[LeetCode] Ugly Number

简介: No matter what language you use on the OJ, you may refer to Stefan's post for a solution. The C++ is rewritten below, just really concise.

No matter what language you use on the OJ, you may refer to Stefan's post for a solution. The C++ is rewritten below, just really concise.

1 class Solution {
2 public:
3     bool isUgly(int num) {
4         for (int i = 2; i < 6 && num; i++)
5             while (!(num % i)) num /= i;
6         return num == 1;
7     }
8 };

Note that i = 4 will simply be skipped after we try to divide by 2 as much as possible.


Leetcode 313. Super Ugly Number
题目翻译成中文是『超级丑数』,啥叫丑数?丑数就是素因子只有2,3,5的数,7 14 21不是丑数,因为他们都有7这个素数。 这里的超级丑数只是对丑数的一个扩展,超级丑数的素因子不再仅限于2 3 5,而是由题目给定一个素数数组。与朴素丑数算法相比,只是将素因子变了而已,解法还是和朴素丑数一致的。
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LeetCode 313. Super Ugly Number