近日,智谱AI开源了VLM领域的最新工作 CogAgent。
CogAgent 是基于CogVLM改进的模型,是一个擅长于GUI理解和导航的180亿参数规模的视觉语言模型,CogAgent-18B 拥有110亿视觉参数和70亿语言参数。
CogAgent-18B 在9个跨模态基准测试上取得了 SOTA 的通用性能,包括VQAv2、OK-VQA、TextVQA、ST-VQA、ChartQA、infoVQA、DocVQA、MM-Vet、和 POPE。在AITW、Mind2Web等GUI操作数据集上取得了SOTA的性能。
- 支持更高分辨率的视觉输入和对话问答。支持1120*1120超高分辨率的图像输入;
- 具备视觉Agent的能力,针对任意GUI截图,对于用户给定的任务,CogAgent均能返回计划、下一个动作、含坐标的具体操作;
- 提升了GUI相关的问答能力,可以针对任意GUI截图进行问答,例如网页、PPT、手机软件,甚至能够解说原神界面。
- 通过预训练与微调,在OCR相关任务上的能力大幅提升。
en_template_task = [ "Can you advise me on how to <TASK>?", "I'm looking for guidance on how to <TASK>.", "What steps do I need to take to <TASK>?", "Could you provide instructions for <TASK>?", "I'm wondering what the process is for <TASK>.", "How can I go about <TASK>?", "I need assistance with planning to <TASK>.", "Do you have any recommendations for <TASK>?", "Please share some tips for <TASK>.", "I'd like to know the best way to <TASK>.", "What's the most effective way to <TASK>?", "I'm seeking advice on accomplishing <TASK>.", "Could you guide me through the steps to <TASK>?", "I'm unsure how to start with <TASK>.", "Is there a strategy for successfully <TASK>?", "What's the proper procedure for <TASK>?", "How should I prepare for <TASK>?", "I'm not sure where to begin with <TASK>.", "I need some insights on <TASK>.", "Can you explain how to tackle <TASK>?", "I'm interested in the process of <TASK>.", "Could you enlighten me on <TASK>?", "What are the recommended steps for <TASK>?", "Is there a preferred method for <TASK>?", "I'd appreciate your advice on <TASK>.", "Can you shed light on <TASK>?", "What would be the best approach to <TASK>?", "How do I get started with <TASK>?", "I'm inquiring about the procedure for <TASK>.", "Could you share your expertise on <TASK>?", "I'd like some guidance on <TASK>.", "What's your recommendation for <TASK>?", "I'm seeking your input on how to <TASK>.", "Can you provide some insights into <TASK>?", "How can I successfully accomplish <TASK>?", "What steps are involved in <TASK>?", "I'm curious about the best way to <TASK>.", "Could you show me the ropes for <TASK>?", "I need to know how to go about <TASK>.", "What are the essential steps for <TASK>?", "Is there a specific method for <TASK>?", "I'd like to get some advice on <TASK>.", "Can you explain the process of <TASK>?", "I'm looking for guidance on how to approach <TASK>.", "What's the proper way to handle <TASK>?", "How should I proceed with <TASK>?", "I'm interested in your expertise on <TASK>.", "Could you walk me through the steps for <TASK>?", "I'm not sure where to begin when it comes to <TASK>.", "What should I prioritize when doing <TASK>?", "How can I ensure success with <TASK>?", "I'd appreciate some tips on <TASK>.", "Can you provide a roadmap for <TASK>?", "What's the recommended course of action for <TASK>?", "I'm seeking your guidance on <TASK>.", "Could you offer some suggestions for <TASK>?", "I'd like to know the steps to take for <TASK>.", "What's the most effective way to achieve <TASK>?", "How can I make the most of <TASK>?", "I'm wondering about the best approach to <TASK>.", "Can you share your insights on <TASK>?", "What steps should I follow to complete <TASK>?", "I'm looking for advice on <TASK>.", "What's the strategy for successfully completing <TASK>?", "How should I prepare myself for <TASK>?", "I'm not sure where to start with <TASK>.", "What's the procedure for <TASK>?", "Could you provide some guidance on <TASK>?", "I'd like to get some tips on how to <TASK>.", "Can you explain how to tackle <TASK> step by step?", "I'm interested in understanding the process of <TASK>.", "What are the key steps to <TASK>?", "Is there a specific method that works for <TASK>?", "I'd appreciate your advice on successfully completing <TASK>.", "Can you shed light on the best way to <TASK>?", "What would you recommend as the first step to <TASK>?", "How do I initiate <TASK>?", "I'm inquiring about the recommended steps for <TASK>.", "Could you share some insights into <TASK>?", "I'm seeking your expertise on <TASK>.", "What's your recommended approach for <TASK>?", "I'd like some guidance on where to start with <TASK>.", "Can you provide recommendations for <TASK>?", "What's your advice for someone looking to <TASK>?", "I'm seeking your input on the process of <TASK>.", "How can I achieve success with <TASK>?", "What's the best way to navigate <TASK>?", "I'm curious about the steps required for <TASK>.", "Could you show me the proper way to <TASK>?", "I need to know the necessary steps for <TASK>.", "What's the most efficient method for <TASK>?", "I'd appreciate your guidance on <TASK>.", "Can you explain the steps involved in <TASK>?", "I'm looking for recommendations on how to approach <TASK>.", "What's the right way to handle <TASK>?", "How should I manage <TASK>?", "I'm interested in your insights on <TASK>.", "Could you provide a step-by-step guide for <TASK>?", "I'm not sure how to start when it comes to <TASK>.", "What are the key factors to consider for <TASK>?", "How can I ensure a successful outcome with <TASK>?", "I'd like some tips and tricks for <TASK>.", "Can you offer a roadmap for accomplishing <TASK>?", "What's the preferred course of action for <TASK>?", "I'm seeking your expert advice on <TASK>.", "Could you suggest some best practices for <TASK>?", "I'd like to understand the necessary steps to complete <TASK>.", "What's the most effective strategy for <TASK>?", ]
