CV:翻译并解读2019《A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks》第一章~第三章(三)

简介: CV:翻译并解读2019《A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks》第一章~第三章

2.4 Batch Normalization


       Batch normalization is used to address the issues related to internal covariance shift within feature maps. The internal covariance shift is a change in the distribution of hidden units’ values, which slow down the convergence (by forcing learning rate to small value) and requires careful initialization of parameters. Batch normalization for a transformed feature map k lT is shown in equation (4).

      批处理规范化用于解决与特征映射内部协方差偏移相关的问题。内协方差偏移是隐藏单元值分布的一种变化,它会减慢收敛速度(通过强制学习速率为小值),并且需要谨慎的初始化参数。转换后的特征映射k lT的批处理规范化如等式(4)所示。


     In equation (4), k l N represents normalized feature map, kl F is the input feature map, B and 2 B   depict mean and variance of a feature map for a mini batch respectively. Batch normalization  unifies the distribution of feature map values by bringing them to zero mean and unit variance [54]. Furthermore, it smoothens the flow of gradient and acts as a regulating factor, which thus helps in improving generalization of the network.

    在式(4)中,k l N表示归一化特征映射,kl F是输入特征映射,Bμ和2 B分别表示小批量特征映射的均值和方差。批量规范化通过使特征映射值的平均值和单位方差为零来统一分布[54]。此外,它平滑了梯度的流动,起到了调节因子的作用,从而有助于提高网络的泛化能力。

2.5 Dropout

       Dropout introduces regularization within the network, which ultimately improves generalization by randomly skipping some units or connections with a certain probability. In NNs, multiple connections that learn a non-linear relation are sometimes co-adapted, which causes overfitting [55]. This random dropping of some connections or units produces several thinned network architectures, and finally one representative network is selected with small weights. This selected architecture is then considered as an approximation of all of the proposed networks [56].


2.6 Fully Connected Layer

      Fully connected layer is mostly used at the end of the network for classification purpose. Unlike pooling and convolution, it is a global operation. It takes input from the previous layer and globally analyses output of all the preceding layers [57]. This makes a non-linear combination of selected features, which are used for the classification of data. [58].



                                                            Fig. 3: Evolutionary history of deep CNNs

3 Architectural Evolution of Deep CNN

      Nowadays, CNNs are considered as the most widely used algorithms among biologically inspired AI techniques. CNN history begins from the neurobiological experiments conducted by Hubel and Wiesel (1959, 1962) [14], [59]. Their work provided a platform for many cognitive models, almost all of which were latterly replaced by CNN. Over the decades, different efforts have been carried out to improve the performance of CNNs. This history is pictorially represented in Fig. 3. These improvements can be categorized into five different eras and are discussed below.


3.1 Late 1980s-1999: Origin of CNN

      CNNs have been applied to visual tasks since the late 1980s. In 1989, LeCuN et al. proposed the first multilayered CNN named as ConvNet, whose origin rooted in Fukushima’s Neocognitron [60], [61]. LeCuN proposed supervised training of ConvNet, using Backpropagation algorithm [7], [62] in comparison to the unsupervised reinforcement learning scheme used by its predecessor Neocognitron. LeCuN’s work thus made a foundation for the modern 2D CNNs. Supervised training in CNN provides the automatic feature learning ability from raw input, rather than designing of handcrafted features, used by traditional ML methods. This ConvNet showed successful results for handwritten digit and zip code recognition related problems [63]. In 1998, ConvNet was improved by LeCuN and used for classifying characters in a document recognition application [64]. This modified architecture was named as LeNet-5, which was an improvement over the initial CNN as it can extract feature representation in a hierarchical way from raw pixels [65]. Reliance of LeNet-5 on fewer parameters along with consideration of spatial topology of images enabled CNN to recognize rotational variants of the image [65]. Due to the good performance of CNN in optical character recognition, its commercial use in ATM and Banks started in 1993 and 1996, respectively. Though, many successful milestones were achieved by LeNet-5, yet the main concern associated with it was that its discrimination power was not scaled to classification tasks other than hand recognition.

