如染色体 (-2,1,5,3,4) 表示2号矩形需要做旋转,而其他矩形则正常排放,如下图。
- 先确定一个交叉位置,假如选择第五个位置(每条染色体最左边的基因,其位置规定为1,从左向右,位置编号依次增加)为交叉点,图中箭头所在位置代表交叉点;
- 对比A染色体和B染色体的不变部分,两者都有的基因位是3、2、9,将A染色体不变部分的基因片断去掉3、2、9,将剩下的基因部分按原来的顺序放入数组p={4,5},同理将B染色体不变部分的基因片断中去掉3、2、9,将剩下的基因部分按原来的顺序放入数组q={1,10};
- 对比A染色体和B染色体的交叉部分,两者不相同的部分:A染色体为1、10;B为5、4,分别替换为对应的数组p或q中的基因,这时A染色体的交叉部分变为{8,7,6,4,5},B染色体交叉部分变成{10,1,6,7,8 };
- 经过步骤3,这时的A染色体和B染色体分别变为:
本文变异操作选择交换变异,具体步骤:产生[1,n]之间的一个随机数 Num,将该数和紧随其后的数相互交换;如果该数是染色体中的最后一个数,则将该数与染色体中的第一个数相交换。
import random import copy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math # 个体长度(待排样箱体个数) CHROM_LEN = 26 # 种群大小 POP_SIZE = 40 # 最大遗传代数 MAX_GENERATION = 100 # 交叉概率 PC = 0.7 # 变异概率 PM = 0.05 # 水平线类(起始x位置,终止x位置,高度) class OutLine: def __init__(self, origin, end, height): self.origin = origin self.end = end self.height = height def __str__(self): return "OutLine:origin:{}, end:{}, height:{}".format(self.origin, self.end, self.height) # 矩形物品类(宽度,高度,编号) class Product: def __init__(self, w, h, num=0): self.w = w self.h = h self.num = num def __str__(self): return "product:w:{}, h:{}, num:{}".format(self.w, self.h, self.num) # 旋转90度并返回新对象 def rotate_new(self): return Product(self.h, self.w, self.num) # 布局类 class RectLayout: def __init__(self, width, line_list=[]): # 容器宽度 self.width = width # 水平线集合(起始x位置,终止x位置,高度) self.line_list = line_list # 水平线(起始x位置,终止x位置,高度) self.lowest_line = None # 水平线索引(起始x位置,终止x位置,高度) self.lowest_line_idx = 0 # 最终位置结果[[矩形件编号,左下角横坐标,左下角纵坐标,矩形件宽度,矩形件高度], ...] self.result_pos = [] # 板材利用率 self.ratio = 0.0 # 初始化水平线集合(起始x位置,终止x位置,高度) def init_line_list(self, origin, end, height): init_line = OutLine(origin, end, height) self.line_list = [init_line] self.lowest_line = init_line self.lowest_line_idx = 0 # 提升最低水平线 def enhance_line(self, index): if len(self.line_list) > 1: # 获取高度较低的相邻水平线索引,并更新水平线集 neighbor_idx = 0 if index == 0: neighbor_idx = 1 elif index + 1 == len(self.line_list): neighbor_idx = index - 1 else: # 左边相邻水平线 left_neighbor = self.line_list[index - 1] # 右边相邻水平线 right_neighbor = self.line_list[index + 1] # 选择高度较低的相邻水平线,左右相邻水平线高度相同时,选择左边相邻的水平线 if left_neighbor.height < right_neighbor.height: neighbor_idx = index - 1 elif left_neighbor.height == right_neighbor.height: if left_neighbor.origin < right_neighbor.origin: neighbor_idx = index - 1 else: neighbor_idx = index + 1 else: neighbor_idx = index + 1 # 选中的高度较低的相邻水平线 old = self.line_list[neighbor_idx] # 更新相邻水平线 if neighbor_idx < index: self.line_list[neighbor_idx] = OutLine(old.origin, old.end + self.line_width(index), old.height) else: self.line_list[neighbor_idx] = OutLine(old.origin - self.line_width(index), old.end, old.height) # 删除当前水平线 del self.line_list[index] # 按位置更新水平线 def update_line_list(self, index, new_line): self.line_list[index] = new_line # 按位置插入水平线(插在某索引位置后面) def insert_line_list(self, index, new_line): new_lists = [] if len(self.line_list) == index + 1: new_lists = self.line_list + [new_line] else: new_lists = self.line_list[:index + 1] + [new_line] + self.line_list[index + 1:] self.line_list = new_lists # 计算水平线宽度 def line_width(self, index): line = self.line_list[index] return line.end - line.origin # 找出最低水平线(如果最低水平线不止一条则选取最左边的那条) def find_lowest_line(self): # 