import numpy as np #以后numpy简写为np print (np.array([1,2,3]) ) #>>[1 2 3] print (np. arange(1,9,2) ) #>>[13 5 7] print (np. linspace(1,10,4)) #>>[ 1. 4. 7. 10. ] print (np . random. randint (10,20, [2,3]) ) #>>[[12 19 12] #>> [19 13 10 ]] print (np . random. randint (10,20,5) ) #>> [12 19 19 10 13] a = np. zeros (3) print (a) #>>[ 0. 0. 0.] print(list(a) ) #>>[0.0,0.0,0.0] a = np. zeros((2 ,3) ,dtype=int) #创建- t个2行3列的元素都是整数0的数组
import numpy as np b = np.array([i for i in range (12) ]) #b是[ 0 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] a = b.reshape( (3,4) ) #转换成3行4列的数组,b不变 print (len(a) ) #>>3 a有3行 print(a. size ) #>>12 a的元素个数是12 print (a. ndim) #>>2 a是2维的 print (a. shape) #>>(3, 4) a是3行4列 print (a. dtype) #>>int32 a的元素类型 是32位的整数 L = a.tolist () #转换成列表,a不变 print (L) #>>[[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10,11]] b = a. flatten () #转换成一维数组 print (b) #>>[0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]
numpy数组一旦生成,元素就不能增删。上面 函数返回一个新的数组。
import numpy as np a = np.array((1,2,3) ) #a是[123] b = np. append(a,10)< #a不会发生变化 print (b) #>>[1 2 3 10] print (np. append(a, [10,20] ) ) #>>[1 2 3 10 20] C=np. zeros ( (2,3) , dtype=int) #c是2行3列的全0数组 print (np. append(a,c) ) #>>[1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0] print (np. concatenate( (a, [10,20] ,a)) ) #>>[1 2 3 10 20 1 2 3] print (np. concatenate( (C, np. array([[10 ,20,30]] ) ) ) ) #c拼接一行[10, 20 ,30]得新数组 print (np. concatenate( (C, np.array([[1,2], [10,20]])) ,axis=1) ) #c的第0行拼接了1,2两个元素、第1行拼接了10 , 20两个新元素后得到新数组
import numpy as np a = np.array((1,2,3,4) ) b = np.delete(a,1) #删除a中下标为1的元素, a不会改变 print (b) #>>[1_ 3 4] b = np.array([[1,2,3,4] ,[5,6, 7,8], [9,10,11,121]) print (np. delete (b,1 ,axis=0) ) #删除b的第1行得新数组 #>>[[1 2 3 4] #>>[9 10 11 12]] print (np. delete (b,1 ,axis=1) ) #删除b的第1列得新数组 print (np. delete (b,[1,2] ,axis=0) ) #删除b的第1行和第2行得新数组 print (np. delete (b,[1,3] ,axis=1) ) #删除b的第1列和第3列得新数组
import numpy as np a = np.array( (1,2,3,5,3,4) ) pos = np. argwhere(a==3) #pos是[[2] [4] ] a = np.array([[1,2,3] , [4,5,2]]) print(2 in a) #>>True pos = np. argwhere(a==2) #pos是[[0 1] [1 2]] b = a[a>2] #抽取a中大于2的元素形成一个一维数组 print (b) #>>[3 4 5] a[a>2]=-1 #a变成[[12-1][-1-12]]
import numpy as np a = np.array( (1,2,3,4) ) b=a+1 print (b) #>>[2 3 4 5] print (a*b) #>>[2 6 12 20] a,b对应元素相乘 print (a+b) #>>[3579]a,b对应元素相加 c = np.sqrt(a*10) #a*10是[10 20 30 40] print(c) #>>[ 3. 16227766 4. 47213595 5. 47722558 6.32455532]