      自20世纪80年代末以来,CNNs已经被应用于视觉任务中。提出了第一个叫做ConvNet的多层CNN,其起源于Fukushima’s 的Neocognitron[60],[61]。LeCuN提出了ConvNet的有监督训练,使用了Backpropagation算法[7],[62],与其前身Neocognitron使用的无监督强化学习方案相比。他的作品为现代2D CNN奠定了基础。CNN中的监督训练提供了从原始输入中自动学习特征的能力,而不是传统ML方法所使用的手工特征的设计。这个ConvNet显示了手写数字和邮政编码识别相关问题的成功结果[63]。1998年,LeCuN改进了ConvNet,并将其用于文档识别应用程序中的字符分类[64]。这种改进的结构被命名为LeNet-5,这是对初始CNN的改进,因为它可以从原始像素中以分层的方式提取特征表示[65]。LeNet-5对较少参数的依赖以及对图像空间拓扑的考虑使得CNN能够识别图像的旋转变体[65]。由于CNN在光学字符识别方面的良好性能,其在ATM和银行的商业应用分别始于1993年和1996年。尽管LeNet-5取得了许多成功的里程碑,但与之相关的主要问题是它的辨别能力并没有扩展到除手识别以外的分类任务。

3.2 Early 2000: Stagnation of CNN

      In the late 1990s and early 2000s, interest in NNs reduced and less attention was given to explore the role of CNNs in different applications such as object detection, video surveillance, etc. Use of CNN in ML related tasks became dormant due to the insignificant improvement in performance at the cost of high computational time. At that time, other statistical methods and, in particular, SVM became more popular than CNN due to its relatively high performance [66]–[68]. It was widely presumed in early 2000 that the backpropagation algorithm used for training of CNN was not effective in converging to optimal points and therefore unable to learn useful features in supervised fashion as compared to handcrafted features [69]. Meanwhile, different researchers kept working on CNN and tried to optimize its performance. In 2003, Simard et al. improved CNN architecture and showed good results as compared to SVM on a hand digit benchmark dataset; MNIST [64], [68], [70]–[72]. This performance improvement expedited the research in CNN by extending its application in optical character recognition (OCR) to other script’s character recognition [72]–[74], deployment in image sensors for face detection in video conferencing, and regulation of street crimes, etc. Likewise, CNN based systems were industrialized in markets for tracking customers [75]–[77]. Moreover, CNN’s potential in other applications such as medical image segmentation, anomaly detection, and robot vision was also explored [78]–[80].


3.3 2006-2011: Revival of CNN

      Deep NNs have generally complex architecture and time intensive training phase that sometimes spanned over weeks and even months. In early 2000, there were only a few techniques for the training of deep Networks. Additionally, it was considered that CNN is not able to scale for complex problems. These challenges halted the use of CNN in ML related tasks.


     To address these problems, in 2006 many interesting methods were reported to overcome the difficulties encountered in the training of deep CNNs and learning of invariant features. Hinton proposed greedy layer-wise pre-training approach in 2006, for deep architectures, which revived and reinstated the importance of deep learning [81], [82]. The revival of a deep learning [83], [84] was one of the factors, which brought deep CNNs into the limelight. Huang et al. (2006) used max pooling instead of subsampling, which showed good results by learning of invariant features [46], [85].                  


