
简介: Appendix之附录文件内容记录


from __future__ import print_function

from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler as _new_compiler

from distutils.command.clean import clean, log

from distutils.core import Command

from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree

from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError

from distutils.msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler

from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension, Distribution

from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

import argparse

import errno

import os

import platform

import re

import shlex

import sys

# We don't need six...

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3

if PY3:

   from shlex import quote as shell_quote


   from pipes import quote as shell_quote


   # This depends on _winreg, which is not availible on not-Windows.

   from distutils.msvc9compiler import MSVCCompiler as MSVC9Compiler

except ImportError:

   MSVC9Compiler = None


   from distutils._msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler as MSVC14Compiler

except ImportError:

   MSVC14Compiler = None


   from Cython import __version__ as cython_version

   from Cython.Build import cythonize

except ImportError:

   cythonize = None


   # We depend upon some features in Cython 0.27; reject older ones.

   if tuple(map(int, cython_version.split('.'))) < (0, 27):

       print("Cython {} is too old for PyAV; ignoring it.".format(cython_version))

       cythonize = None

# We will embed this metadata into the package so it can be recalled for debugging.

version = open('VERSION.txt').read().strip()


   git_commit, _ = Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()

except OSError:

   git_commit = None


   git_commit = git_commit.decode().strip()

_cflag_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

_cflag_parser.add_argument('-I', dest='include_dirs', action='append')

_cflag_parser.add_argument('-L', dest='library_dirs', action='append')

_cflag_parser.add_argument('-l', dest='libraries', action='append')

_cflag_parser.add_argument('-D', dest='define_macros', action='append')

_cflag_parser.add_argument('-R', dest='runtime_library_dirs', action='append')

def parse_cflags(raw_cflags):

   raw_args = shlex.split(raw_cflags.strip())

   args, unknown = _cflag_parser.parse_known_args(raw_args)

   config = {k: v or [] for k, v in args.__dict__.items()}

   for i, x in enumerate(config['define_macros']):

       parts = x.split('=', 1)

       value = x[1] or None if len(x) == 2 else None

       config['define_macros'][i] = (parts[0], value)

   return config, ' '.join(shell_quote(x) for x in unknown)

def get_library_config(name):

   """Get distutils-compatible extension extras for the given library.

   This requires ``pkg-config``.



       proc = Popen(['pkg-config', '--cflags', '--libs', name], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

   except OSError:

       print('pkg-config is required for building PyAV')


   raw_cflags, err = proc.communicate()

   if proc.wait():


   known, unknown = parse_cflags(raw_cflags.decode('utf8'))

   if unknown:

       print("pkg-config returned flags we don't understand: {}".format(unknown))


   return known

def update_extend(dst, src):

   """Update the `dst` with the `src`, extending values where lists.

   Primiarily useful for integrating results from `get_library_config`.


   for k, v in src.items():

       existing = dst.setdefault(k, [])

       for x in v:

           if x not in existing:


def unique_extend(a, *args):

   a[:] = list(set().union(a, *args))

# Obtain the ffmpeg dir from the "--ffmpeg-dir=<dir>" argument


FFMPEG_DIR = 'D://Program Files//ffmpeg'

for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):

   if arg.startswith('--ffmpeg-dir='):

       FFMPEG_DIR = arg.split('=')[1]


if FFMPEG_DIR is not None:

   # delete the --ffmpeg-dir arg so that distutils does not see it

   del sys.argv[i]

   if not os.path.isdir(FFMPEG_DIR):

       print('The specified ffmpeg directory does not exist')



   # Check the environment variable FFMPEG_DIR

   FFMPEG_DIR = os.environ.get('FFMPEG_DIR')

   if FFMPEG_DIR is not None:

       if not os.path.isdir(FFMPEG_DIR):

           FFMPEG_DIR = None

if FFMPEG_DIR is not None:

   ffmpeg_lib = os.path.join(FFMPEG_DIR, 'lib')

   ffmpeg_include = os.path.join(FFMPEG_DIR, 'include')

   if os.path.exists(ffmpeg_lib):

       ffmpeg_lib = [ffmpeg_lib]


       ffmpeg_lib = [FFMPEG_DIR]

   if os.path.exists(ffmpeg_include):

       ffmpeg_include = [ffmpeg_include]


       ffmpeg_include = [FFMPEG_DIR]


   ffmpeg_lib = []

   ffmpeg_include = []

# The "extras" to be supplied to every one of our modules.

# This is expanded heavily by the `config` command.

extension_extra = {

   'include_dirs': ['include'] + ffmpeg_include,  # The first are PyAV's includes.