import numpy as np a=np.arange(8) #a是[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] b = a[3:6] #注意,b是a的一部分 print (b) #>>[3 4 5] c = np.copy(a[3:6]) #c是a的一部分的拷贝 b[0] = 100 #会修改a print(a) #>>[ 0 1 2 100 4 6 7] print(c) #>>[3 4 5] c不受b影响 a = np.array([[1,2,3,4] ,[5,6,7,8] , [9,10,11,12] , [13,14,15,16]]) b = a[1:3,1:4] #b是>>[[678][101112]]
➢核心功能是在二维表格上做各种操作,如增删、修改、求- -列数据的和、方差、中位数、平均数等
➢最关键的类: DataFrame,表示二维表格
import pandas as pd s = pd. Series (data=[80, 90,100] , index=['语文', '数学', '英语']) for x in s: #>>80 90 100 print(x,end=" ") print ("") print(s['语文'] ,s[1]) #>>80 90 标签和序号都可以作为下标来访问元 print(s[0:2] [ '数学']) #>>90 s[0:2]是切片 print(s['数学': '英语'] [1]) #>>100 for i in range (len (s. index) ) : #>>语文 数学 英语 print(s. index[i] ,end = " ") s['体育'] = 110 #在尾部添加元素,标签为'体育',值为110 s. pop('数学') #删除标签为'数学’的元素 s2 = s. append (pd . Series (120, index = [' 政治'])) #不改变s print(s2['语文'] ,s2['政治']) #>>80 120 print (1ist(s2) ) #>>[80,100, 110, 120] print(s.sum() ,s.min() ,s .mean() ,s . median() ) #>>290 80 96. 66666666667 100.0输出和、 最小值、平均值、中位数> print (s . idxmax() ,s. argmax () ) #>>体育 2 输出最大元素的标签和下标
import pandas as pd pd.set_ option( 'display . unicode.east asian width' , True) #输出对齐方面的设置 scores = [['男' ,108 ,115,97] ,['女' ,115,87,105] , ['女' ,100, 60 ,130] ['男' ,112,80,50]] names = ['刘一哥,'王二姐’,'张三妹',李四弟'] . courses = ['性别', '语文', '数学', '英语'] df = . pd.DataFrame (data=scores ,index = names , columns = courses) print (df)
print (df. values[0] [1] , type (df. values) ) #>>108. <class numpy . ndarray '> print (list (df. index) ) #>>['刘一哥','王二姐','张三妹','李四弟'] print (list (df. columns) ) #>>['性别','语文','数学','英语'] print (df . index[2] ,df . columns[2]) #>>张三妹 数学 s1 = df['语文'] #s1是个Series,代表'语文'那一列 print(s1['刘一哥'] ,s1[0]) #>>108 108 刘一哥语文成绩 print(df['语文']['刘一哥']) #>>108 列索引先写 s2 = df.1oc['王二姐'] #s2也是个Series,代表“王二姐”那一行 print(s2['性别'] ,s2['语文'] ,s2[2]) #>>女 115 87 二姐的性别、语文和数学分数
#DataFrame的切片: #1loc[行选择器,.列选择器] 用下标做切片 #Ioc[行选择器,列选择器] 用标签做切片 #DataFrame的切片是视图 df2 = df. iloc[1:3] #行切片,是视图,选1 ,2两行 dt2 = df.1c['王二姐':张三妹'] #和上一行等价 print (df2)
df2 = df. i1oc[: ,0:3] #列切片(是视图),选0、1. 2三列 df2 = df.1oc[:, '性别': '数学'] #和上一行等价 print (df2)
df2 = df.i1oc[:2,[1,3]] #行列切片 df2 = df.1oc[:'王二姐',['语文', '英语']] #和上一行等价 print (df2)
df2 = df.i1oc[[1,3] ,2:4] #取第1、3行,第2、3列< df2 = df.1oc[['王二姐' , '李四弟'],'数学': '英语'] #和上一行等价 print (df2)
print ("---下面是DataFrame的分析和统计---") print (df. T) #df . T是df的转置矩阵,即行列互换的矩阵 print (df . sort_ values ( '语文' , ascending=False)) #按语文成绩降序排列 print (df.sum() [ '语文'] ,df .mean() ['数学'],df .median() ['英语']) #>>435 85.5 101.0语文分数之和、 数学平均分、英语中位数 print(df .min() ['语文'] ,df .max() ['数学']) #>>100 115 语文最低分,数学最高分 print (df .max(axis = 1)['王二姐'1) #>>115 二姐的最高分科目的分数 print (df['语文' ] . idxmax() ) #>>王二姐 语文最高分所在行的标签 print(df['数学] . argmin()) #>>2 数学最低分所在行的行号 print (df.1oc[ (df['语文'] > 100) & (df['数学'] >= 85)])
