1. 人机交互:通过语音唤醒、触屏开启对话或执行动作,使用语音活性检测判断录音结束,使用语音识别模型将用户语音转为文字输入大模型。最终将大模型输出转为语音播放,并触发对应动作,使机器人与用户实现流畅交互。
2. 大语言模型集成:将云端的百炼大语言模型(通义千问)集成至具身智能系统中,能够理解自然语言输入,并生成适应上下文的语言输出,与用户进行多轮对话并判断出复杂的任务决策。
3. 多模态感知:通过结合机器人传感器数据(RGB-D摄像头、麦克风、定位),使大语言模型和视觉语言模型能够基于图片、语音、文字等模态信息感知和理解环境信息。
4. 记忆与决策模块:基于包括对话、动作、定位记录的短期记忆,和Dashvector向量数据库构成的长期记忆,使机器人能够根据用户指令和记忆做出行动决策,如运动、移动、RAG驱动的语言输出等。
1. 具身智能系统
(1) 语音唤醒
import subprocess import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String, Int32, Int8 # publish mesage to the LLM def llm_pub(raw_prompt): global cloud_pub message = String() message.data = raw_prompt cloud_pub.publish(message) rate.sleep() # stop the dialog process def terminate(): # kill all aplay sound subprocess.run(['pkill', '-9', 'aplay']) # kill TTS llm_pub('STOP') rate.sleep() ######################################################################## # ROS subscriber node ######################################################################## def wake_callback(ros_msg) -> None: """ Callback function triggered upon a wake-up signal. Initiates or restarts the dialog process. Args: - msg (Any): The message containing wake-up signal information. """ # start a new dialog global arm_pub, rate # wave hands and start conversation if ros_msg.data == 3: # stop the dialog terminate() # wave send_msg = Int8() send_msg.data = 4 arm_pub.publish(send_msg) rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo(f"/arm_control 4 %s" % rospy.get_time()) # play the greeting sound subprocess.run(["aplay", f"cozy_voice/hello.wav"]) # perform taichi if ros_msg.data == 4: # stop all sound terminate() # do taichi send_msg = Int8() send_msg.data = 3 arm_pub.publish(send_msg) rate.sleep() # play music subprocess.Popen(['aplay', 'cozy_voice/taiji.wav']) llm_pub('arm_control:3') def main(): # Initialize a ROS node with the name 'wake_subscriber' rospy.init_node('wake_subscriber') # Subscribe to the 'wake' topic, expecting messages of type Int32, and specify the callback function rospy.Subscriber('wake', Int32, wake_callback) # set up publishers for LLM and arms global cloud_pub, arm_pub, rate cloud_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cloud_llm', String, queue_size=10) arm_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_control', Int8, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # The spin() function keeps Python from exiting until this ROS node is stopped rospy.spin() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
(2) 触屏输入
(3) 语音识别
import numpy as np import pyaudio from vad import VoiceActivityDetection import subprocess import collections from array import array from random import randint import sys import signal import time import torch import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String, Int8 from record import listen import os ######################################################################## # initialization ######################################################################## vad = VoiceActivityDetection() # Global variables to manage recording state recording_thread = None ######################################################################## # recording audio ######################################################################## # Main function to record def record(): audio = listen() if audio: subprocess.run(["aplay", "cozy_voice/think.wav"]) start = time.time() raw_prompt = paraformer(audio, hotword=hotword)[0]['text'] end = time.time() print('Time: ' + str(end - start)) print(raw_prompt) if raw_prompt != '': llm_pub('llm:' + raw_prompt) # stop the dialog process def terminate(): # kill all aplay sound subprocess.run(['killall', 'aplay']) # kill TTS llm_pub('STOP') rate.sleep() # publish prompt def pub_prompt(msg, raw_prompt): global cloud_pub cloud_pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() # publish ros message to llm def llm_pub(msg): global cloud_pub, head_pub # publish message to llm message = String() message.data = msg cloud_pub.publish(message) # publish message to head to nod nod = Int8() nod.data = 1 head_pub.publish(nod) rate.sleep() def main(): # Initialize a ROS node with the name 'wake_subscriber' rospy.init_node('mic') # Initialize publishers for LLM global cloud_pub rate = rospy.Rate(10) print('START') # keep listening while True: try: record() except Exception as e: print(f"Error encountered: {e}") pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()
(4) 决策引擎
- 动作记忆:记录动作类型以及触发时间,从而规划一系列复杂动作的顺序。
