lecture 1 练习

简介: Assume that two variables, varA and varB, are assigned values, either numbers or strings.

Assume that two variables, varA and varB, are assigned values, either numbers or strings.

Write a piece of Python code that prints out one of the following messages:

  • "string involved" if either varA or varB are strings

  • "bigger" if varA is larger than varB

  • "equal" if varA is equal to varB

  • "smaller" if varA is smaller than varB

For problems such as these, do not include raw_input statements or define the variable varA or varB. Our automating testing will provide values of varA and varB for you - so write your code in the following box assuming varA and varB are already defined.

if isinstance(varA, str) or isinstance(varB, str):
	print('string involved')
elif varA > varB:
elif varA == varB:

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