策略迭代通过构建策略的值函数(状态值函数v 动作值函数q)来评估当前策略,并利用这些值函数给出改进的新策略,策略跌打由策略评估和策略改进两部分组成。
# 代05-例4.1-基于状态值函数的确定环境扫地机器人任务策略评估 import numpy as np from 扫地机器人gym环境 import GridWorldEnv env = GridWorldEnv() """定义格子世界参数""" world_h = 5 world_w = 5 length = world_h * world_w gamma = 0.8 state = [i for i in range(length)] # 状态(编号) action = ['n', 's', 'w', 'e'] # 动作名称 ds_action = {'n': -world_w, 'e': 1, 's': world_w, 'w': -1} policy = np.zeros([length, len(action)]) suqe=[20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3,4] # 定义奖励 def reward(s): if s == 20: # 到充电站 return 1 elif s == 12: # 到陷阱中 return -10 elif s == 9: # 到垃圾处 return 3 else: return 0 # 其他 def getAction(a): if a == 'n': return 0 elif a == 'e': return 3 elif a == 's': return 1 elif a == 'w': return 2 入状态,则直接pass不做操作 continue v = 0 # 针对每个状态值函数进行计算 print("第%d 的状态" % (k), end="") for a in action: newAction = getAction(a) next_state = next_states(s, a) rewards = reward(next_state) if next_state == 12: v += policy[s][newAction] * (rewards + gamma * V[s]) # print(" %.2f*(%d+%.1f*%.3f)+" % (policy[s][newAction], rewards, gamma, V[next_state]), end="") print(" %.2f*(%d+%.1f*%.3f)+" % (policy[s][newAction], rewards, gamma, V[next_state]), end="") else: v += policy[s][newAction] * (rewards + gamma * V[next_state]) # print("%.2f*(%d+%.1f*%.2f)+" % (policy[s][newAction], rewards, gamma, value[next_state]), end="") # print() # successor = getsuccessor(s) # for next_state in successor: # rewards = reward(next_state) # v += 1 / len(successor) * (rewards + gamma * V[next_state]) print(" %.2f*(%d+%.1f*%.3f)+" % (policy[s][newAction], rewards, gamma, V[next_state]), end="") print("v = %.3f" % (v)) delta = max(delta, np.abs(v - V[s])) # 更新差值 V[s] = v # 存储(更新)每个状态下的状态值函数,即伪代码中的 v <- V(s) value = np.array(V).reshape(world_h, world_w) iter += 1 print('k=', iter) # 打印迭代次数 print("当前的状态值函数为:") print(np.round(value, decimals=3))# 输出当前的状态值函数 if delta < theta: # 策略评估的迭代次数不能太多,否则状态值函数的数值会越来越大(即使算法仍然在收敛) break return V # 一轮迭代结束后,状态值函数暂时固定 initPolicy() value = policy_eval()
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# 代08-例4.4-基于动作值函数的随机环境扫地机器人任务策略评估 import numpy as np import pandas as pd """定义格子世界参数""" world_h = 5 world_w = 5 length = world_h * world_w gamma = 0.8 action = ['n', 's', 'w', 'e'] # 动作名称 ds_action = {'n': -world_w, 'e': 1, 's': world_w, 'w': -1} policy = np.zeros([length, len(action)]) suqe=[20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3,4] # 定义奖励 def reward(s): if s == 20: # 到充电站 return 1 elif s == 12: # 到陷阱中 return -10 elif s == 9: # 到垃圾处 return 3 else: return 0 # 其他 # in表示0是[*,*,*]中的一个 def getAction(a): if a == 'n': return 0 elif a == 'e': return 3 elif a == 's': return 1 elif a == 'w': return 2 # 在s状态下执行动作a,返回下一状态(编号) def next_states(s, a): # 越过边界时pass if (s < world_w and a == 'n') \ or (s % world_w == 0 and a == 'w') \ or (s > length - world_w - 1 and a == 's') \ or ((s + 1) % world_w == 0 and a == 'e'): # (s % (world_w - 1) == 0 and a == 'e' and s != 0) next_state = s # 表现为next_state不变 else: next_state = s + ds_action[a] # 进入下一个状态 return next_state # 在s状态下执行动作,返回所有可能的下一状态(编号)list def getsuccessor(s): successor = [] for a in action: # 遍历四个动作 if s == next_states(s, a): continue