1.查看日志文件 kafka-dump-log.sh
参数 描述 例子
--files <String: file1, file2, ...> 必需; 读取的日志文件 –files 0000009000.log
--key-decoder-class 如果设置,则用于反序列化键。这类应实现kafka.serializer。解码器特性。自定义jar应该是在kafka/libs目录中提供
--max-message-size 最大的数据量,默认:5242880
--offsets-decoder if set, log data will be parsed as offset data from the __consumer_offsets topic.
--print-data-log 打印内容
--transaction-log-decoder if set, log data will be parsed as transaction metadata from the __transaction_state topic
--value-decoder-class [String] if set, used to deserialize the messages. This class should implement kafka. serializer.Decoder trait. Custom jar should be available in kafka/libs directory. (default: kafka.serializer. StringDecoder)
--verify-index-only if set, just verify the index log without printing its content.
sh bin/kafka-dump-log.sh --files kafka-logs-0/test2-0/00000000000000000300.log
查询Log文件具体信息 --print-data-log
sh bin/kafka-dump-log.sh --files kafka-logs-0/test2-0/00000000000000000300.log --print-data-log
sh bin/kafka-dump-log.sh --files kafka-logs-0/test2-0/00000000000000000300.index
配置项为log.index.size.max.bytes; 来控制创建索引的大小;
sh bin/kafka-dump-log.sh --files kafka-logs-0/test2-0/00000000000000000300.timeindex