08:55 AllThingsD报道微软同nVidia的协议早在2000年3月5日就已达成,这一点还写入了nVidia上市的招股书里。所以本报道实际上是则“旧闻”。 “根据这项协议,如果有个人或者公司要收购NVIDIA 30%以上流通股时,微软将拥有优先权和否决权”,NVIDIA在提交的备忘录中做出这项声明。
协议原文如下,和SEC F-1文件基本一字不差(we改成了the company):
On March 5, 2000, we entered into an agreement with Microsoft in which we agreed to develop and sell graphics chips and to license certain technology to Microsoft and its licensees for use in the Xbox. Under the agreement, if an individual or corporation makes an offer to purchase shares equal to or greater than 30% of the outstanding shares of our common stock, Microsoft may have first and last rights of refusal to purchase the stock. The Microsoft provision and the other factors listed above could also delay or prevent a change in control of NVIDIA.
1.WP7 手机 将采用 nv的 图像处理技术芯片?
2.XBOX 将形成对 索尼ps的彻底包围?
08:55 AllThingsD报道微软同nVidia的协议早在2000年3月5日就已达成,这一点还写入了nVidia上市的招股书里。所以本报道实际上是则“旧闻”。 “根据这项协议,如果有个人或者公司要收购NVIDIA 30%以上流通股时,微软将拥有优先权和否决权”,NVIDIA在提交的备忘录中做出这项声明。
协议原文如下,和SEC F-1文件基本一字不差(we改成了the company):
On March 5, 2000, we entered into an agreement with Microsoft in which we agreed to develop and sell graphics chips and to license certain technology to Microsoft and its licensees for use in the Xbox. Under the agreement, if an individual or corporation makes an offer to purchase shares equal to or greater than 30% of the outstanding shares of our common stock, Microsoft may have first and last rights of refusal to purchase the stock. The Microsoft provision and the other factors listed above could also delay or prevent a change in control of NVIDIA.
1.WP7 手机 将采用 nv的 图像处理技术芯片?
2.XBOX 将形成对 索尼ps的彻底包围?