Heterogeneous Computing for AI and Big Data – Alibaba Cloud Computing Conference

简介: Alibaba Cloud heterogeneous platform for elastic computing aims to provide high-quality services for organizations to realize scientific and technological innovations.

The heterogeneous computing technology is evolving rapidly in the field of big data and AI in recent years. To cope with this technology revolution, Alibaba Cloud Heterogeneous Computing has made great achievements in both product type and application.

Pan Yue, a senior product expert of Alibaba Cloud, made an in-depth presentation on Alibaba Cloud Heterogeneous Computing in the era of big data and AI at the Computing Conference Shenzhen summit on the morning of March 29, 2018.

Pan Yue introduced that Alibaba Cloud provides a wide range of "heterogeneous acceleration platforms for multiple scenarios", including GA1 instance (AMD S7150) for graphic and image rendering, GN5 (Tesla P100) instance for AI training and reasoning, GN5i (Tesla P4) instance for AI reasoning and video transcoding applications, and GN6 (Tesla V100) instance for advanced computational capabilities in the fields of AI and high-performance computing, and multiple FPGA instances for image transcoding, genetic computing, and database acceleration.
GN6 instance is specifically designed for deep learning training and high-performance computing. With Tesla V100 in the latest NVIDIA Volta architecture, GN6 instance delivers 12X higher computing performance than Tesla P100 (the previous generation), solving the outstanding problems for engineers and experts. GN6 (Tesla V100) is now available for public beta and will be coming soon.

Alibaba Cloud has been and will be always professional and precise towards issues related to heterogeneous products. Most people may choose Pascal-Based Tesla P40 as the GPU because of its higher single-precision floating-point capability, which is 12 teraFLOPS (TFLOPS) while only 10.6 TFLOPS for Tesla P100, according to the product manuals. However, Alibaba Cloud performed tests in different scenarios and methods and found that the performance of Tesla P100 is 20% higher in AI application. Here are the test results:
In the main forum at the Computing Conference Shenzhen, Alibaba Cloud and NVIDIA reached an agreement to enhance their cooperation in the GPU ecosystem, including the setup and promotion of NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) at Alibaba Cloud University and NGC container images, a new feature released for AI.

NGC is a deep learning ecosystem developed by NVIDIA, which allows developers to access the deep learning software stack for free and to establish a development environment suitable for deep learning. The developers can get various NGC software from the Alibaba Cloud marketplace, including Caffe, Caffe2, CNTK, MXNet, TensorFlow, Theano, and Torch.

FPGA is getting the recognition of the public and applied in the general computing field from the special computing field. Alibaba Cloud FPGA as a Service is an FPGA heterogeneous computing service that supports the mainstream FPGA platforms. It is designed as a systematic platform with uniform interfaces for computing capability output under the premise of ensuring cloud security.

It provides an integrated cloud development environment for more FPGA engineers to develop products on the cloud. Alibaba Cloud is still making use of the strengths of Alibaba and her partners to establish and improve an FPGA ecosystem with a view to serve more customers with better FPGA computing capabilities.

Currently, Alibaba Cloud FPGA as a Service can be found in image transcoding and compression, database acceleration, genetic computing, and other fields.

Alibaba Cloud heterogeneous platform for elastic computing aims to provide high-quality products and services, help organizations to realize scientific and technological innovation, and make computing and AI a true inclusive technology in a secure and stable environment.

AI 时代:从 Spring Cloud Alibaba 到 Spring AI Alibaba
本次分享由阿里云智能集团云原生微服务技术负责人李艳林主讲,主题为“AI时代:从Spring Cloud Alibaba到Spring AI Alibaba”。内容涵盖应用架构演进、AI agent框架发展趋势及Spring AI Alibaba的重磅发布。分享介绍了AI原生架构与传统架构的融合,强调了API优先、事件驱动和AI运维的重要性。同时,详细解析了Spring AI Alibaba的三层抽象设计,包括模型支持、工作流智能体编排及生产可用性构建能力,确保安全合规、高效部署与可观测性。最后,结合实际案例展示了如何利用私域数据优化AI应用,提升业务价值。
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阿里云工程师跟通义灵码结伴编程, 用Spring AI Alibaba来开发 AI 答疑助手
本次分享的主题是阿里云工程师跟通义灵码结伴编程, 用Spring AI Alibaba来开发 AI 答疑助手,由阿里云两位工程师分享。
阿里云工程师跟通义灵码结伴编程, 用Spring AI Alibaba来开发 AI 答疑助手
Spring Cloud Alibaba AI 入门与实践
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Spring AI Alibaba + 通义千问,开发AI应用如此简单!!!
本文介绍了如何使用Spring AI Alibaba开发一个简单的AI对话应用。通过引入`spring-ai-alibaba-starter`依赖和配置API密钥,结合Spring Boot项目,只需几行代码即可实现与AI模型的交互。具体步骤包括创建Spring Boot项目、编写Controller处理对话请求以及前端页面展示对话内容。此外,文章还介绍了如何通过添加对话记忆功能,使AI能够理解上下文并进行连贯对话。最后,总结了Spring AI为Java开发者带来的便利,简化了AI应用的开发流程。
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Spring AI Alibaba 配置管理,用 Nacos 就够了
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基于开源框架Spring AI Alibaba快速构建Java应用
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基于开源框架Spring AI Alibaba快速构建Java应用
总计 30 万奖金,Spring AI Alibaba 应用框架挑战赛开赛
Spring AI Alibaba 应用框架挑战赛邀请广大开发者参与开源项目的共建,助力项目快速发展,掌握 AI 应用开发模式。大赛分为《支持 Spring AI Alibaba 应用可视化调试与追踪本地工具》和《基于 Flow 的 AI 编排机制设计与实现》两个赛道,总计 30 万奖金。
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阿里云开源 AI 应用开发框架:Spring AI Alibaba
近期,阿里云重磅发布了首款面向 Java 开发者的开源 AI 应用开发框架:Spring AI Alibaba(项目 Github 仓库地址:alibaba/spring-ai-alibaba),Spring AI Alibaba 项目基于 Spring AI 构建,是阿里云通义系列模型及服务在 Java AI 应用开发领域的最佳实践,提供高层次的 AI API 抽象与云原生基础设施集成方案,帮助开发者快速构建 AI 应用。本文将详细介绍 Spring AI Alibaba 的核心特性,并通过「智能机票助手」的示例直观的展示 Spring AI Alibaba 开发 AI 应用的便利性。示例源
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阿里云开源 AI 应用开发框架:Spring AI Alibaba
阿里云开源 Spring AI Alibaba,旨在帮助 Java 开发者快速构建 AI 应用,共同构建物理新世界。
Spring Cloud Alibaba AI,阿里AI这不得玩一下
🏀闪亮主角: 大家好,我是JavaDog程序狗。今天分享Spring Cloud Alibaba AI,基于Spring AI并提供阿里云通义大模型的Java AI应用。本狗用SpringBoot+uniapp+uview2对接Spring Cloud Alibaba AI,带你打造聊天小AI。 📘故事背景: 🎁获取源码: 关注公众号“JavaDog程序狗”,发送“alibaba-ai”即可获取源码。 🎯主要目标:
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