将其中的<TASK>替换为用双引号包围的任务指令。该方法可以获得模型推测的Plan和Next Action。若在句末加上(with grounding),则模型会进一步返回含坐标的形式化表示。
然后问他:I'm looking for a software to "edit my photo with grounding"
我们可以看到,CogAgent给我们返回了edit photo的步骤,以及下一步action是点击屏幕的PhotoShop,以及正确的指出了PhotoShop的坐标信息。
然后我们试一下多轮对话的能力,我们再问他:I want to "calculate the average score of students with grounding"
使用魔搭社区pipeline函数推理 cogagent-chat:
from modelscope import pipeline pipe = pipeline(task='chat', model='ZhipuAI/cogagent-chat', llm_first=True, device_map='cuda') messages_en = { 'messages': [{ 'role': 'user', 'content': [{'image': 'einstein.png'}, {'text': 'Who is him?'}] }] } gen_kwargs = {"max_length": 2048, "temperature": 0.9, "do_sample": False} print(pipe(messages_en, **gen_kwargs))
import torch from PIL import Image from modelscope import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--quant", choices=[4], type=int, default=None, help='quantization bits') parser.add_argument("--from_pretrained", type=str, default="ZhipuAI/cogagent-chat", help='pretrained ckpt') parser.add_argument("--local_tokenizer", type=str, default="AI-ModelScope/vicuna-7b-v1.5", help='tokenizer path') parser.add_argument("--fp16", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--bf16", action="store_true") args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() MODEL_PATH = args.from_pretrained TOKENIZER_PATH = args.local_tokenizer DEVICE = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(TOKENIZER_PATH) if args.bf16: torch_type = torch.bfloat16 else: torch_type = torch.float16 print("========Use torch type as:{} with device:{}========\n\n".format(torch_type, DEVICE)) if args.quant: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( MODEL_PATH, torch_dtype=torch_type, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, load_in_4bit=True, trust_remote_code=True ).eval() else: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( MODEL_PATH, torch_dtype=torch_type, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, load_in_4bit=args.quant is not None, trust_remote_code=True ).to(DEVICE).eval() while True: image_path = input("image path >>>>> ") if image_path == "stop": break image = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB') history = [] while True: query = input("Human:") if query == "clear": break input_by_model = model.build_conversation_input_ids(tokenizer, query=query, history=history, images=[image]) inputs = { 'input_ids': input_by_model['input_ids'].unsqueeze(0).to(DEVICE), 'token_type_ids': input_by_model['token_type_ids'].unsqueeze(0).to(DEVICE), 'attention_mask': input_by_model['attention_mask'].unsqueeze(0).to(DEVICE), 'images': [[input_by_model['images'][0].to(DEVICE).to(torch_type)]], } if 'cross_images' in input_by_model and input_by_model['cross_images']: inputs['cross_images'] = [[input_by_model['cross_images'][0].to(DEVICE).to(torch_type)]] # add any transformers params here. gen_kwargs = {"max_length": 2048, "temperature": 0.9, "do_sample": False} with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model.generate(**inputs, **gen_kwargs) outputs = outputs[:, inputs['input_ids'].shape[1]:] response = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0]) response = response.split("</s>")[0] print("\nCog:", response) history.append((query, response))
CogAgent-Chat 和 CogAgent-VQA 模型已经在 SWIFT(https://github.com/modelscope/swift)中支持训练。官方提供的训练示例中使用了原版github训练中使用的数据集captcha-images。该数据集的输入图片为包含字母和数字的图片,标签为识别出来的内容。开发者可以使用如下脚本进行训练:
# Experimental environment: 2 * A100 # 2 * 45GB PYTHONPATH=../../.. \ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 \ python llm_sft.py \ --model_type cogagent-chat \ --sft_type lora \ --tuner_backend swift \ --dtype fp16 \ --output_dir output \ --dataset capcha-images \ --train_dataset_sample -1 \ --num_train_epochs 2 \ --max_length 1024 \ --check_dataset_strategy warning \ --lora_rank 8 \ --lora_alpha 32 \ --lora_dropout_p 0.05 \ --gradient_checkpointing false \ --batch_size 1 \ --weight_decay 0.01 \ --learning_rate 1e-4 \ --gradient_accumulation_steps 16 \ --max_grad_norm 0.5 \ --warmup_ratio 0.03 \ --eval_steps 100 \ --save_steps 100 \ --save_total_limit 2 \ --logging_steps 10 --push_to_hub false \ --hub_model_id cogagent-chat-lora \ --hub_private_repo true \ --hub_token 'your-sdk-token' \
- 该模型cross-image的Vit联合FusedLayerNorm使用会造成训练跑飞,避免该错误请`pip uninstall apex`
- 该模型联合device_map使用时可能会有不同算子处于不同CUDA设备上的问题,请酌情调节device_map配置
# Experimental environment: A100 PYTHONPATH=../../.. \ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 \ python llm_infer.py \ --ckpt_dir "/xxx/xxx/cogagent-chat/vx-xxx/checkpoint-xx" \ --load_args_from_ckpt_dir true \ --eval_human true \ --max_length 4096 \ --use_flash_attn true \ --max_new_tokens 2048 \ --temperature 0.3 \ --top_p 0.7 \ --repetition_penalty 1.05 \ --do_sample true \ --merge_lora_and_save false \
这两个脚本都可以在SWIFT examples中找到。