print ("---下面是DataFrame的增删和修改---") df.1oc['王二姐', '英语'] = df. iloc[0,1] = 150 #修改王二姐英语和刘一哥语文成绩 df['物理'] = [80, 70,90,100] #为所有人添加物理成绩这-列 df. insert(1, "体育", [89,77, 76,45]) #为所有人插入体育成绩到第1列 df.1oc['李四弟'] = ['男' ,100 ,100 ,100 ,100,100] #修改李四弟全部信息 df.1oc[: , '语文'] = [20,20,20,20] #修改所有人语文成绩 df.1oc[ '钱五叔'] = [ '男' , 100 , 100 ,100, 100 , 100] #加一行 df.1oc[: , '英语'] += 10 #>>所有人英语加10分 df. columns = ['性别', '体育', '语文', '数学', 'English', '物理'] #改列标签 print (df)
df.drop( ['体育', '物理'] ,axis=1, inplace=True) #删除体育和物理成绩 df.drop( '王二姐' ,axis = 0,inplace=True) #删除王二姐那一行 print (df)
df.drop ( [df. index[i] for i in range(1,3) ] ,axis=0 , inplace = True) #删除第1,2行 df .drop( [df . columns[i] for i in range(3) ] ,axis = y 1 , inplace= True) #删除第0到2列
➢需要openpyxI(对 .xIsx文件)或xIrd或xIwt支持(老的.xls文件)
import pandas as pd pd.set option ( ' display . unicode.east asian width' , True) dt = pd. read excel ("'excel sample.xlsx" , sheet name= [ '销售情况' ,1] , index col=0) #读取第0和第1张二工作表 df = dt [ '销售情况'] #dt是字典,df是DataFrame print (df. iloc[0,0] ,df.loc[ 'I睡袋' , '数量']) #>>4080 4080 print (df)
print (pd. isnu1l (df.1oc['彩盒', '销售额'])) #>> True df . fillna (0 , inplace= =True) #将所有NaNa用0替换 print(df.loc[ '彩盒' , '销售额'] ,df. iloc[2,2] ) #>>0.0 0.0
df.to excel (filename , sheet_ name="Sheet1" ,na_ rep='',.. ......)
➢将DataFrame对象df中的数据写入exce1文档filename中的"Sheet1"工作表, NaN用' '代替。
# (接.上面程序) writer = pd. Exce 1Writer ("new.x1sx") #创建ExcelWri ter对象 df. to exce1 (writer , sheet_ name="S1") df.T. to exce1 (writer, sheet_ name="S2") #转置矩阵写入 df.sort_ values( '销售额' , ascending= False) . to exce1 (writer , sheet_ name="S3") #按销售额排序的新DataFrame写入工作表s3 df[ '销售额'] . to excel (writer ,sheet_ name="S4") #只写入一列 writer . save ()
df. to_ csv (" result. csv" ,sep=" ," ,na rep= 'NA' , float_ format="号 .2f" , encoding="gbk") df = pd. read csv (" result. csv")
import matp1otlib. pYp1ot as plt #以后plt等价于ma tplotlib . pyplot from ma tp1ot1ib import rcParams rcParams[ ' font. family'] = rcParams[ ' font. sans-serif'] = ' SimHei ' #设置中文支持,中文字体为简体黑体 ax = p1t. figure() .add subp1ot () #建图,获取子图对象ax ax.bar(x = (0.2,0.6,0.8,1.2) ,height = (1,2,3,0.5) ,width = 0.1) #x表示4个柱子中心横坐标分别是0.2,0.6,0.8,1 #height表示4个柱子高度分别是1,2,3,0.5 #width表示柱子宽度0.1 ax.set_ title ('我的直方图) #设置标题 p1t. show () #显示绘图结果
纵向 ax.bar(x = (0.2,0.6,0.8,1.2) ,height = (1,2,3,0.5) ,width = 0.1) 横向 ax.barh(y = (0.2,0.6,0.8,1.2) ,width = (1,2,3,0.5) ,height = 0.1)