最低高度 lowest = min([_l.height for _l in self.line_list]) # 最低高度时,最小开始横坐标 origin = min([_l.origin for _l in self.line_list if _l.height == lowest]) for _idx, _line in enumerate(self.line_list): if _line.height == lowest and _line.origin == origin: self.lowest_line_idx = _idx self.lowest_line = _line # 清空水平线集合 def empty_line_list(self): self.line_list.clear() # 计算最高水平线高度,即所用板材最大高度 def cal_high_line(self): max_height = max([ll.height for ll in self.line_list]) return max_height # 将矩形物品排样 def packing(self, _pro: Product): # 最低水平线宽度 lowest_line_width = self.line_width(self.lowest_line_idx) # 对矩形件排样 self.result_pos.append([_pro.num, self.lowest_line.origin, self.lowest_line.height, _pro.w, _pro.h]) # 更新水平线集 new_line1 = OutLine(self.lowest_line.origin, self.lowest_line.origin + _pro.w, self.lowest_line.height + _pro.h) new_line2 = OutLine(self.lowest_line.origin + _pro.w, self.lowest_line.origin + lowest_line_width, self.lowest_line.height) self.update_line_list(self.lowest_line_idx, new_line1) if lowest_line_width - _pro.w > 0: self.insert_line_list(self.lowest_line_idx, new_line2) # 计算板材利用率 def cal_used_ratio(self): # 计算板材利用率 used_area = 0 for _p in self.result_pos: used_area += _p[3] * _p[4] # 板材使用最大高度 max_high = self.cal_high_line() # 利用率 if max_high > 0: self.ratio = round((used_area * 100) / (self.width * max_high), 3) return used_area, self.ratio # 排样主算法 def packing_main(seq, container_width, products): # 初始化布局类 layout = RectLayout(width=container_width) layout.empty_line_list() layout.result_pos.clear() # 初始化水平线集 layout.init_line_list(0, container_width, 0) # 循环直到把所有物品都排完 while seq: candidate_idx = seq[0] _idx = int(math.fabs(int(candidate_idx))) # 候选物品 pro = products[_idx] # 最低水平线及其索引 layout.find_lowest_line() # 可用长度 available_width = layout.line_width(layout.lowest_line_idx) # 对应的装箱编号为负数时,对矩形件进行旋转 if int(candidate_idx) < 0: pro = pro.rotate_new() if available_width >= pro.w: # 将候选物品排样 layout.packing(pro) # 剔除已经排样的物品 seq.remove(candidate_idx) else: # 最低水平线宽度小于要排样矩形宽度,提升最低水平线 layout.enhance_line(layout.lowest_line_idx) # 计算板材利用率 _area, _ratio = layout.cal_used_ratio() # 计算最高水平线高度,即所用板材最大高度 container_height = layout.cal_high_line() return layout, _ratio, container_height # 对排样序列洗牌,并随机对物品进行旋转 def shuffle_seq(seq): # 洗牌 random.shuffle(seq) # 新的序列 new_seq = [] for s in seq: # 随机数 r = np.random.rand() # 随机对物品进行旋转 if r < 0.5: new_seq.append(0 - s) else: new_seq.append(s) return new_seq # 遗传算法个体类 class Individual: def __init__(self, chrom: str): # 基因序列 self.chrom = chrom # 适应度 self.fitness = 0 # 计算个体适应度 def get_fitness(self, container_width, products): _, r, _ = packing_main(copy.copy(self.chrom.split(",")), container_width, products) self.fitness = r return self.fitness def __str__(self): return "chrom:{}, fitness:{}".format(self.chrom, self.fitness) # 获得当代最佳和最差个体索引 def best_and_worst(population): # 最佳个体索引 best_idx = 0 # 最差个体索引 worst_idx = 0 for _idx, p in enumerate(population): if p.fitness > population[best_idx].fitness: best_idx = _idx elif p.fitness < population[worst_idx].fitness: worst_idx = _idx return best_idx, worst_idx # 选择(复制)操作 def select(population): # 新种群 new_pop = [] # 当代个体适应度总和 fitness_sum = max(sum([i.fitness