- 对话记忆:记录多轮对话的上下文,从而保持对话的连贯性和理解深度。
- 定位记忆:用于记录机器人当前的点位以获取对应位置的上下文信息,从而根据环境信息与用户交互。
- 在向量数据库中储存企业知识、行业知识等信息。通过用户指令的文本向量检索相关信息,并将检索结果作为上下文输入大模型生成对应回答。实现对专业知识的问答能力。
- 在向量数据库中检索人脸图片向量,返回人员信息的检索结果,实现大模型与对话人的定制话题问答,模拟人类认识人的能力。
from dashscope import TextEmbedding from dashscope.api_entities.dashscope_response import Role from dashvector import Client ######################################################################## # RAG ######################################################################## # generate text embedding def generate_embeddings(doc): rsp = TextEmbedding.call(model=TextEmbedding.Models.text_embedding_v2, input=doc) embeddings = [record['embedding'] for record in rsp.output['embeddings']] return embeddings if isinstance(doc, list) else embeddings[0] # search for relevant text in the vector database def search_relevant_doc(question, collection_name, topk): client = Client(api_key=os.getenv('DASHVECTOR_API_KEY'), endpoint=os.getenv('DASHVECTOR_ENDPOINT')) collection = client.get(collection_name) rsp = collection.query(question, output_fields=['raw'], topk=topk) # for face recognition, select the closest result if topk == 1: result = rsp.output[0] raw = rsp.output[0].fields['raw'] score = result.score print(score) if score > 1.1: print(raw) return False else: return raw # for RAG, select the closest k results else: result = [raw.fields['raw'] for raw in rsp.output] return ';'.join(result) # RAG def rag(question, collection_name, topk): # search relevant document in dashvector collection embedding = generate_embeddings(question) context = search_relevant_doc(embedding, collection_name, topk) print(context) prompt = f'请基于```内的内容回答问题。```{context}```我的问题是:{question}。' return prompt
- 大语言模型: 调用云端百炼的大模型通义千问生成热启动的实例,输入用户指令,并传回流式回答文字,并输入云端的语音合成(TTS)模型CosyVoice生成语音。如果需要调用工具,如视觉、机械臂与导航,大语言模型会生成与任务相匹配的特殊符号。决策引擎识别到特殊符号后会通过ROS通信框架发送至对应节点执行任务。
from random import randint from dashscope import Generation from dashscope.api_entities.dashscope_response import Role # chat with LLM def chat(prompt): msg = memory['messages'] msg.append({'role': Role.USER, 'content': prompt}) # if the length of message exceeds 3k, pop the oldest round msg = check_len(msg) # Use language generation model to generate a response responses = Generation.call( model='qwen-plus', messages=msg, seed=randint(1, 100), enable_search=True, result_format='message', stream=True, incremental_output=True ) # Process the generated response full_content = stream_tts(responses, prompt) # load the reply to the message msg.append({'role': Role.ASSISTANT, 'content': full_content}) memory['messages'] = msg
- 视觉语言模型:当大语言模型判断需要调用视觉执行任务时,决策引擎会调用相机拍摄彩图感知物理世界环境,并连同照片和用户指令一起输入视觉语言模型,与大语言模型类似地传回流式回答。
from dashscope import MultiModalConversation from dashscope.api_entities.dashscope_response import Role import numpy as np import mmap # initialize camera fd = os.open('/dev/shm/camera_7', os.O_RDONLY) mmap_data = mmap.mmap(fd, length=640 * 480 * 3, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) def snap(photo_name): frame = np.frombuffer(mmap_data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((480, 640, 3)) cv2.imwrite(photo_name, frame) subprocess.run(["aplay", "cozy_voice/snap.wav"]) # chat with vision language model def vl_chat(prompt): # take a photo photo_name = '/home/robot/chatbot/image/color_image.png' snap(photo_name) # load the prompt to the message msg = memory['vl'] text_msg = memory['messages'] text_msg.append({'role': Role.USER, 'content': prompt}) msg.append({'role': Role.USER, 'content': [{'image': 'file://' + photo_name}, {'text': '这张照片显示你刚拍摄的眼前的真实环境。请你观察照片回答问题:' + prompt}]}) # get the reply from tongyi vl responses = MultiModalConversation.call(model='qwen-vl-max', messages=msg, stream=True, incremental_output=True) full_content = stream_tts(responses, prompt, vl=True) # load the reply to the message msg.append({'role': Role.ASSISTANT, 'content': [{'text': full_content}]}) # load the reply to text message text_msg.append({'role': Role.ASSISTANT, 'content': full_content}) # check if the length of text messages exceeds 5k text_msg = check_len(text_msg) msg = check_len(msg) memory['vl'] = msg memory['messages'] = text_msg # end the process terminate(llm=False, vl=True)
- 大模型+动作:
- 当大语言模型判断需要移动寻找物品时,会使用深度相机对目标物体测距,计算旋转角度。并将前行距离与角度通过ROS通信框架发送至主控算法,控制轮式底盘移动至目标处。
- 当大语言判断需要执行机械臂动作时,发送相应指令至机械臂控制算法以触发特定动作。
- 当大语言模型判断需要移动到地图上的特定点位时,会发送点位消息给导航系统,导航系统将测算自由路径并移动至点位。到达点位后,决策引擎接收导航系统的确认消息,并将该点位的环境信息以文字形式发送给大语言模型,使其能够感知周围环境。
2. 实现功能