💥1 概述
本文可塑造性强。 本文介绍了高分辨率多传感器时频分布(MTFD)及其在多通道非平稳信号分析中的应用。该方法结合了高分辨率时频分析和阵列信号处理方法。MTFD的性能通过多种应用进行了演示,包括基于到达方向(DOA)估计的源定位和非平稳源的自动组分分离(ACS),重点是盲源分离。MTFD方法通过脑电图信号的两个应用进一步说明。一种专门使用 ACS 和 DOA 估计方法进行伪影去除和源定位。另一种使用MTFD进行跨渠道因果关系分析。本文可以换上自己的数据,并将这些方法实现。
📚2 运行结果
clear; close all; clc; addpath(genpath('Supporting functions')); %% Main %% Extracting SNR information from Data Folders S = dir('../data/DOA Data'); SNR_N = sum([S(~ismember({S.name},{'.','..'})).isdir]); SNR_i = zeros(1,SNR_N); for i = 1:SNR_N [~, r1] = strtok(S(7+i).name); [s1, rrr] = strtok(r1); SNR_i(1,i) = str2double(s1); end SNR_i = sort(SNR_i); %% MUSIC and TF-MUSIC Spectrum SNR_N = 2; figure('Color',[1 1 1],'Position',[100, 70, 900 500]); ha = tight_subplot(SNR_N/2,2,[0.05 0.01],[0.12 0.12],[0.08 0.08]); for i = 1:SNR_N Path = ['../data/DOA Data/SNR ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB']; load([Path '/Averaged_Spectrum']); axes(ha(i)); plot(theta, P_tf_music_avg,'-b','linewidth',2); hold on; plot(theta, P_music_avg,'-.r','linewidth',2); hold on; plot(repmat(ra(1),10),linspace(0,1.2,10),'k--','linewidth',2); hold on plot(repmat(ra(2),10),linspace(0,1.2,10),'k--','linewidth',2); grid on axis([0 39.9 0 1.2]) if(mod(i,2) && i < SNR_N-1) set(gca,'XTickLabel','','fontweight','bold','fontsize',13); ylabel('P_M_U_S_I_C (\theta)','Fontsize',16); title(['SNR = ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB'],'fontsize',20); elseif i == SNR_N-1 set(gca,'fontweight','bold','fontsize',13); ylabel('P_M_U_S_I_C (\theta)','Fontsize',16); xlabel('\theta (deg)','Fontsize',16); title(['SNR = ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB'],'fontsize',20); elseif i == SNR_N set(gca,'YTickLabel','','fontweight','bold','fontsize',13); xlabel('\theta (deg)','Fontsize',16); title(['SNR = ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB'],'fontsize',20); legend('TF-MUSIC Averaged Spectrum','MUSIC Averaged Spectrum','True Angles','Location','Southwest') else set(gca,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','','fontweight','bold'); title(['SNR = ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB'],'fontsize',20); end end set(gcf,'Units','inches'); screenposition = get(gcf,'Position'); set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0 0 screenposition(3:4)],'PaperSize',screenposition(3:4)); %% DOA NMSE SNR_N = sum([S(~ismember({S.name},{'.','..'})).isdir]); Path = ['../data/DOA Data/SNR ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB']; load([Path '/DOA'],'ra'); nmse_music = zeros(length(ra), SNR_N); nmse_tf_music = zeros(length(ra), SNR_N); nmse_esprit = zeros(length(ra), SNR_N); nmse_tf_esprit = zeros(length(ra), SNR_N); music_rate = zeros(length(ra), SNR_N); tf_music_rate = zeros(length(ra), SNR_N); for i = 1:SNR_N Path = ['../data/DOA Data/SNR ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB']; load([Path '/DOA']); for j = 1:length(ra) temp1 = DOA_music(:,j); temp2 = DOA_tf_music(:,j); music_rate(j,i) = sum(temp1~=0)/length(temp1); tf_music_rate(j,i) = sum(temp2~=0)/length(temp2); temp1 = temp1(temp1~=0); temp2 = temp2(temp2~=0); nmse_music(j,i) = (mean(((temp1 - ra(j))/ra(j)).^2)); nmse_tf_music(j,i) = (mean(((temp2 - ra(j))/ra(j)).^2)); nmse_esprit(j,i) = (mean(((DOA_esprit(:,j) - ra(j))/ra(j)).^2)); nmse_tf_esprit(j,i) = (mean(((DOA_tf_esprit(:,j) - ra(j))/ra(j)).^2)); end end fprintf(2,'Mean Probability of Detection (Pd)\n'); fprintf('MUSIC : %0.3f\n',mean(mean(music_rate))); fprintf('TF_MUSIC : %0.3f\n',mean(mean(tf_music_rate))) fprintf('ESPRIT : %0.1f\n',1) fprintf('TF_ESPRIT : %0.1f\n',1) figure('Color',[1 1 1],'Position',[100, 10, 650, 550]); ha = tight_subplot(1,1,[0.01 0.01],[0.12 0.1],[0.12 0.12]); axes(ha(1)); plot(SNR_i,10*log10(mean(nmse_tf_music)),'-b','linewidth',2); hold on; plot(SNR_i,10*log10(mean(nmse_music)),'--b','linewidth',2); hold on; plot(SNR_i,10*log10(mean(nmse_tf_esprit)),'-.r','linewidth',2); hold on; plot(SNR_i,10*log10(mean(nmse_esprit)),':r','linewidth',2); grid