else: # print("状态s=%s,动作a=%s"%(s,a)) next = next_states(s, a) # 得到下一个状态(编号) successor.append(next) # 以list保存当前状态s下执行四个动作的下一状态 # print(len(successor)) return successor def envActionPolicy(a): if a == 'n': return 's' elif a == 's': return 'n' elif a == 'e': return 'w' elif a == 'w': return 'e' def CaValue(Q): v = [0 for i in range(length)] for i in range(length): for a in action: newAction = getAction(a) v[i] += policy[i][newAction] * Q.loc[i, a] value = np.array(v).reshape(world_h, world_w) print(np.round(value, decimals=4)) def sumQ_nextstate(s, Q, visios): sum = 0 for i in action: newAction = getAction(i) sum += policy[s][newAction] * Q.loc[s, i] return sum def initPolicy(): for s in range(length): for a in action: if next_states(s, a) == s: continue newAction = getAction(a) policy[s][newAction] = 1 / len(getsuccessor(s)) # print(policy) def policy_eval_Q_random(theta=0.0001): Q = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((length, len(action))), # q_table initial values columns=action, # actions's name ) iter = 0 while True: k = -1 delta = 0 # 定义最大差值,判断是否有进行更新 for s in suqe: # 遍历所有状态 [0~25] visio = False k += 1 if s in [9, 20, 12]: # 若当前状态为吸入状态,则直接pass不做操作 continue if s == 17: visio = True # [[-0.7954 - 1.0218 - 1.2655 - 0.1564 1.369] # [-1.066 - 1.9614 - 3.8893 - 0.7455 0.] # [-1.4346 - 4.176 # 0. - 3.5631 - 0.0563] # [-0.489 - 1.7904 - 4.1252 - 1.7891 - 0.6118] # [0. - 0.4778 - 1.3917 - 0.9611 - 0.5992]] for a in action: newAction = getAction(a) env_action = envActionPolicy(a) next_state = next_states(s, a) env_state = next_states(s, env_action) rewards = reward(next_state) env_rewards = reward(env_state) if policy[s][newAction] == 0: continue if next_state == 12: q = 0.8 * (rewards + gamma * sumQ_nextstate(s, Q, visio)) + 0.15 * ( gamma * sumQ_nextstate(s, Q, visio)) + 0.05 * ( env_rewards + gamma * (sumQ_nextstate(env_state, Q, visio))) if visio == True: print("q=%.2f=0.8*(%.2f+%.2f*%.2f)+0.15*(%.2f*%.2f)+0.05*(%.2f+%.2f*%.2f)" % (q, rewards, gamma, sumQ_nextstate(s, Q, visio), gamma, sumQ_nextstate(s, Q, visio), env_rewards, gamma, sumQ_nextstate(env_state, Q, visio))) else: q = 0.8 * (rewards + gamma * sumQ_nextstate(next_state, Q, visio)) + 0.05 * ( env_rewards + gamma * sumQ_nextstate(env_state, Q, visio)) \ + 0.15 * gamma * sumQ_nextstate(s, Q, visio) if visio == True: print("q=%.2f=0.8*(%.2f+%.2f*%.2f)+0.15*(%.2f*%.2f)+0.05*(%.2f+%.2f*%.2f)" % (q,rewards, gamma, sumQ_nextstate(next_state, Q,visio), gamma, sumQ_nextstate(s,Q,visio), env_rewards,gamma, sumQ_nextstate(env_state, Q,visio))) delta = max(delta, np.abs(q - Q.loc[s, a])) # 更新差值 Q.loc[s, a] = q # 存储(更新)每个状态下的状态值函数,即伪代码中的 v <- V(s) iter += 1 print('k=', iter) # 打印迭代次数 k = 0 Q1 = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((length, len(action))), # q_table initial values columns=action, # actions's name ) for s in suqe: Q1.loc[k] = Q.loc[s] k = k + 1 Q1.rename(columns={'n': 'UP', 's': 'DOWN', 'w': 'LEFT', 'e': 'RIGHT'}, inplace=True) print(Q1) if delta < theta: # 策略评估的迭代次数不能太多,否则状态值函数的数值会越来越大(即使算法仍然在收敛) break # CaValue(Q) return Q initPolicy() q = policy_eval_Q_random() CaValue(q)
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