for i in population]), 0.0001) # 当代个体累计适应度占比 cfitness = [] # 计算相对适应度占比 for j in range(POP_SIZE): cfitness.append(population[j].fitness / fitness_sum) # 计算累计适应度占比 for j in range(POP_SIZE): if j == 0: continue cfitness[j] = cfitness[j-1] + cfitness[j] # 依据累计适应度占比进行选择复制,随机数大于对应的累计适应度占比,则进行复制 for k in range(POP_SIZE): index = 0 while random.random() > cfitness[index]: index += 1 # 若无法找到要复制的其他个体,则沿用当前个体 if index >= POP_SIZE: index = k break new_pop.append(copy.deepcopy(population[index])) return new_pop # 两个个体进行交叉操作 def crossover_inner(individual1: Individual, individual2: Individual, position: int): # 两个个体染色体相同,则不进行交叉 if (np.array(individual1.chrom.split(",")) == np.array(individual2.chrom.split(","))).all(): return # 两个个体基因型列表 _chrom1 = individual1.chrom.split(",") _chrom2 = individual2.chrom.split(",") # 两个个体各自基因型列表中元素对应的正负号 flag_table1 = {int(math.fabs(int(c))): 1 if int(c) >= 0 else -1 for c in _chrom1} flag_table2 = {int(math.fabs(int(c))): 1 if int(c) >= 0 else -1 for c in _chrom2} # 两个个体去掉正负号的排样序列 chrom1 = [int(math.fabs(int(ch))) for ch in _chrom1] chrom2 = [int(math.fabs(int(ch))) for ch in _chrom2] # 不交叉部分排样物品序号的交集 intersection1 = list(set(chrom1[:position]).intersection(set(chrom2[:position]))) # 不交叉部分中,个体1对于个体2的物品序号差集 diff1 = [] # 不交叉部分中,个体2对于个体1的物品序号差集 diff2 = [] # 不交叉部分排样物品序号均相同 if len(intersection1) == position: # 直接交换 cross_gene1 = _chrom1[position:] cross_gene2 = _chrom2[position:] individual1.chrom = ",".join(_chrom1[:position] + cross_gene2) individual2.chrom = ",".join(_chrom2[:position] + cross_gene1) return # 不交叉部分排样物品序号均不相同 elif len(intersection1) == 0: diff1 = chrom1[:position] diff2 = chrom2[:position] else: diff1 = [c for c in chrom1[:position] if c not in intersection1] diff2 = [c for c in chrom2[:position] if c not in intersection1] # 物品序号转换表 table = dict() for _idx, d in enumerate(diff1): table[d] = diff2[_idx] for _idx, d in enumerate(diff2): table[d] = diff1[_idx] # 交叉部分排样物品序号的交集 intersection2 = list(set(chrom1[position:]).intersection(set(chrom2[position:]))) # 转换排样序号,使最终交叉后的基因型合法 for i, v in enumerate(chrom1): if i >= position and v not in intersection2 and v in table: _chrom1[i] = table[v] * flag_table2[table[v]] for i, v in enumerate(chrom2): if i >= position and v not in intersection2 and v in table: _chrom2[i] = table[v] * flag_table1[table[v]] # 需要交换的基因 cross_gene1 = _chrom1[position:] cross_gene2 = _chrom2[position:] individual1.chrom = ",".join([str(c) for c in _chrom1[:position] + cross_gene2]) individual2.chrom = ",".join([str(c) for c in _chrom2[:position] + cross_gene1]) # 交叉操作 def crossover(population): # 随机产生个体配对索引,类似于洗牌的效果 index = [i for i in range(POP_SIZE)] for i in range(POP_SIZE): point = random.randint(0, POP_SIZE - i - 1) temp = index[i] index[i] = index[point + i] index[point + i] = temp for i in range(0, POP_SIZE, 2): if random.random() > PC: # 随机选择交叉开始位置 cross_start = random.randint(0, CHROM_LEN - 2) + 1 # 两个个体染色体交叉 crossover_inner(population[index[i]], population[index[i + 1]], cross_start) # 变异操作 def mutation(population): for individual in population: # 新染色体 new_chrom_ch = individual.chrom.split(",") for i in range(CHROM_LEN): # 随机数小于变异概率,则进行变异操作 if random.random() < PM: # 