(jj);
rho_label = rho_labels(jj);
% Iterate through theta midpoints
for kk = 1:length(theta_diff)
% Initialize
theta_txt = theta_diff(kk);
% Check if display percent status
if strcmp(percent_status{ii}, 'on')
% Format percentage text
precision_txt = sprintf('%i', percent_precision);
percent_txt = sprintf(['%.', precision_txt, 'f%%'], sub_pie(kk)*100);
% Convert from polar to cartesian
[x_txt, y_txt] = pol2cart(theta_txt, rho_txt);
% Display percentage text
text(x_txt, y_txt, percent_txt,...
'Color', percent_fontcolor,...
'FontWeight', percent_fontweight,...
'FontSize', percent_fontsize,...
'EdgeColor', percent_edgecolor,...
'BackgroundColor', percent_backgroundcolor,...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
% Only for outermost
if ii == num_pie
% Convert from polar to cartesian
[x_label, y_label] = pol2cart(theta_txt, rho_label+label_offset);
[horz_align, vert_align] = quadrant_position(theta_txt);
% Display pie labels
text(x_label, y_label, pie_labels{kk},...
'Color', label_fontcolor,...
'FontWeight', label_fontweight,...
'FontSize', label_fontsize,...
'EdgeColor', label_edgecolor,...
'BackgroundColor', label_backgroundcolor,...
'Rotation', label_rotation,...
'HorizontalAlignment', horz_align,...
'VerticalAlignment', vert_align,...
'Interpreter', label_interpreter);
function [horz_align, vert_align] = quadrant_position(theta_point)
% Find out which quadrant the point is in
if theta_point == 0
quadrant = 0;
elseif theta_point == pi/2
quadrant = 1.5;
elseif theta_point == pi
quadrant = 2.5;
elseif theta_point == 3*pi/2
quadrant = 3.5;
elseif theta_point == 2*pi
quadrant = 0;
elseif theta_point > 0 && theta_point < pi/2
quadrant = 1;
elseif theta_point > pi/2 && theta_point < pi
quadrant = 2;
elseif theta_point > pi && theta_point < 3*pi/2
quadrant = 3;
elseif theta_point > 3*pi/2 && theta_point < 2*pi
quadrant = 4;
% Adjust label alignment depending on quadrant
switch quadrant
case 0
horz_align = 'left';
vert_align = 'middle';
case 1
horz_align = 'left';
vert_align = 'bottom';
case 1.5
horz_align = 'center';
vert_align = 'bottom';
case 2
horz_align = 'right';
vert_align = 'bottom';
case 2.5
horz_align = 'right';
vert_align = 'middle';
case 3
horz_align = 'right';
vert_align = 'top';
case 3.5
horz_align = 'center';
vert_align = 'top';
case 4
horz_align = 'left';
vert_align = 'top';
⛄ 运行结果