   'libraries'   : [],

   'library_dirs': ffmpeg_lib,


# The macros which describe the current PyAV version.

config_macros = {

   "PYAV_VERSION": version,

   "PYAV_VERSION_STR": '"%s"' % version,

   "PYAV_COMMIT_STR": '"%s"' % (git_commit or 'unknown-commit'),


def dump_config():

   """Print out all the config information we have so far (for debugging)."""

   print('PyAV:', version, git_commit or '(unknown commit)')

   print('Python:', sys.version.encode('unicode_escape' if PY3 else 'string-escape'))

   print('platform:', platform.platform())


   for k, vs in extension_extra.items():

       print('\t%s: %s' % (k, [x.encode('utf8') for x in vs]))


   for x in sorted(config_macros.items()):

       print('\t%s=%s' % x)

# Monkey-patch for CCompiler to be silent.

def _CCompiler_spawn_silent(cmd, dry_run=None):

   """Spawn a process, and eat the stdio."""

   proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

   out, err = proc.communicate()

   if proc.returncode:

       raise DistutilsExecError(err)

def new_compiler(*args, **kwargs):

   """Create a C compiler.

   :param bool silent: Eat all stdio? Defaults to ``True``.

   All other arguments passed to ``distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler``.


   make_silent = kwargs.pop('silent', True)

   cc = _new_compiler(*args, **kwargs)

   # If MSVC10, initialize the compiler here and add /MANIFEST to linker flags.

   # See Python issue 4431 (

   if is_msvc(cc):

       from distutils.msvc9compiler import get_build_version

       if get_build_version() == 10:


           for ldflags in [cc.ldflags_shared, cc.ldflags_shared_debug]:

               unique_extend(ldflags, ['/MANIFEST'])

       # If MSVC14, do not silence. As msvc14 requires some custom

       # steps before the process is spawned, we can't monkey-patch this.

       elif get_build_version() == 14:

           make_silent = False

   # monkey-patch compiler to suppress stdout and stderr.

   if make_silent:

       cc.spawn = _CCompiler_spawn_silent

   return cc

_msvc_classes = tuple(filter(None, (MSVCCompiler, MSVC9Compiler, MSVC14Compiler)))

def is_msvc(cc=None):

   cc = _new_compiler() if cc is None else cc

   return isinstance(cc, _msvc_classes)

if == 'nt':

   if is_msvc():

       config_macros['inline'] = '__inline'

   # Since we're shipping a self contained unit on Windows, we need to mark

   # the package as such. On other systems, let it be universal.

   class BinaryDistribution(Distribution):

       def is_pure(self):

           return False

   distclass = BinaryDistribution


   # Nothing to see here.

   distclass = Distribution

# Monkey-patch Cython to not overwrite embedded signatures.

if cythonize:

   from Cython.Compiler.AutoDocTransforms import EmbedSignature

   old_embed_signature = EmbedSignature._embed_signature

   def new_embed_signature(self, sig, doc):

       # Strip any `self` parameters from the front.

       sig = re.sub(r'\(self(,\s+)?', '(', sig)

       # If they both start with the same signature; skip it.

       if sig and doc:

           new_name = sig.split('(')[0].strip()

           old_name = doc.split('(')[0].strip()

           if new_name == old_name:

               return doc

           if new_name.endswith('.' + old_name):

               return doc

       return old_embed_signature(self, sig, doc)

   EmbedSignature._embed_signature = new_embed_signature

# Construct the modules that we find in the "av" directory.

ext_modules = []

for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('av'):

   for filename in filenames:

       # We are looing for Cython sources.

       if filename.startswith('.') or os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != '.pyx':


       pyx_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)

       base = os.path.splitext(pyx_path)[0]

       # Need to be a little careful because Windows will accept / or \

       # (where os.sep will be \ on Windows).

       mod_name = base.replace('/', '.').replace(os.sep, '.')

       c_path = os.path.join('src', base + '.c')

       # We go with the C sources if Cython is not installed, and fail if

       # those also don't exist. We can't `cythonize` here though, since the

       # `pyav/include.h` must be generated (by `build_ext`) first.

       if not cythonize and not os.path.exists(c_path):

           print('Cython is required to build PyAV from raw sources.')

           print('Please `pip install Cython`.')




           sources=[c_path if not cythonize else pyx_path],


class ConfigCommand(Command):

   user_options = [

       ('no-pkg-config', None,

        "do not use pkg-config to configure dependencies"),

       ('compiler=', 'c',

        "specify the compiler type"), ]

   boolean_options = ['no-pkg-config']

   def initialize_options(self):

       self.compiler = None

       self.no_pkg_config = None

   def finalize_options(self):


           ('compiler', 'compiler'),)


           ('no_pkg_config', 'no_pkg_config'),)

   def run(self):

       # For some reason we get the feeling that CFLAGS is not respected, so we parse

       # it here. TODO: Leave any arguments that we can't figure out.

       for name in 'CFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS':

           known, unknown = parse_cflags(os.environ.pop(name, ''))

           if unknown:

               print("Warning: We don't understand some of {} (and will leave it in the envvar): {}".format(name, unknown))

               os.environ[name] = unknown

           update_extend(extension_extra, known)

       if is_msvc(new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler)):