on; xlim([SNR_i(1) SNR_i(end)]); legend('TF-MUSIC','MUSIC','TF-ESPRIT','ESPRIT','Location','Southwest'); set(gca,'fontweight','bold','fontsize',14); title('DOA Normalized Mean Square Error','fontsize',18); xlabel('SNR (dB)'); ylabel('NMSE (dB)'); set(gcf,'Units','inches'); screenposition = get(gcf,'Position'); set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0 0 screenposition(3:4)],'PaperSize',screenposition(3:4)); %% DOA PDFs SNR_N = 2; bins_N = 100; for i = 1:SNR_N aa= figure('Color',[1 1 1],'Position',[100, 0, 650, 700]); ha = tight_subplot(2,1,[0.01 0.01],[0.1 0.1],[0.05 0.05]); Path = ['../data/DOA Data/SNR ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB']; load([Path '/DOA']); axes(ha(1)); temp = DOA_music; temp = temp(temp~=0); histogram(temp, bins_N,'Normalization','probability','facecolor',[1 0.84 0],'linewidth',1.2); hold on; temp = DOA_tf_music; temp = temp(temp~=0); histogram(temp, bins_N,'Normalization','probability',... 'facecolor',[1 0 0],'linewidth',1.2); xlim([0 40]); temp1 = DOA_music(:,1); temp1 = temp1(temp1~=0); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag11 = ['\mu_1 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_1 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; temp1 = DOA_music(:,2); temp1 = temp1(temp1~=0); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag12 = ['\mu_2 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_2 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; tag1 = [' MUSIC' char(10) tag11 char(10) tag12]; temp1 = DOA_tf_music(:,1); temp1 = temp1(temp1~=0); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag11 = ['\mu_1 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_1 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; temp1 = DOA_tf_music(:,2); temp1 = temp1(temp1~=0); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag12 = ['\mu_2 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_2 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; tag2 = [' TF-MUSIC' char(10) tag11 char(10) tag12]; legend(tag1, tag2,'Location','Northwest'); grid on; set(gca,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','','fontweight','bold','fontsize',13); title(['SNR = ' num2str(SNR_i(i)), ' dB'],'fontsize',20); axes(ha(2)); histogram(DOA_esprit, bins_N,'Normalization','probability',... 'facecolor',[0 0.5 0],'linewidth',1.2); hold on; histogram(DOA_tf_esprit, bins_N,'Normalization','probability',... 'facecolor',[0 0.45 0.74],'linewidth',1.2); xlim([0 40]); temp1 = DOA_esprit(:,1); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag11 = ['\mu_1 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_1 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; temp1 = DOA_esprit(:,2); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag12 = ['\mu_2 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_2 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; tag1 = [' ESPRIT' char(10) tag11 char(10) tag12]; temp1 = DOA_tf_esprit(:,1); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag11 = ['\mu_1 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_1 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; temp1 = DOA_tf_esprit(:,2); u1 = mean(temp1); s = std(temp1); tag12 = ['\mu_2 = ', num2str(round(u1,1)), ', \sigma_2 = ', num2str(round(s,1))]; tag2 = [' TF-ESPRIT' char(10) tag11 char(10) tag12]; legend(tag1, tag2,'Location','Northwest'); grid on; set(gca,'YTickLabel','','fontweight','bold','fontsize',13); xlabel('\theta (deg)'); set(gcf,'Units','inches'); screenposition = get(gcf,'Position'); set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0 0 screenposition(3:4)],'PaperSize',screenposition(3:4)); end
🌈3 Matlab代码实现
🎉4 参考文献
[1] B. Boashash, A. Aissa-El-Bey, M. F. Al-Sa'd, Multisensor Time-Frequency Signal Processing:
A tutorial review with illustrations in selected application areas, Digital Signal Processing, In Press.
[2] B. Boashash, A. Aissa-El-Bey, M. F. Al-Sa'd, Multisensor time-frequency signal processing software Matlab package: An analysis tool for multichannel non-stationary data , SoftwareX, In Press.