变异位置 p = random.randint(0, CHROM_LEN-1) # 交换变异 next = 0 if p == CHROM_LEN-1 else p+1 temp = new_chrom_ch[p] new_chrom_ch[p] = new_chrom_ch[next] new_chrom_ch[next] = temp # 随机产生旋转效果 if np.random.rand() < 0.5: new_chrom_ch[p] = str(0 - int(new_chrom_ch[p])) # 更新染色体 individual.chrom = ",".join(new_chrom_ch) # 绘制排样结果 def draw_packing_result(layout: RectLayout, container_width, container_height): # 绘制排样布局 fig = plt.figure() plt.xlim(0, container_width) plt.ylim(0, container_height) plt.axis("off") ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') ax.set_xlim(0, container_width) ax.set_ylim(0, container_height) for pos in layout.result_pos: ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle( (pos[1], pos[2]), # 矩形左下角 pos[3], # 长 pos[4], # 宽 alpha=1, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1 ) ) # 物品编号 ax.text(pos[1] + pos[3] / 2 - 0.5, pos[2] + pos[4] / 2 - 0.3, "{}".format(pos[0]), transform=ax.transData) # plt.show() plt.savefig('lowest_horizontal_line_sga1.png', dpi=800) # 绘制进化过程 def draw_evolution(evolution): x = [i for i in range(len(evolution))] # 清空画布 plt.clf() plt.plot(x, evolution) # plt.show() plt.savefig('lowest_horizontal_line_sga2.png', dpi=800) # 主方法 def main(): # 板材宽度 container_width = 10 # 初始化矩形物品尺寸,也可以随机生成 # item_sizes = np.random.randint(1, 8, size=(CHROM_LEN, 2)).tolist() item_sizes = [[3, 1], [4, 4], [1, 1], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [1, 4], [2, 2], [3, 3], [3, 1], [4, 2], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 2], [1, 2], [1, 3], [3, 4], [2, 3], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2], [4, 3], [3, 2], [4, 3], [4, 3]] # 物品id(仅作为显示使用) ran = [i + 1 for i in range(len(item_sizes))] # 矩形物品列表 products = [] for idx in range(CHROM_LEN): products.append(Product(item_sizes[idx][0], item_sizes[idx][1], ran[idx])) # 种群 population = [] # 初始化种群 seq_seed = [i for i in range(len(item_sizes))] temp = copy.copy(seq_seed) for _ in range(POP_SIZE): population.append(Individual(",".join([str(t) for t in temp]))) # 打乱初始排样顺序 temp = shuffle_seq(temp) # 计算初始种群适应度 for individual in population: individual.get_fitness(container_width, products) # 初始种群最佳和最差个体 best_idx, worst_idx = best_and_worst(population) # 历史最佳个体 current_best = population[best_idx] # 进化过程,每一代最佳个体对应的利用率 evolution = [] # 循环直到最大代数 for generation in range(MAX_GENERATION): # 选择复制 population = select(population) # 交叉 crossover(population) # 变异 mutation(population) # 重新计算适应度 for individual in population: individual.get_fitness(container_width, products) # 当代种群最佳和最差个体索引 best_idx, worst_idx = best_and_worst(population) # 利用精英模型执行进化操作,用历史最佳个体代替当代的最差个体 if population[best_idx].fitness > current_best.fitness: current_best = population[best_idx] else: population[worst_idx] = current_best # 更新进化过程 _, _f, _ = packing_main(copy.copy(current_best.chrom.split(",")), container_width, products) evolution.append(_f) # 打印最佳个体信息 print(current_best) best_layout, _, best_container_height = packing_main(copy.copy(current_best.chrom.split(",")), container_width, products) # 绘制排样布局 draw_packing_result(best_layout, container_width, best_container_height) # 绘制进化过程 draw_evolution(evolution) if __name__ == "__main__": main()