           # Assume we have to disable /OPT:REF for MSVC with ffmpeg

           config = {

               'extra_link_args': ['/OPT:NOREF'],


           update_extend(extension_extra, config)

       # Check if we're using pkg-config or not

       if self.no_pkg_config:

           # Simply assume we have everything we need!

           config = {

               'libraries':    ['avformat', 'avcodec', 'avdevice', 'avutil', 'avfilter',

                                'swscale', 'swresample'],

               'library_dirs': [],

               'include_dirs': []


           update_extend(extension_extra, config)

           for ext in self.distribution.ext_modules:

               for key, value in extension_extra.items():

                   setattr(ext, key, value)


       # We're using pkg-config:

       errors = []

       # Get the config for the libraries that we require.

       for name in 'libavformat', 'libavcodec', 'libavdevice', 'libavutil', 'libavfilter', 'libswscale', 'libswresample':

           config = get_library_config(name)

           if config:

               update_extend(extension_extra, config)

               # We don't need macros for these, since they all must exist.


               errors.append('Could not find ' + name + ' with pkg-config.')

       # Don't continue if we have errors.

       # TODO: Warn Ubuntu 12 users that they can't satisfy requirements with the

       # default package sources.

       if errors:



       # Normalize the extras.


           dict((k, sorted(set(v))) for k, v in extension_extra.items())


       # Apply them.

       for ext in self.distribution.ext_modules:

           for key, value in extension_extra.items():

               setattr(ext, key, value)

class CleanCommand(clean):

   user_options = clean.user_options + [

       ('sources', None,

        "remove Cython build output (C sources)")]

   boolean_options = clean.boolean_options + ['sources']

   def initialize_options(self):


       self.sources = None

   def run(self):

       if self.sources:

           if os.path.exists('src'):

               remove_tree('src', dry_run=self.dry_run)


     "'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it", 'src')

class CythonizeCommand(Command):

   user_options = []

   def initialize_options(self):


   def finalize_options(self):


   def run(self):

       # Cythonize, if required. We do it individually since we must update

       # the existing extension instead of replacing them all.

       for i, ext in enumerate(self.distribution.ext_modules):

           if any(s.endswith('.pyx') for s in ext.sources):

               if is_msvc():

                   ext.define_macros.append(('inline', '__inline'))

               new_ext = cythonize(











               ext.sources = new_ext.sources

class BuildExtCommand(build_ext):

   if != 'nt':

       user_options = build_ext.user_options + [

           ('no-pkg-config', None,

            "do not use pkg-config to configure dependencies")]

       boolean_options = build_ext.boolean_options + ['no-pkg-config']

       def initialize_options(self):


           self.no_pkg_config = None


       no_pkg_config = 1

   def run(self):

       # Propagate build options to config

       obj = self.distribution.get_command_obj('config')

       obj.compiler = self.compiler

       obj.no_pkg_config = self.no_pkg_config

       obj.include_dirs = self.include_dirs

       obj.libraries = self.libraries

       obj.library_dirs = self.library_dirs


       # We write a header file containing everything we have discovered by

       # inspecting the libraries which exist. This is the main mechanism we

       # use to detect differenced between FFmpeg and Libav.

       include_dir = os.path.join(self.build_temp, 'include')

       pyav_dir = os.path.join(include_dir, 'pyav')



       except OSError as e:

           if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:


       header_path = os.path.join(pyav_dir, 'config.h')

       print('writing', header_path)

       with open(header_path, 'w') as fh:

           fh.write('#ifndef PYAV_COMPAT_H\n')

           fh.write('#define PYAV_COMPAT_H\n')

           for k, v in sorted(config_macros.items()):

               fh.write('#define %s %s\n' % (k, v))


       self.include_dirs = self.include_dirs or []


       # Propagate config to cythonize.

       for i, ext in enumerate(self.distribution.ext_modules):

           unique_extend(ext.include_dirs, self.include_dirs)

           unique_extend(ext.library_dirs, self.library_dirs)

           unique_extend(ext.libraries, self.libraries)





   description="Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg's libraries.",

   author="Mike Boers",



   packages=find_packages(exclude=['build*', 'examples*', 'scratchpad*', 'tests*']),




       'build_ext': BuildExtCommand,

       'clean': CleanCommand,

       'config': ConfigCommand,

       'cythonize': CythonizeCommand,




       'console_scripts': [

           'pyav = av.__main__:main',




      'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',

      'Intended Audience :: Developers',

      'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',

      'Natural Language :: English',

      'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',

      'Operating System :: POSIX',

      'Operating System :: Unix',

      'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',

      'Programming Language :: Cython',

      'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',

      'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',

      'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',

      'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',

      'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',

      'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',

      'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio',

      'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion',

      'Topic :: Multimedia :: Video',

      'Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion',




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