考虑一个19x19的网格,每个网格都可以赋予一个权重。现在,给定一个坐标范围在 (−1500,1500),(−1500,1500)(−1500,1500),(−1500,1500) 之内的数据点,你的任务是为这个数据点在19x19的网格中确定权重。
- 数据点在某个网格的中心:此时,该数据点所在的那个网格权重为1,其余所有网格的权重为0。
- 数据点位于四个网格的交点:这四个相交的网格各自的权重为0.25,其余所有网格的权重为0。
- 数据点在网格的内部边界但非交点上:此时,数据点位于两个网格的共同边界上。例如,如果数据点在两个网格的水平共同边界上,则这两个网格的权重各为0.5,其余所有网格的权重为0。同理,如果数据点在两个网格的垂直边界上,这两个网格的权重也各为0.5。
- 数据点位于整体网格系统的边界上:在这种特殊情况下,所有网格的权重都为0,因为数据点在整个网格系统的外部边界上。
- 数据点在某个网格的内部角上但非交点需要安装距离来分配权重:例如,如果数据点在左下角上但不在四个网格的交点,你需要计算与该点相邻的左侧、下方、左下角和当前所在的网格的权重,使得总权重为1,需要计算当前点和这四个网格中心的距离,然后根据这个距离的比例来分配这个权值。
- 一个元组,代表数据点的坐标 (x,y) ,其中 x,y∈[−1500,1500]x,y∈[−1500,1500]。
- 一个 19×19 的二维数组,表示每个网格的权重。
1. 数据点在某个网格的中心:
测试点: (0,0)
解释: 这是整个19x19网格系统的中心点。在这种情况下,中心网格权重为1,其余网格权重为0。
预测结果: 19x19的二维数组中,中心格权重为1,其余为0。
2. 数据点位于四个网格的交点:
测试点: (-1184.22, -1184.22)
解释: 数据点位于第一个行和第一个列的交点上。
**3. **数据点在网格的内部边界但非交点上
- 输入:(0, -1500 + CELL_SIZE)
- 输出:一个19x19的二维数组,其中两个相邻网格的权重为0.5,其余网格的权重为0。
- 解释:数据点 (-1184.22, -1294.22) 位于两个相邻网格的内部边界上,其中一个网格在左侧,另一个在右侧。因此,这两个相邻网格的权重都为0.5,其余网格的权重都是0。
4. 数据点位于整体网格系统的边界上:
测试点: (-1500, 0)
解释: 数据点位于整个网格系统的左边界上。
预测结果: 所有网格权重为0。
测试点: (-1125, 1125)
解释: 给定的数据点 (−1125,1125)位于第 2 列和第 16 行的网格内部角上。
预测结果: (当前网格)的权重应该最大,(左侧网格)的权重次之,网格(上方网格)的权重再次之,网格 (左上角网格)的权重最小,其余为0。
import numpy as np # 定义单元格大小 CELL_SIZE = 3000 / 19 # 单元格的尺寸 epsilon = 1e-3 # 容差 def get_grid_position_and_distances(x, y): """ 计算给定点的网格位置以及到四个边界的距离。 """ # 计算x和y坐标所对应的格子位置 grid_x = int((x + 1500) // CELL_SIZE) grid_y = int((y + 1500) // CELL_SIZE) # 计算到四个边界的距离 dist_left = x - (-1500 + grid_x * CELL_SIZE) dist_right = (-1500 + (grid_x + 1) * CELL_SIZE) - x dist_top = y - (-1500 + grid_y * CELL_SIZE) dist_bottom = (-1500 + (grid_y + 1) * CELL_SIZE) - y return grid_x, grid_y, dist_left, dist_right, dist_top, dist_bottom def calculate_weight(x, y): """ 根据点的位置计算权重矩阵。 """ # 获取点的网格位置和距离信息 grid_x, grid_y, dist_left, dist_right, dist_top, dist_bottom = get_grid_position_and_distances(x, y) weight_matrix = np.zeros((19, 19)) # 初始化权重矩阵为全零 # 判断是否为外部边界点 if x == 1500 or x == -1500 or y == 1500 or y == -1500: return weight_matrix # 返回全零矩阵 # 判断是否为中心点 if np.isclose(x, -1500 + (grid_x + 0.5) * CELL_SIZE) and np.isclose(y, -1500 + (grid_y + 0.5) * CELL_SIZE): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 1 return weight_matrix # 判断是否为交叉点 if (np.isclose(x, -1500 + grid_x * CELL_SIZE) or np.isclose(x, -1500 + (grid_x + 1) * CELL_SIZE)) and \ (np.isclose(y, -1500 + grid_y * CELL_SIZE) or np.isclose(y, -1500 + (grid_y + 1) * CELL_SIZE)): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.25 weight_matrix[grid_y + 1, grid_x] = 0.25 weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x + 1] = 0.25 weight_matrix[grid_y + 1, grid_x + 1] = 0.25 return weight_matrix # 判断是否为内部边界点 if np.isclose(dist_left, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x - 1] = 0.5 return weight_matrix if np.isclose(dist_right, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x + 1] = 0.5 return weight_matrix if np.isclose(dist_top, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y - 1, grid_x] = 0.5 return weight_matrix if np.isclose(dist_bottom, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y + 1, grid_x] = 0.5 return weight_matrix # 重新计算内部角落点的权重 # 计算到四个近邻格子中心的距离 distances = [ np.sqrt(dist_left ** 2 + dist_top ** 2), np.sqrt(dist_right ** 2 + dist_top ** 2), np.sqrt(dist_left ** 2 + dist_bottom ** 2), np.sqrt(dist_right ** 2 + dist_bottom ** 2) ] # 计算距离的倒数 inverse_distances = [1 / (d + epsilon) for d in distances] # 添加epsilon以防止除以零 total_inverse_distance = sum(inverse_distances) # 根据距离的倒数分配权重 weights = [idist / total_inverse_distance for idist in inverse_distances] weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = weights[0] weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x - 1] = weights[1] weight_matrix[grid_y - 1, grid_x] = weights[2] weight_matrix[grid_y - 1, grid_x - 1] = weights[3] return weight_matrix # 定义测试点 test_points = [ (0, 0), (-1184.22, -1184.22),(0, -1500 + CELL_SIZE), (-1500, 0), (-1125, 1125) ] for point in test_points: print(f"Test point: {point}") print(calculate_weight(*point)) print("=" * 40)
