std::cout << "DEVICE PARAMETER SETUP" << std::endl; std::cout << "######################" << std::endl << std::endl; try { // SET TRIGGER MODE OFF (FreeRun) pDevice->GetRemoteNode("TriggerMode")->SetString("Off"); std::cout << " TriggerMode: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("TriggerMode")->GetValue() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; // SET A PARTIAL SCAN (ROI...REGION OF INTEREST) IN THE RIGHT BOTTOM AREA OF THE IMAGE // ==================================================================================== std::cout << " Set ROI parameters to the right bottom quarter of the sensor" << std::endl << std::endl; // IMAGE WIDTH // =========== std::cout << " Width" << std::endl; std::cout << " description: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetDescription() << std::endl; std::cout << " interface type: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetInterface() << std::endl; bo_int64 iImageWidth = 0; bo_int64 iImageWidthMin = 0; bo_int64 iImageWidthMax = 0; bo_int64 iImageWidthInc = 0; // get current value and limits iImageWidth = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetInt(); iImageWidthMin = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetIntMin(); iImageWidthMax = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetIntMax(); iImageWidthInc = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetIntInc(); std::cout << " current value: " << iImageWidth << std::endl; std::cout << " possible value range: " << iImageWidthMin << " to " << iImageWidthMax << " with increment of " << iImageWidthInc << std::endl; // set new width value same to the half value of sensor width // find number to match the increment bo_int64 widthvalue = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorWidth")->GetInt() / 2 / iImageWidthInc * iImageWidthInc; // check new value is within range if (widthvalue < iImageWidthMin) widthvalue = iImageWidthMin; if (widthvalue > iImageWidthMax) widthvalue = iImageWidthMax; pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->SetInt(widthvalue); // recheck new width is set std::cout << " set value to: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Width")->GetInt() << " is half value of the sensor width: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorWidth")->GetInt() << std::endl << std::endl; // IMAGE OFFSET X // ============== std::cout << " OffsetX" << std::endl; std::cout << " description: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetDescription() << std::endl; std::cout << " interface type: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetInterface() << std::endl; bo_int64 iImageOffsetX = 0; bo_int64 iImageOffsetXMin = 0; bo_int64 iImageOffsetXMax = 0; bo_int64 iImageOffsetXInc = 0; // get current value and limits iImageOffsetX = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetInt(); iImageOffsetXMin = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetIntMin(); iImageOffsetXMax = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetIntMax(); iImageOffsetXInc = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetIntInc(); std::cout << " current value: " << iImageOffsetX << std::endl; std::cout << " possible value range: " << iImageOffsetXMin << " to " << iImageOffsetXMax << " with increment of " << iImageOffsetXInc << std::endl; // set new OffsetX value to the half value of the sensor width // find number to match the increment bo_int64 offsetX = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorWidth")->GetInt() / 2 / iImageOffsetXInc * iImageOffsetXInc; // check new value is within range if (offsetX < iImageOffsetXMin) offsetX = iImageOffsetXMin; if (offsetX > iImageOffsetXMax) offsetX = iImageOffsetXMax; pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->SetInt(offsetX); // recheck new OffsetX is set std::cout << " set value to: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetX")->GetInt() << " is half value of the sensor width: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorWidth")->GetInt() << std::endl << std::endl; // IMAGE HEIGHT // ============= std::cout << " Height" << std::endl; std::cout << " description: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetDescription() << std::endl; std::cout << " interface type: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetInterface() << std::endl; bo_int64 iImageHeight = 0; bo_int64 iImageHeightMin = 0; bo_int64 iImageHeightMax = 0; bo_int64 iImageHeightInc = 0; // get current value and limits iImageHeight = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetInt(); iImageHeightMin = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetIntMin(); iImageHeightMax = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetIntMax(); iImageHeightInc = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetIntInc(); std::cout << " current value: " << iImageHeight << std::endl; std::cout << " possible value range: " << iImageHeightMin << " to " << iImageHeightMax << " with increment of " << iImageHeightInc << std::endl; // set new height value same to the half value of sensor height // find number to match the increment bo_int64 heightval = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorHeight")->GetInt() / 2 / iImageHeightInc * iImageHeightInc; // check new value is within range if (heightval < iImageHeightMin) heightval = iImageHeightMin; if (heightval > iImageHeightMax) heightval = iImageHeightMax; pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->SetInt(heightval); // recheck new height is set std::cout << " set value to: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("Height")->GetInt() << " is half value of the sensor height: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorHeight")->GetInt() << std::endl << std::endl; // IMAGE OFFSET Y // =============== std::cout << " OffsetY" << std::endl; std::cout << " description: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetDescription() << std::endl; std::cout << " interface type: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetInterface() << std::endl; bo_int64 iImageOffY = 0; bo_int64 iImageOffYMin = 0; bo_int64 iImageOffYMax = 0; bo_int64 iImageOffYInc = 0; // get current value and limits iImageOffY = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetInt(); iImageOffYMin = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetIntMin(); iImageOffYMax = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetIntMax(); iImageOffYInc = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetIntInc(); std::cout << " current value: " << iImageOffY << std::endl; std::cout << " possible value range: " << iImageOffYMin << " to " << iImageOffYMax << " with increment of " << iImageOffYInc << std::endl; // set new OffsetY value to the half value of the sensor height // find number to match the increment bo_int64 OffsetYvalue = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorHeight")->GetInt() / 2 / iImageOffYInc * iImageOffYInc; // check new value is within range if (OffsetYvalue < iImageOffYMin) OffsetYvalue = iImageOffYMin; if (OffsetYvalue > iImageOffYMax) OffsetYvalue = iImageOffYMax; pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->SetInt(OffsetYvalue); // recheck new OffsetY is set std::cout << " set value to: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("OffsetY")->GetInt() << " is half value of the sensor height: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("SensorHeight")->GetInt() << std::endl << std::endl; } catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex) { std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl; std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl; std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl; }
1. 提高精度:通过突出图像中的特定感兴趣区域,ROI功能可以使测量和分析更加精确和准确。
2. 减少了处理时间。通过将处理能力集中在图像的特定区域,ROI功能减少了需要处理的数据量,从而使分析和处理时间更快。
3. 提高图像质量。ROI功能可用于裁剪掉图像中不需要的区域,从而获得更高的分辨率和更好的图像质量。
4. 增加灵活性。ROI功能允许用户实时定制感兴趣的区域,能够更有效地监测和分析感兴趣的特定区域。
5. 提高动态范围。ROI功能还可用于提高图像的动态范围,因为它使用户能够调整图像内特定区域的曝光设置。
1. 质量控制和检查。ROI功能可用于聚焦于产品或样品中的某一感兴趣的区域,并捕获高质量的图像进行分析。
2. 机器视觉。在自动化制造过程中,ROI功能可以帮助识别生产线上的特定零件或部件,以便进行检查和分析。
3. 监视和安全。投资回报率功能可用于放大监控视频画面中的特定区域,确保高清晰度地捕捉到任何可疑的活动。
4. 科学研究。在生物技术或材料科学等领域,ROI功能可以帮助研究人员捕捉样品、细胞或材料的详细图像进行分析。