- 基因表达矩阵文件(可以直接拿原始数据)
- 分组文件(样品,时间点,分组三列)
- 基因的位置信息(染色体,起始及终止位点,基因id四列)
## 安装 BiocManager::install("TCseq") library(TCseq) # 位置信息文件 genomicIntervals <- read.delim('intervial.txt',stringsAsFactors = FALSE) genomicIntervals$chr <- as.factor(genomicIntervals$chr) ## 表达量矩阵文件 count <- read.delim('count.txt',header = T,row.names = 1) # as.integer 转换为整数型 countsTable <- count %>% mutate(across(where(is.numeric), as.integer)) # or #count1 <- apply(count, 2, as.integer) rownames(countsTable) <- rownames(count) ##矩阵形式 countsTable <- as.matrix(countsTable) # 分组文件 experiment <- read.delim('group.txt',header = T,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) experiment$sampleid <- as.factor(experiment$sampleid)
- 位置信息文件可以直接根据gtf文件转换生成,这个应该不难。
- 另外,相应的数据类型要提前转换好,否则会报错,比如表达量文件需要先转换为整数型,再变为矩阵的形式,根据内置数据的格式调整就行了。
tca <- TCA(design = experiment, genomicFeature = genomicIntervals, counts = countsTable ) tca ############## An object of class "TCA" @design sampleid timepoint group 1 s1 0h 1 2 s2 0h 1 3 s3 0h 1 4 s4 24h 2 5 s5 24h 2 6 s6 24h 2 7 s7 48h 3 8 s8 48h 3 9 s9 48h 3 @counts s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 ENSBTAG00000000005 60 58 70 64 60 74 53 55 50 ENSBTAG00000000008 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 ENSBTAG00000000009 0 1 3 0 1 0 11 9 9 ENSBTAG00000000010 341 300 341 170 216 214 150 236 199 ENSBTAG00000000011 4 2 3 5 3 1 6 2 3 29749 more rows ... @genomicFeature chr start end id 1 chr1 100098899 100161382 ENSBTAG00000035710 2 chr1 100754351 100754458 ENSBTAG00000043293 3 chr1 101522743 101601659 ENSBTAG00000011139 4 chr1 101619573 101646742 ENSBTAG00000053582 5 chr1 101776678 101776956 MSTRG.445 29749 more rows ... @clusterRes An object of class "clust"
suppressWarnings(library(SummarizedExperiment)) se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts = countsTable), colData = experiment) tca <- TCAFromSummarizedExperiment(se = se, genomicFeature = genomicIntervals)
tca <- DBanalysis(tca) ## 我们也可以增添一些参数进行过滤 tca <- DBanalysis(tca, filter.type = "raw", filter.value = 10, samplePassfilter = 2) #比如上述步骤保留具有两个或多个已读取样本的基因表达量超过10的基因组区域
DBres <- DBresult(tca, group1 = "0h", group2 = c("24h","48h")) str(DBres, strict.width = "cut") head(DBres$`24hvs0h`) ############ GRanges object with 6 ranges and 4 metadata columns: seqnames ranges strand | logFC PValue paj <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> ENSBTAG00000000005 chr1 100098899-100161382 * | 0.274010 1.35162e-01 2.81082e-01 ENSBTAG00000000009 chr1 101522743-101601659 * | -1.501457 2.26674e-01 4.03419e-01 ENSBTAG00000000010 chr1 101776678-101776956 * | -0.513593 3.36326e-06 3.80124e-05 ENSBTAG00000000011 chr1 10231295-10543983 * | 0.198446 7.93039e-01 8.90540e-01 ENSBTAG00000000012 chr1 102768932-102769966 * | -0.300941 5.04886e-03 2.18330e-02 ENSBTAG00000000013 chr1 105069395-105069910 * | 0.140489 1.63446e-01 3.21469e-01 id <character> ENSBTAG00000000005 ENSBTAG00000035710 ENSBTAG00000000009 ENSBTAG00000011139 ENSBTAG00000000010 MSTRG.445 ENSBTAG00000000011 ENSBTAG00000017753 ENSBTAG00000000012 ENSBTAG00000048551 ENSBTAG00000000013 MSTRG.449 ------- seqinfo: 206 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
