Research Papers

简介: NSE, $\bbu$ [Papers]NSE, $u$, Lorentz space [Sohr, JEE, 2001] [Papers]NSE, $u$, Lorentz space [Bjorland-Vasseur, JMFM, 2011]  [Papers]NSE, $u$, Lor...

NSE, $\bbu$

[Papers]NSE, $u$, Lorentz space [Sohr, JEE, 2001]

[Papers]NSE, $u$, Lorentz space [Bjorland-Vasseur, JMFM, 2011] 

[Papers]NSE, $u$, Lorentz space [Bosia-Pata-Robinson, JMFM, 2014]


NSE, $u_3$

[Papers]NSE, $u_3$, Lebesgue space [NNP, QM, 2002; Zhou, JMPA, 2005]

[Papers]NSE, $u_3$, Lebesgue space [Kukavica-Ziane, Nonlinearity, 2006]

[Papers]NSE, $u_3$, Lebesgue space [Cao-Titi, IUMJ, 2008]

[Papers]NSE, $u_3$, Lebesgue space [Zhou-Pokorny, Nonlinearity, 2009]

[Papers]NSE, $u_3$, Lebesgue space [Jia-Zhou, NARWA, 2014]


NSE, $\p_3{\bf u}$

[Papers]NSE, $\p_3u$, Lebesgue space [Penel-Pokorny, AM, 2004] 

[Papers]NSE, $\p_3u$, Lebesgue space [Kukavica-Ziane, JMP, 2007]

[Papers]NSE, $\p_3u$, Lebesgue space [Cao, DCDSA, 2010]

[Papers]NSE, $\p_3u$, multiplier spaces [Guo-Gala, ANAP, 2013] 


NSE, $\n u_3$

[Papers]NSE, $\n u_3$, Lebesgue space, [Pokorny, EJDE, 2003; Zhou, MAA, 2002] 


NSE, $\pi$

[Papers]NSE, $\pi$, Lorentz space [Suzuki, JMFM, 2012]

[Papers]NSE, $\pi$, Lorentz space [Suzuki, NA, 2012]



MHD, $\pi$

[Papers]MHD, $\pi$, Lorentz space [Suzuki, DCDSA, 2011] 


MHD, $\p_3\pi$

[Papers]MHD, $\p_3\pi$, Lebesgue space [Cao-Wu, JDE, 2010]

[Papers]MHD, $\p_3\pi$, Lebesgue space [Jia-Zhou, JMAA, 2012]

[Papers]MHD, $\p_3\pi$, Lebesgue space [Zhang-Li-Yu, JMAA, 2013] 

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版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 因为在做京东的算法大赛,小白选手,看了一些别人的入门级程序,胡乱改了一通,也没有什么大的进展,而且感觉比赛的问题和点击率预估还是有点像的,所以搜了个论文来读,看看牛人们的思路。
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