💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
clear clc close all fileName = 'IMG1.jpg' IMG_REF_BINARY = PreparePhoto(fileName); %% controling paramters of the GA algortihm Problem.obj = @FitnessFunction; Problem.nVar = size(IMG_REF_BINARY,1) * size(IMG_REF_BINARY,2); M = 30; % number of chromosomes (cadinate solutions) N = Problem.nVar; % number of genes (variables) MaxGen = 1000; Pc = 0.95 Pm = 0.001; Er = 0.2; visualization = 1; % set to 0 if you do not want the convergence curve figure subplot(1,2,1) imshow(IMG_REF_BINARY) title('Original image') [BestChrom] = GeneticAlgorithm (M , N, MaxGen , Pc, Pm , Er , Problem.obj , visualization ) disp('The best chromosome found: ') BestChrom.Gene disp('The best fitness value: ') BestChrom.Fitness function [ newPopulation2 ] = elitism(population , newPopulation, Er) M = length(population.Chromosomes); % number of individuals Elite_no = round(M * Er); [max_val , indx] = sort([ population.Chromosomes(:).fitness ] , 'descend'); % The elites from the previous population for k = 1 : Elite_no newPopulation2.Chromosomes(k).Gene = population.Chromosomes(indx(k)).Gene; newPopulation2.Chromosomes(k).fitness = population.Chromosomes(indx(k)).fitness; end % The rest from the new population for k = Elite_no + 1 : M newPopulation2.Chromosomes(k).Gene = newPopulation.Chromosomes(k).Gene; newPopulation2.Chromosomes(k).fitness = newPopulation.Chromosomes(k).fitness; end end