       In late 2006, researchers started using graphics processing units (GPUs) [86], [87] to accelerate training of deep NN and CNN architectures [88], [89]. In 2007, NVIDIA launched the CUDA programming platform [90], [91], which allows exploitation of parallel processing capabilities of GPU with a much greater degree [92]. In essence, the use of GPUs for NN training [88], [93] and other hardware improvements were the main factor, which revived the research in CNN. In 2010, Fei-Fei Li’s group at Stanford, established a large database of images known as ImageNet, containing millions of labeled images [94]. This database was coupled with the annual ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) competitions, where the performances of various models have been evaluated and scored [95]. Consequently, ILSVRC and NIPS have been very active in strengthening research and increasing the use of CNN and thus making it popular. This was a turning point in improving the performance and increasing the use of CNN. 2006年末,研究人员开始使用图形处理单元(GPU)[86],[87]来加速深度神经网络和CNN架构的训练[88],[89]。2007年,NVIDIA推出了CUDA编程平台[90],[91],它允许在更大程度上利用GPU的并行处理能力[92]。从本质上讲,GPUs在神经网络训练中的应用[88]、[93]和其他硬件的改进是主要因素,这使CNN的研究重新活跃起来。2010年,李飞飞在斯坦福大学的团队建立了一个名为ImageNet的大型图像数据库,其中包含数百万个标记图像[94]。该数据库与年度ImageNet大型视觉识别挑战赛(ILSVRC)相结合,对各种模型的性能进行了评估和评分[95]。因此,ILSVRC和NIPS在加强研究和增加CNN的使用方面非常积极,从而使其流行起来。这是一个转折点,在提高性能和增加使用有线电视新闻网。

3.4 2012-2014: Rise of CNN

      Availability of big training data, hardware advancements, and computational resources contributed to advancement in CNN algorithms. Renaissance of CNN in object detection, image classification, and segmentation related tasks had been observed in this period [9], [96]. However, the success of CNN in image classification tasks was not only due to the result of aforementioned factors but largely contributed by the architectural modifications, parameter optimization, incorporation of regulatory units, and reformulation and readjustment of connections within the network [39], [42], [97].


      The main breakthrough in CNN performance was brought by AlexNet [21]. AlexNet won the 2012-ILSVRC competition, which has been one of the most difficult challenges in image detection and classification. AlexNet improved performance by exploiting depth (incorporating multiple levels of transformation) and introduced regularization term in CNN. The exemplary performance of AlexNet [21] compared to conventional ML techniques in 2012-ILSVRC (AlexNet reduced error rate from 25.8 to 16.4) suggested that the main reason of the saturation in CNN performance before 2006 was largely due to the unavailability of enough training data and computational resources. In summary, before 2006, these resource deficiencies made it hard to train a high-capacity CNN without deterioration of performance [98].            


     With CNN becoming more of a commodity in the computer vision (CV) field, a number of attempts have been made to improve the performance of CNN with reduced computational cost. Therefore, each new architecture try to overcome the shortcomings of previously proposed architecture in combination with new structural reformulations. In year 2013 and 2014, researchers mainly focused on parameter optimization to accelerate CNN performance in a range of applications with a small increase in computational complexity. In 2013, Zeiler and Fergus [28] defined a mechanism to visualize learned filters of each CNN layer. Visualization approach was used to improve the feature extraction stage by reducing the size of the filters. Similarly, VGG architecture [29] proposed by the Oxford group, which was runner-up at the 2014-ILSVRC competition, made the receptive field much smaller in comparison to that of AlexNet but, with increased volume. In VGG, depth was increased from 9 layers to 16, by making the volume of features maps double at each layer. In the same year, GoogleNet [99] that won 2014-ILSVRC competition, not only exerted its efforts to reduce computational cost by changing layer design, but also widened the width in compliance with depth to improve CNN performance. GoogleNet introduced the concept of split, transform, and merge based blocks, within which multiscale and multilevel transformation is incorporated to capture both local and global information [33], [99], [100]. The use of multilevel transformations helps CNN in tackling details of images at various levels. In the year 2012-14, the main improvement in the learning capacity of CNN was achieved by increasing its depth and parameter optimization strategies. This suggested that the depth of a CNN helps in improving the performance of a classifier. 随着CNN在计算机视觉(CV)领域的应用越来越广泛,人们在降低计算成本的前提下,对CNN的性能进行了许多尝试。因此,每一个新的架构都试图结合新的结构重组来克服先前提出的建筑的缺点。在第2013和2014年,研究人员主要集中在参数优化,以加速CNN在一系列应用中的性能,计算复杂性的增加很小。2013年,Zeiler和Fergus[28]定义了一种机制,可以可视化每个CNN层的学习过滤器。采用可视化的方法,通过减小滤波器的尺寸来改善特征提取阶段。同样,在2014-ILSVRC竞赛中获得亚军的Oxford group提出的VGG架构[29]也使得接受场比AlexNet小得多,但随着体积的增加。在VGG中,深度从9层增加到16层,使每层的特征地图体积加倍。同年,赢得2014-ILSVRC竞赛的GoogleNet[99]不仅努力通过改变层设计来降低计算成本,还根据深度拓宽了宽度以提高CNN性能。GoogleNet引入了基于分割、变换和合并的块的概念,其中结合了多尺度和多级变换来捕获局部和全局信息[33]、[99]、[100]。多级转换的使用有助于CNN处理不同层次的图像细节。2012-2014年,CNN的学习能力主要通过提高其深度和参数优化策略来实现。这表明CNN的深度有助于提高分类器的性能。

