lockchain is a new application model for computer technology such as distributed data storage, peer-to-peer transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithms.
Essentially, a smart contract is a program that automates the processing of traditional contracts through computer instructions. The smart contract program is not just a computer program that can be automatically executed. It is itself a system participant, responding to the received information, receiving and storing value, and also sending information and value outward.
The source code for DApp smart contract development is an important component of blockchain technology and the core code for implementing DApp applications. The following will introduce several common smart contract development source codes:
Solidity is the most popular smart contract programming language at present, and is widely used on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum. It is built based on languages such as JavaScript and C++, and supports OOP (Object Oriented Programming) ideas and multiple data types. In addition, Solidity provides a series of security mechanisms, such as permission control, exception handling, and so on.
Vyper is an emerging smart contract programming language, focusing on simplifying the development process of Ethereum smart contracts. Unlike Solidity, Vyper adopts a more concise syntax and fewer features, aiming to improve the readability and security of smart contracts.
Rust is a system level programming language, with its powerful memory management capabilities and concurrency making it an ideal smart contract programming language. The syntax of Rust is similar to C++, and it supports both Functional programming and object-oriented programming.
Go is another popular smart contract programming language with high execution efficiency and good scalability. The grammar of Go language is concise and easy to understand, and it is also widely used in blockchain application development.
In short, the source code for developing DApp smart contracts is the core code for implementing DApp applications. The Solidity, Vyper, Rust, and Go mentioned above are common smart contract programming languages. Developers need to choose suitable smart contract development source code based on specific application requirements and technical characteristics, and master corresponding development techniques and tools in order to better implement DApp applications and create commercial value.
$ cd uniswap-interface
$ yarn
$ yarn start
在Uniswap的前端中以常量的形式定义了Uniswap的路由地址,我们只需要修改路由地址就可以让前端链接到你的路由合约中 修改文件: 项目目录/uniswap-interface/src/constants/index.ts 第6行
import { AbstractConnector } from '@web3-react/abstract-connector'
import { ChainId, JSBI, Percent, Token, WETH } from '@uniswap/sdk'
import { fortmatic, injected, portis, walletconnect, walletlink } from '../connectors'
export const ROUTER_ADDRESS = '0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D' //修改成你的路由合约地址
保存后运行yarn start即可看到效果
将代码部署到GitHub Pages
$ cd uniswap-interface
$ rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin
$ yarn add gh-pages
$ yarn build
$ vim package.json
"name": "@uniswap/interface",
"description": "Uniswap Interface",
// 添加部署的脚本,还是在package.json中
"scripts": {
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build" //添加这一行
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git push
$ yarn deploy