python requests 常见的接口数据处理

简介: 重点讲解python如何利用requests库来进行常见的post请求,这里涉及到三种常见的方式:application/x-www-form-urlencoded ;application/json 和 multipart/form-data 。

1 requests 概述

python requests 是HTTP相关操作至关重要的一个库,并且被很多大型公司所采用,它采用python语言编写,在python内置模块的基础上进行了封装,从而让HTTP网络请求变得异常简单和方便。使用requests可以轻松的完成浏览器可有的任何操作,该库完全满足当前的 web 应用相关需求,其主要的特征有:

  • Keep-Alive & 连接池
  • 国际化域名和 URL
  • 带持久 Cookie 的会话
  • 浏览器式的 SSL 认证
  • 自动内容解码
  • 基本/摘要式的身份认证
  • 优雅的 key/value Cookie
  • 自动解压
  • Unicode 响应体
  • HTTP(S) 代理支持
  • 文件分块上传
  • 流下载
  • 连接超时
  • 分块请求
  • 支持 .netrc

     requests支持 Python 2.6—2.7以及3.3—3.7,而且能在 PyPy 下完美运行。安装也非常方便,执行如下语句即可:

pip install requests

2 requests 快速入门

python requests库使用起来非常简单,首先 import requests 导入 requests ,然后就可以用requests来进行HTTP相关的操作,比如get和post请求。官网示例如下所示:

# GET usage:importrequestsr=requests.get('')
############################################ POST usage:importrequestspayload=dict(key1='value1', key2='value2')'', data=payload)

从源码中可以看出,get和post方法底层是基于request方法,且其中的参数比较多,比如url ,params ,data , json ,headers 等。具体如下所示:

defrequest(method, url, **kwargs):
"""Constructs and sends a :class:`Request <Request>`.    :param method: method for the new :class:`Request` object: ``GET``, ``OPTIONS``, ``HEAD``, ``POST``, ``PUT``, ``PATCH``, or ``DELETE``.    :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.    :param params: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send        in the query string for the :class:`Request`.    :param data: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like        object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`.    :param json: (optional) A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`.    :param headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the :class:`Request`.    :param cookies: (optional) Dict or CookieJar object to send with the :class:`Request`.    :param files: (optional) Dictionary of ``'name': file-like-objects`` (or ``{'name': file-tuple}``) for multipart encoding upload.        ``file-tuple`` can be a 2-tuple ``('filename', fileobj)``, 3-tuple ``('filename', fileobj, 'content_type')``        or a 4-tuple ``('filename', fileobj, 'content_type', custom_headers)``, where ``'content-type'`` is a string        defining the content type of the given file and ``custom_headers`` a dict-like object containing additional headers        to add for the file.    :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth.    :param timeout: (optional) How many seconds to wait for the server to send data        before giving up, as a float, or a :ref:`(connect timeout, read        timeout) <timeouts>` tuple.    :type timeout: float or tuple    :param allow_redirects: (optional) Boolean. Enable/disable GET/OPTIONS/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/HEAD redirection. Defaults to ``True``.    :type allow_redirects: bool    :param proxies: (optional) Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy.    :param verify: (optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify            the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path            to a CA bundle to use. Defaults to ``True``.    :param stream: (optional) if ``False``, the response content will be immediately downloaded.    :param cert: (optional) if String, path to ssl client cert file (.pem). If Tuple, ('cert', 'key') pair.    :return: :class:`Response <Response>` object    :rtype: requests.Response    Usage::      >>> import requests      >>> req = requests.request('GET', '')      >>> req      <Response [200]>    """# By using the 'with' statement we are sure the session is closed, thus we# avoid leaving sockets open which can trigger a ResourceWarning in some# cases, and look like a memory leak in others.withsessions.Session() assession:
returnsession.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
defget(url, params=None, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a GET request.    :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.    :param params: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send        in the query string for the :class:`Request`.    :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``request`` takes.    :return: :class:`Response <Response>` object    :rtype: requests.Response    """returnrequest('get', url, params=params, **kwargs)
defoptions(url, **kwargs):
r"""Sends an OPTIONS request.    :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.    :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``request`` takes.    :return: :class:`Response <Response>` object    :rtype: requests.Response    """returnrequest('options', url, **kwargs)
defhead(url, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a HEAD request.    :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.    :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``request`` takes. If        `allow_redirects` is not provided, it will be set to `False` (as        opposed to the default :meth:`request` behavior).    :return: :class:`Response <Response>` object    :rtype: requests.Response    """kwargs.setdefault('allow_redirects', False)
returnrequest('head', url, **kwargs)
defpost(url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a POST request.    :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.    :param data: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like        object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`.    :param json: (optional) json data to send in the body of the :class:`Request`.    :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``request`` takes.    :return: :class:`Response <Response>` object    :rtype: requests.Response    """returnrequest('post', url, data=data, json=json, **kwargs)