若只想提取满足显著差异的结果(一般abs(log2-fold > 2)且adjust p-value<0.05),只需要加上top.sig = TRUE函数即可。
## 显著差异 DBres.sig <- DBresult(tca, group1 = "0h", group2 = c("24h","48h"), top.sig = TRUE) str(DBres.sig, strict.width = "cut") ############# Formal class 'CompressedGRangesList' [package "GenomicRanges"] with 5 slots ..@ unlistData :Formal class 'GRanges' [package "GenomicRanges"] with 7 slots .. .. ..@ seqnames :Formal class 'Rle' [package "S4Vectors"] with 4 slots .. .. .. .. ..@ values : Factor w/ 206 levels "chr1","chr2",..: 1 10 13 14 17 18 20 2.. .. .. .. .. ..@ lengths : int [1:201] 3 4 4 3 2 5 3 1 2 1 ... .. .. .. .. ..@ elementMetadata: NULL .. .. .. .. ..@ metadata : list() .. .. ..@ ranges :Formal class 'IRanges' [package "IRanges"] with 6 slots .. .. .. .. ..@ start : int [1:1229] 145972839 46061452 69196880 100837833 21979442 .. .. .. .. .. ..@ width : int [1:1229] 4721 5497 115248 442874 5105 471 5943 145553 10.. .. .. .. .. ..@ NAMES : chr [1:1229] "ENSBTAG00000000425" "ENSBTAG00000000706" "ENS".. .. .. .. .. ..@ elementType : chr "ANY" .. .. .. .. ..@ elementMetadata: NULL
接下来就到了趋势分析的换件了,为了检测数据的时序模式,TCseq包使用了非监督聚类的方法,首先通过聚类创建一个时程表,行为基因组区域信息,列为时间点,表中的数值可以选择标准化后的表达量值或者是基于初始时间点所有样品点的LogFC值,代码中通过value参数来调整,另外若设置filter = TRUE时候,将自动过滤在任何两个时间段都没有显著差异的基因组区域,结果通过tcTable函数进行查看
## 通过LogFC值 tca <- timecourseTable(tca, value = "FC", norm.method = "rpkm", filter = TRUE) ##通过标准化后的表达量 tca <- timecourseTable(tca, value = "expression", norm.method = "rpkm", filter = TRUE) ## 查看生成结果 t <- tcTable(tca) head(t) 0h 24h 48h ENSBTAG00000000425 0.0000000000 0.030165698 0.0075187827 ENSBTAG00000000706 2.6013480888 11.521986790 1.7768887654 ENSBTAG00000000936 0.0007283438 0.003506178 0.0003475789 ENSBTAG00000001325 0.0002585125 0.001290036 0.0001705818 ENSBTAG00000001687 0.3065966903 2.485377556 2.6233245852 ENSBTAG00000001745 0.2496824763 2.120932031 4.7101417152
两种聚类算法可供选择: hard clustering(包含hierachical,pam,kmeans) 及 soft clustering (fuzzy cmeans),算法的选择大家自己参考文献选择,这里就拿文档中cmeans算法进行分析聚类。
tca <- timeclust(tca, algo = "cm", k = 6, standardize = TRUE) ################################################### p <- timeclustplot(tca, value = "z-score(RPKM)", cols = 3)
## 聚类一作图 print(p[[1]])
a <- as.data.frame(tca@clusterRes@cluster) names(a) <- 'Cluster' ## 查看各个聚类中的基因数目 > table(a) a 1 2 3 4 5 6 511 147 165 292 180 255 ##筛选 Cluster1 <- subset(a,Cluster == 2)