一、Classification problems
三、Logistic regression
四、Try logistic regression @Parameter Server
五、Fun Time
一、Classification problems
1、Sometimes we want to predict discrete outputs rather than continuous
2、Is the email spam or not?(YES/NO)
3、What digit is in this image?(0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9)
Example: classifying household appliances
Differentiate between two refrigerators using their power. consumption signature
Input features:x(i)∈ Rn,i=1,.,m
Output: y(i)∈{+-1, 0)(binary clasification task)
Model Parameters∶θ∈Rn,Hypothesis function∶hθ(x)∶R"n->Rreturns continuous prediction of the output y, where the value indicates how"confident"
we are that the example is 0 or +1
三、Logistic regression
Learn P(YX) diretly
Xis a vector of real-valued features,<X…Xn>
Y is boolean (1,0)
Choose parameters W to maximize conditional
likelihood of training data
Datalikelihood= Maxπl P(Y|X,W),将P(Y=1|X),P(Y=0|X)代入,取In,得到Loss function∶
逻辑回归它要做的就是在给定x的情况下去学习y,x就是前面所讲到的特征,y只限制二分钟,它就是个布尔值,要是 boolean 就是前面讲到的 category 的一个值,给定xy=1的概率就是一个公式。
linear classification rule
Choose parameters W to maximize conditional likelihood of training data
Data likelihood = Max П P(Y]X, w), P(Y=1]X), P(Y=0[X) 代入,取In, 得到 LOSS function:
l(W)= Max E[YlnP(Y = 1[X,W)+(1 - Y)lnP(Y = O[X,W)]
等价于 Min ln(1 +è-yXW), 这里(y=+1 or-1)
def gradient descent logistic(X, y, theta, alpha,num iters) :
Performs gradient descent to l eacn the t a
by taking nTumn items gradient steps with 1 earning
zate alpha
m = y.size
J_ history = zeros (shape= (num iters, 1))
foz i in range (num iters) :
predictions = sigmoid (X.dot (theta)) .flatten ()
errors_ x1 = (predictions - y) * X[:, 0]
errors_ x2 = (predictions - y) * X[:,1]
theta[01[0] = theta[0][0] - alpha * (1.0 1 m) * errors x1. sum (
theta[IJ[0] = theta[lJ[0] - alpha * (1.0 1 m)★ezrors x2. sum 0
J_ history[i, 0] = compute_ cost_ logistic(X, y, theta)
return theta, J_ history
四、Try logistic regression @Parameter Server
Like ODPS SQL,命令类似∶ps_serialize_train -iinputtab -O outputtab-t DeltaTermination…进行训练,取得模型,可以算出模型的指标,比如正确率等,看模型本身的效果是如何。
五、Fun Time
Consider logistic hypothesis h(X)=,Convert h(X) to a binary classification prediction by taking sign(h(X)-0.5), What is the equivalent formula for the binary classification prediction?
A. sign(WX-0.5)
B. sign(WX)
c. sign(WX+0.5)
D. None of the above