3 requests 常见的接口数据请求

第一种,可以基于Content-Type :application/x-www-form-urlencoded 来通过HTTP POST来发送请求,这里可以用软件nc 来查看请求的内容,这里需要提取开启一个端口8888的HTTP服务,命令如下所示:



    此时nc所在的命令窗口会显示requests post过来的请求内容,输出如下所示:

POST/HTTP/1.1Host: localhost:8888User-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateAccept: */*Connection: keep-aliveContent-Length: 7Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodeda=1&b=2


此时nc所在的命令窗口会显示requests post过来的请求内容,输出如下所示:

# POST /?a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.1# Host: localhost:8888# User-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0# Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate# Accept: */*# Connection: keep-alive# Content-Length: 0

第二种,可以基于Content-Type :application/json 来通过HTTP POST来发送请求。用如下的python代码来进行请求,代码如下所示:

importrequestsurl="http://localhost:8888"headers= {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
data= {
"id": 1001,
"name": "geek",
"passion": "coding",
}, headers=headers, json=data)
print("Status Code", response.status_code)
print("JSON Response ", response.json())

    此时nc所在的命令窗口会显示requests post过来的请求内容,输出如下所示:

# POST / HTTP/1.1# Host: localhost:8888# User-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0# Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate# Accept: */*# Connection: keep-alive# Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8# Content-Length: 49# {"id": 1001, "name": "geek", "passion": "coding"}

第三种,可以基于Content-Type :multipart/form-data 来通过HTTP POST来发送请求,这里一般可以用于上传文件,比如mp4或者pdf等。用如下的python代码来进行请求,代码如下所示:

headers= {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token)
'User-Agent': 'Chrome/44.0.2403.125'    }
url=f"{host}/upload"# files = {'file': open(filename, 'rb'),'Content-Type': 'application/mp4'}files= {'personVideo': (f'{filename}', open(f'{filename}', 'rb'), 'application/mp4')},headers=headers,files=files,verify=True)
returnr.textif__name__=='__main__' :

    此时nc所在的命令窗口会显示requests post过来的请求内容,输出如下所示:

# POST /upload HTTP/1.1# Host: localhost:8888# User-Agent: Chrome/44.0.2403.125# Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate# Accept: */*# Connection: keep-alive# Authorization: Bearer xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx# Content-Length: 217# Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=212e0076bb7ae887ffe5751ba9eab5be# --212e0076bb7ae887ffe5751ba9eab5be# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="personVideo"; filename="1404210078662001000520210104224515.MP4"# Content-Type: application/mp4# [xxxx文件内容xxxx]# --212e0076bb7ae887ffe5751ba9eab5be--


importrequests# pip install requests_toolbeltfromrequests_toolbeltimportMultipartEncoderdefupload_file(host,token,filename):
url=f"{host}/upload"fields= {
'personVideo': (f'{filename}', open(f'{filename}', 'rb'), 'application/mp4')
boundary='----WebKitFormBoundaryJVpKw2XlPggKaD87'm=MultipartEncoder(fields=fields, boundary=boundary)
#multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryJVpKw2XlPggKaD87headers= {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
'Content-Type': m.content_type    },headers=headers,data=m)
returnr.textif__name__=='__main__' :

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在现代编程中,网络请求是必不可少的部分。本文详细介绍 Python 的 requests 库,一个功能强大且易用的 HTTP 请求库。内容涵盖安装、基本功能(如发送 GET 和 POST 请求、设置请求头、处理响应)、高级功能(如会话管理和文件上传)以及实际应用场景。通过本文,你将全面掌握 requests 库的使用方法。🚀🌟
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【10月更文挑战第4天】Requests 是基于 Python 开发的 HTTP 库,使用简单,功能强大。然而,随着 Python 3.6 的发布,出现了 Requests 的替代品 —— httpx。httpx 继承了 Requests 的所有特性,并增加了对异步请求的支持,支持 HTTP/1.1 和 HTTP/2,能够发送同步和异步请求,适用于 WSGI 和 ASGI 应用。安装使用 httpx 需要 Python 3.6 及以上版本,异步请求则需要 Python 3.8 及以上。httpx 提供了 Client 和 AsyncClient,分别用于优化同步和异步请求的性能。
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使用 Python 进行网页数据爬取的步骤包括:1. 安装必要库(requests、re、bs4);2. 发送 HTTP 请求获取网页内容;3. 使用正则表达式提取数据;4. 数据清洗和处理;5. 循环遍历多个页面。通过这些步骤,可以高效地从网页中提取所需信息。
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