



Powershell call Python

首先在Windows Server 2012 R2中使用Powershell脚本做数据收集,并存放到一个文件中。

#fileName = hd.ps1
#function for countdown
Function Countdown($number,$title,$text1,$text2='Pls Call Jmilk')
    Write-Host "Exit the Script after $number seconds" -ForegroundColor Red
    $Countdown = $number
    for($PercentComplete = $Countdown; $PercentComplete -ge 0; $PercentComplete--)
        Write-Progress -Activity $title -Status $text1 -CurrentOperation $text2 -SecondsRemaining $PercentComplete ; 
        Sleep -Seconds 1;
}#End Function Countdown

Write-Host "Welcome to use the script to create table for HI & OFR nodes status" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Building the file hd.txt...Pls be patient.The script will be auto-Exit after created the hd.txt file" -ForegroundColor Yellow

#Change the rdtools path
$rdtoolsPath = 'E:\Users\userName\rdtools'
cd $rdtoolsPath

$cmd = 'commands'  #commands of Data-Collection 因为保密条约不能将内部指令对外 

cmd /c $cmd | Out-File -FilePath E:\Users\userName\Desktop\hd.txt  
#Out-File 将数据导出到文件

Write-Host 'Build Done' -ForegroundColor Green

#Powershell call python
Start-Process python E:\Users\userName\Desktop\ 

Countdown 60 'Hd.ps1' 'Exiting...' 'Pls go to the next step!' 
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Python call Powershell



import os
import codecs
from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
from openpyxl.writer.excel import ExcelWriter
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.cell import Cell
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import subprocess

def readFile(fileUrl):
    """Read the file and return the file content"""
        #unicode file
        fileObject =,'r',encoding='utf-16')
    except unicodeDecodeError:
        print "Pls check the encoding for hd.txt whether [unicode]"
        print("Unspecified Error,Pls call Jmilk")

        fileContent = fileObject.readlines()
    return fileContent

def getNodeCountList(readLines):
    """Get the different node status type and change the global variable"""
    i = 0
    for line in readLines:
        lineItem = line.split(':')
        if lineItem[0] == '---- \r\n':
            i += 1
        if lineItem[0] == '  Node State':
            if lineItem[1] == ' Ready count':
                global ReadyCount
                ReadyCount[i-1] = int(lineItem[2])
            if lineItem[1] == ' OutForRepair count':
                global OutForRepairCount
                OutForRepairCount[i-1] = int(lineItem[2])
            if lineItem[1] == ' HumanInvestigate count':
                global HumanInvestigateCount
                HumanInvestigateCount[i-1] = int(lineItem[2])

def createTable():
    """Create the HI‘s & OFR nodes status table"""
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.worksheets[0]
    ws.title = u"NodeCount"
    for i in list(range(1,26)):
            ws.cell("A"+str(i)).value = '%s' % (cluster[i-1])
            ws.cell("B"+str(i)).value = '%s' % (HumanInvestigateCount[i-1])
            ws.cell("C"+str(i)).value = '%s' % (OutForRepairCount[i-1])
            ws.cell("D"+str(i)).value = '%s' % (ReadyCount[i-1])
            ws.cell("E"+str(i)).value = '%.2f%s' %((float(HumanInvestigateCount[i-1])/(HumanInvestigateCount[i-1]+OutForRepairCount[i-1]+ReadyCount[i-1]))*100,'%')"Hd.xlsx")

#Python call powershell 使用powershell实现发送数据处理邮件  
def python_call_powershell(bodyStr):
        args = [r"C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe","-ExecutionPolicy","Unrestricted",r"E:\Users\userName\Desktop\SendMail.ps1",str(bodyStr)]
        ps = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        psReturn =
        return psReturn

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Change to your user name
    user = 'userName'
    cluster = []
    ReadyCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    OutForRepairCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    HumanInvestigateCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    percentage = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

    fileUrl = 'E:\\Users\\' + user + '\\Desktop\\hd.txt'
    if os.path.exists(fileUrl):
        readContent = readFile(fileUrl)
        print('Not exist the file!')
    for i in list(range(0,24)):
                percentage[i] = '%.2f%s' % ((float(HumanInvestigateCount[i])/(HumanInvestigateCount[i]+OutForRepairCount[i]+ReadyCount[i]))*100,'%')
    bodyStr = [x for li in [cluster,HumanInvestigateCount,OutForRepairCount,ReadyCount,percentage] for x in li]
    for index in list(range(0,24)):
                print cluster[index]+'\t',str(HumanInvestigateCount[index])+'\t',str(OutForRepairCount[index])+'\t',str(ReadyCount[index])+'\t'+percentage[index]
    print bodyStr

    callResult = python_call_powershell(bodyStr)
    print callResult

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#fileName = sendMail.ps1

#Set secure password
Function Set-SecurePwd($storage)
    $mysecret = 'mailPassword'
    $mysecret | 
    ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force |
    ConvertFrom-SecureString |
    Out-File -FilePath $storage

    $pw = Get-Content $storage | ConvertTo-SecureString

    return $pw
}#End Function Set-SecurePwd

#Sned Email
Function Send-Email($attach,$body)
    #$pwd = Set-SecurePwd $storage

    #$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "mailUsername",$pwd
    $to = ""
    $from = ""
    $cc = ""
    $sub = "Number of statistics for Node status"
    $smtp = "SMTP.163.COM"

    Send-MailMessage -To $to -From $from -cc $cc -Subject $sub -Body  $body -BodyAsHtml  -SmtpServer $smtp -port 25 -Attachments $attach -Credential $cred -UseSsl 

        Write-Host "Sent Successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Error" -ForegroundColor Red
}#End Function Send-Email

$storage = "E:\Users\userName\Desktop\password.txt"
$attach = "E:\Users\userName\Desktop\Hd.xlsx"
$data = $args[0]   #获取Python传递过来的参数
$date = Get-Date
$currentTime = "{0:G}" -f $date.AddHours(16)
$body = "<html>Report of data deal with</html>" #使用HTML的方式来自定义邮件格式

Send-Email $attach $body
Sleep 10
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数据处理 Python Windows
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深度探索Python Socket编程:从理论到实践,进阶篇带你领略网络编程的魅力!
【7月更文挑战第25天】在网络编程中, Python Socket编程因灵活性强而广受青睐。本文采用问答形式深入探讨其进阶技巧。**问题一**: Socket编程基于TCP/IP,通过创建Socket对象实现通信,支持客户端和服务器间的数据交换。**问题二**: 提升并发处理能力的方法包括多线程(适用于I/O密集型任务)、多进程(绕过GIL限制)和异步IO(asyncio)。**问题三**: 提供了一个使用asyncio库实现的异步Socket服务器示例,展示如何接收及响应客户端消息。通过这些内容,希望能激发读者对网络编程的兴趣并引导进一步探索。
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