import ma tplotlib. pyp1ot as p1t ax = plt. figure() . add subp1ot() labels = ['Jan' ,'Feb' ,'Mar' ,lApr'] num1 = [20, 30, 15, 35] #Dept1的数据 num2 = [15, 30,40, 20] #Dept2的数据 cordx = range (len (num1) ) #x轴刻度位置 rects1 = ax.bar(x = cordx,height=num1, width=0.5, color=' red' , label="Dept1") rects2 = ax.bar(x = cordx, height=num2, width=0 .5,color='green' , label="Dept2",bottom= =num1 ) ax.set_ y1im(0, 100) #y轴坐标范围 ax. set_ ylabel ("Profit") #y轴含义(标签) ax. set xticks (cordx ) #设置x轴刻度位置 ax. set_ xlabel ("In year 2020") #x轴含义(标签) ax.set_ title ("My Company") ax. legend() #在右上角显示图例说明 p1t. show ()
import matplotlib. pyp1ot as plt ax =. plt. figure (figsize= (10,5)) . add_ subplot () #建图,获取子图对象ax ax.set ylim(0, 400) #指定y轴坐标范围 ax.set xlim(0, 80) #指定x轴坐标范围 #以下是3组直方图的数据 x1=[7,17,27,37,47,57] #第一-组直方图每个柱子中心点的横坐标 x2 = [13, 23,33,43, 53,63] #第二组直方图每个柱子中心点的横坐标 x3 = [10, 20,30,40, 50, 60] y1 = [41, 39,13,69,39, 14] #第一组直方图每个柱子的高度 y2 = [123,15, 20,105,79,37] #第二组直方图每个柱子的高度 y3 = [124,91, 204, 264,221, 175] rects1 = ax.bar(x1, y1,facecolor='red' ,width=3, label =_ ' Iphone' ) rects2 = ax.bar (x2,y2,facecolor='green' ,width=3, label = ' Huawei ' ) rects3 = ax.bar(x3, y3,facecolor= ='blue',width=3,label = ' Xiaomi ) ax.set_ xticks (x3) #x轴在x3中的各坐标点下面加刻度 ax. set_ xticklabels( ('A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4' , 'A5', 'A6') ) #指定x轴上每- -刻度下方的文字 ax. legend () #显示右.上角三组图的说明 def 1abe1 (ax , rects) : #在rects的每个柱子顶端标注数值 for rect in rects : height = rect.get_ height() ax. text (rect.get_ x() + rect.get_ width() /2, height+14, str (height) , rotation=90) #文字旋转90度 1abe1 (ax, rects1) label (ax , rects2) labe1 (ax, rects3) p1t. show ()
import math , random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def drawPlot(ax) : xs = [i / 100 for i in range (1500)] #1500个 点的横坐标,间隔0 .01 ys = [10*math.sin(x) for X in xs] #对应曲线y=10*sin (x).上的1 500个点的y坐标 ax.plot (xs,ys, "red" ,label = "Beijing") #画曲线y= =10*sin (x) ys = list (range(-18,18) ) random. shuffle (ys) ax. scatter (range(16),ys[:16] ,c = "blue") #画散点 ax.plot (range(16),ys[:16] ,"blue", label=" Shanghai") #画折线 ax . legend () #显示右.上角的各条折线说明 ax.set xticks (range (16) ) #x轴在坐标0,1.. .15处加刻度 ax. set_ xticklabels (range (16)) #指定x轴每个刻度 下方显示的文字 ax = plt. figure (figsize=(10,4) ,dpi=100) .add_ subp1ot() #图像长宽和清晰度 drawP1ot (ax) p1t. show ()
import matplotlib.pyplot as p1t . def drawPie (ax) : 1bs = ( 'A','B', 'C', 'D' ) #四个扇区的标签 sectors = [16, 29.55, 44.45, 10] #四个扇区的份额(百分比) exp1 = [0, 0.1, 0,0] #四个扇区的突出程度 ax.pie (x=sectors,labels=lbs, exp1ode=exp1, autopct=18.2f' , shadow=True, labeldistance=1 .1, pctdistance = 0 .6, startangle = 90) ax.set_ title ("pie sample") #饼图标题 ax = p1t. figure() .add subp1ot() drawPie (ax) p1t. show()