- get_grid_position_and_distances函数:
- 该函数接收一个点的x和y坐标作为输入。
- 它首先计算给定点在网格系统中的位置(grid_x和grid_y)。
- 然后,它计算点到其包含网格的四个边界的距离(dist_left, dist_right, dist_top, dist_bottom)。
- 函数返回这些值。
- calculate_weight函数:
- 该函数接收一个点的x和y坐标作为输入。
- 它首先调用get_grid_position_and_distances函数来获取网格位置和边界距离。
- 接下来,它根据不同的情况为每个网格分配权重:
- 如果点位于网格系统的外部边界上,所有网格的权重都为0。
- 如果点位于某个网格的中心,那个网格的权重为1,其他网格的权重为0。
- 如果点位于四个网格的交点,这四个网格的权重都为0.25。
- 如果点位于两个网格的内部边界上,这两个网格的权重都为0.5。
- 如果点位于某个网格的内部角上但不在交点上,它计算点到四个邻近格子的中心的距离,并根据这些距离分配权重。
import numpy as np # 定义单元格大小 CELL_SIZE = 3000 / 19 # 单元格的尺寸 epsilon = 1e-3 # 容差 def get_grid_position_and_distances(x, y): """ 计算给定点的网格位置以及到四个边界的距离。 """ # 计算x和y坐标所对应的格子位置 grid_x = int((x + 1500) // CELL_SIZE) grid_y = int((y + 1500) // CELL_SIZE) # 计算到四个边界的距离 dist_left = x - (-1500 + grid_x * CELL_SIZE) dist_right = (-1500 + (grid_x + 1) * CELL_SIZE) - x dist_top = y - (-1500 + grid_y * CELL_SIZE) dist_bottom = (-1500 + (grid_y + 1) * CELL_SIZE) - y return grid_x, grid_y, dist_left, dist_right, dist_top, dist_bottom def calculate_weight(x, y): """ 根据点的位置计算权重矩阵。 """ # 获取点的网格位置和距离信息 grid_x, grid_y, dist_left, dist_right, dist_top, dist_bottom = get_grid_position_and_distances(x, y) weight_matrix = np.zeros((19, 19)) # 初始化权重矩阵为全零 # 判断是否为外部边界点 if x == 1500 or x == -1500 or y == 1500 or y == -1500: return weight_matrix # 返回全零矩阵 # 判断是否为中心点 if np.isclose(x, -1500 + (grid_x + 0.5) * CELL_SIZE) and np.isclose(y, -1500 + (grid_y + 0.5) * CELL_SIZE): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 1 return weight_matrix # 判断是否为交叉点 if (np.isclose(x, -1500 + grid_x * CELL_SIZE) or np.isclose(x, -1500 + (grid_x + 1) * CELL_SIZE)) and \ (np.isclose(y, -1500 + grid_y * CELL_SIZE) or np.isclose(y, -1500 + (grid_y + 1) * CELL_SIZE)): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.25 weight_matrix[grid_y + 1, grid_x] = 0.25 weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x + 1] = 0.25 weight_matrix[grid_y + 1, grid_x + 1] = 0.25 return weight_matrix # 判断是否为内部边界点 if np.isclose(dist_left, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x - 1] = 0.5 return weight_matrix if np.isclose(dist_right, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x + 1] = 0.5 return weight_matrix if np.isclose(dist_top, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y - 1, grid_x] = 0.5 return weight_matrix if np.isclose(dist_bottom, 0, atol=epsilon): weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = 0.5 weight_matrix[grid_y + 1, grid_x] = 0.5 return weight_matrix # 重新计算内部角落点的权重 # 计算到四个近邻格子中心的距离 distances = [ np.sqrt(dist_left ** 2 + dist_top ** 2), np.sqrt(dist_right ** 2 + dist_top ** 2), np.sqrt(dist_left ** 2 + dist_bottom ** 2), np.sqrt(dist_right ** 2 + dist_bottom ** 2) ] # 计算距离的倒数 inverse_distances = [1 / (d + epsilon) for d in distances] # 添加epsilon以防止除以零 total_inverse_distance = sum(inverse_distances) # 根据距离的倒数分配权重 weights = [idist / total_inverse_distance for idist in inverse_distances] weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x] = weights[0] weight_matrix[grid_y, grid_x - 1] = weights[1] weight_matrix[grid_y - 1, grid_x] = weights[2] weight_matrix[grid_y - 1, grid_x - 1] = weights[3] return weight_matrix # 加载数据 data = np.load('D:\系统默认\桌面\永信\B4013-算法题\part.npy') # 遍历数据并计算权重 for point in data: source_x, source_y = point print(compute_weights_for_point(source_x, source_y)) print("运行完了")