3.5 2015-Present: Rapid increase in Architectural Innovations and Applications of CNN

      It is generally observed the major improvements in CNN performance occurred from 2015-2019. The research in CNN is still on going and has a significant potential of improvement. Representational capacity of CNN depends on its depth and in a sense can help in learning complex problems by defining diverse level of features ranging from simple to complex. Multiple levels of transformation make learning easy by chopping complex problems into 15 smaller modules. However, the main challenge faced by deep architectures is the problem of negative learning, which occurs due to diminishing gradient at lower layers of the network. To handle this problem, different research groups worked on readjustment of layers connections and design of new modules. In earlier 2015, Srivastava et al. used the concept of cross-channel connectivity and information gating mechanism to solve the vanishing gradient problem and to improve the network representational capacity [101]–[103]. This idea got famous in late 2015 and a similar concept of residual blocks or skip connections was coined [31]. Residual blocks are a variant of cross-channel connectivity, which smoothen learning by regularizing the flow of information across blocks [104]–[106]. This idea was used in ResNet architecture for the training of 150 layers deep network [31]. The idea of cross-channel connectivity is further extended to multilayer connectivity by Deluge, DenseNet, etc. to improve representation [107], [108].


       In the year 2016, the width of the network was also explored in connection with depth to improve feature learning [34], [35]. Apart from this, no new architectural modification became prominent but instead, different researchers used hybrid of the already proposed architectures to improve deep CNN performance [33], [104]–[106], [109], [110]. This fact gave the intuition that there might be other factors more important as compared to the appropriate assembly of the network units that can effectively regulate CNN performance. In this regard, Hu et al. (2017) identified that the network representation has a role in learning of deep CNNs [111]. Hu et al. introduced the idea of feature map exploitation and pinpointed that less informative and domain extraneous features may affect the performance of the network to a larger extent. He exploited the aforementioned idea and proposed new architecture named as Squeeze and Excitation Network (SE-Network) [111]. It exploits feature map (commonly known as channel in literature) information by designing a specialized SE-block. This block assigns weight to each feature map depending upon its contribution in class discrimination. This idea was further investigated by different researchers, which assign attention to important regions by exploiting both spatial and feature map (channel) information [37], [38], [112]. In 2018, a new idea of channel boosting was introduced by Khan et al [36]. The motivation behind the training of network with boosted channel representation was to use an enriched representation. This idea effectively boost the performance of a CNN by learning diverse features as well as exploiting the already learnt features through the concept of TL.


      From 2012 up till now, a lot of improvements have been reported in CNN architecture. As regards the architectural advancement of CNNs, recently the focus of research has been on designing of new blocks that can boost network representation by exploiting both feature maps and spatial information or by adding artificial channels. 从2012年到现在,CNN的架构有很多改进。关于CNNs的体系结构进展,近年来的研究重点是设计新的块,通过利用特征图和空间信息或添加人工通道来增强网络表示。

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CV:翻译并解读2019《A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks》第一章~第三章(一)
CV:翻译并解读2019《A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks》第一章~第三章
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