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyp1ot as plt data = np. random. randint(0,100, 30) .reshape (5,6) #生成一一个5行六列,元素[0, 100]内的随机矩阵 xlabels = [ 'Beijing', ' Shanghai','Chengdu' , ' Guangzhou',' Hangzhou', ' Wuhan' ] ylabels=['2016','2017','2018','2019','20201] ax = plt. figure (figsize=(10,8)) .add_ subp1ot() ax.set yticks (range (len (ylabels))) #y轴在坐标 [0 , len (ylabels))处加刻度 ax.set_ yticklabels (ylabels) #设置y轴刻度文字 ax. set_ xticks (range (len (xlabels) ) ) ax.set xticklabels (xlabels) heatMp = ax. imshow (data,cmap=plt. cm.hot, aspect=' auto' , vmin =0,vmax=100) for i in range (1en (x1abe1s) ) : for j in range (1en (y1abe1s) ) : ax. text(i,j ,data[j] [i] ,ha = "center" ,va = "center" color = "blue" ,size=26) p1t. colorbar (heatMp) #绘制右边的颜色-数值对照柱 plt . xticks (rotation=45 , ha=" right") #将x轴刻度文字进行旋转, 且水平方向右对齐 p1t. title ("Sales Volume (ton) ") p1t. show ()
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams #处理汉字用 def drawRadar (ax) : pi = 3.1415926 labels = ['EQ', 'IQ','人缘' , '魅力', '财富' , '体力'] #6个属性的名称 attrNum = len (labels) #attrNum是属性种类数,处等于6 data = [7 ,6,8,9,8,2] #六个属性的值 angles = [2*pi *i/ attrNum for i in range (attrNum) ] #angles是以弧度为单位的6个属性对应的6条半径线的角度 angles2 = [x * 180/pi for x in angles] #angles2是以角度为单位的6个属性对应的半径线的角度 ax.set ylim(0,10) #限定半径线上的坐标范围 ax. set_ thetagrids (angles2,labels , fontproperties="SimHei" ) #绘制6个属性对应的6条半径 ax. fi1l (angles,data, facecolor= ; : 6 'g' ,alpha= =0.25) #填充,alpha :透明度 rcParams[' font. family'] = rcParams[' font. sans-serif'] = ' SimHei ' #处理汉字 ax = p1t. figure() . add_ subplot (projection = "polar") #生成极坐标形式子图 drawRadar (ax) p1t. show ()
import matplotlib.pyplot as p1t from ma tplot1ib import rcPar ams rcParams[ ' font. family'] = rcParams[ ' font. sans-serif'] = ' SimHei ! pi = 3.1415926 labels = ['EQ', 'IQ','人缘', '魅力',财富', '体力] #6个属性的名称 attrNum = len (labels) names = (张三',李四'王五 data = [[0.40,0.32,0.35] , [0.85,0.35,0.30] , [0.40,0.32,0.35],[0.40,0.82,0.75] , [0.14,0.12,0.35] , [0.80,0.92,0.35]] #三个人的数据 angles = [2*pi*i/attrNum for i in range (attrNum) ] angles2 = [x * 180/pi for x in ang1es] ax = p1t. figure() .add_ subp1ot (projection = "polar") ax. set_ the tagrids (angles2 , labels) ax.set_ title('三巨头人格分析',y = 1.05) #y指明标题垂直位置 ax. legend (names , 1oc=(0.95,0.9)) #画出右上角不同人的颜色说明 plt. show ()
#程序中的import、汉字处理及drawRadar、 drawPie、 drawPlot函数略, 见前面程序 fig = plt. figure (figsize=(8,8) ) ax = fig.add subplot(2,2,1) #窗口分割成2*2,取位于第1个方格的子图 drawPie (ax) ax = fig.add subplot(2 ,2 ,2 ,projection = "polar" ) drawRadar (ax) ax = p1t. subp1ot2grid( (2, 2),(1, 0),colspan=2) #或写成: ax = fig.add subplot(2,1,2) drawPlot (ax) plt. figtext(0.05,0.05, ' subplot sample' ) #显示左下角的图像标题 plt. show ()