💥1 概述
生物的进化普遍遵循达尔文的“物竞天择、适者生存”的准则,即通过个体之间的选择、交叉和变异来适应自然环境。进化算法就是仿效生物界进化过程的新型优化方法,不依赖与问题的具体特征,具有通用、简单、并行处理等优点,因此被认为是对21世纪的计算机技术有重大影响的关键技术。 差分进化算法提出时间较晚,但其以较强的全局收敛能力、鲁棒性和稳定性迅速成为进化算法领域的研究热点。差分进化算法保留了基于种群的全局搜索策略,采用实数编码、基于差分的简单变异操作和一对一的竞争生存策略,降低了进化操作的复杂性。差分进化算法作为一种高效、简单的并行优化算法,对其进行理论和应用研究具有重要的学术意义。 本文通过对差分进化算法理论基础的研究,针对不同应用问题给出了不同的改进算法。使用差分进化算法解决图像分割问题,并与最大类间方差法作比较分析,试验证明可节省大量时间。在含噪音图像分割问题中,本文使用二次探索改进差分进化算法,提高了算法在进化后期的搜索能力,改善了图像分割的视觉效果。 图像恢复问题是图像处理的重要问题之一。图像恢复问题的主要难点图像信息大,处理速度慢。因此,本文借助差分进化算法的收敛速度快、算法稳定等优点进行图像恢复。在图像恢复过程中算法结合图像特点,随机选取窗口进行交叉和变异操作,取得了较好的结果。
📚2 运行结果
generationAtBestFit = [0 0];%stores generation and best fitness spaceSize = size(searchSpace, 1); totalPixels = sum(searchSpace); normProba = searchSpace ./ totalPixels;%normalized probabilities if thresh < 1 || thresh > spaceSize, disp('Thresholds should be in a range of 1 to 256');return;end %-----Get an initial Fitness [fitnessX, X] = OtsuFitness(X, spaceSize, totalPixels, normProba); [val, fittest] = max(fitnessX); for gen = 1:generations %-----Mutation and crossover for p = 1:population %don't mutate or crossover the one with best fitness if fittest == p, U(:, p) = X(:, p);continue;end %Select three vectors for mutation randX = linspace(1, population, population);randX(p)=[]; px1 = ceil(rand(1,1)*numel(randX));x1 = randX(px1);randX(px1)=[]; px2 = ceil(rand(1,1)*numel(randX));x2 = randX(px2);randX(px2)=[]; px3 = ceil(rand(1,1)*numel(randX));x3 = randX(px3); mutant = X(:, x1) + round(vBeta.*(X(:, x2) - X(:, x3))); %---Crossover (will always happen if threshold is 1) chk = rand(thresh, 1); chk(ceil(rand(1) * thresh)) = 0;%one compulsory crossover bothSame = 0; if mutant == X(:, p), bothSame = 1; end for cross = 1:thresh %if vectors end up being exactly similar, re-generate randomly if bothSame==1, mutant(cross, 1) = floor(minThresh + (maxThresh - minThresh) * rand(1));continue;end if chk(cross) <= cr && thresh ~= 1,mutant(cross, 1) = X(cross, p);end end %Bring thresholds within range by regeneration instead of clamping mutant(mutant > maxThresh | mutant < minThresh) = floor(minThresh + (maxThresh - minThresh) * rand(1)); U(:, p) = mutant(:); end %-----Selection [fitnessU, U] = OtsuFitness(U, spaceSize, totalPixels, normProba); for p = 1:population if fitnessU(p) > fitnessX(p), X(:, p) = U(:, p); fitnessX(p) = fitnessU(p); end end [val, fittest] = max(fitnessX); tempFitStore = [tempFitStore fitnessX(fittest)]; %=======PSO hybrid attempt (does not work well enough) %if gen > 5, % %get three X vectors that are closest in fitness to the best X % tempX = X; tFitnessX = fitnessX; % tempX(:,fittest) = []; tFitnessX(fittest) = []; % [v, f] = max(tFitnessX);x1 = tempX(:, f);fitX1=v;tempX(:,f) = [];tFitnessX(f) = []; % [v, f] = max(tFitnessX);x2 = tempX(:, f);fitX2=v;tempX(:,f) = [];tFitnessX(f) = []; % [v, f] = max(tFitnessX);x3 = tempX(:, f);fitX3=v;tempX(:,f) = [];tFitnessX(f) = []; % [xBest, fitXBest] = exploitWithPSO(X(:,fittest), x1, x2, x3, val, fitX1, fitX2, fitX3, spaceSize, totalPixels, normProba, maxThresh, minThresh); % if fitXBest > fitnessX(fittest), % X(:,fittest) = xBest; % fitnessX(fittest) = fitXBest; % end %end %=====end of PSO %---Store the generation at which best fitness was achieved if fitnessX(fittest) > generationAtBestFit(2), generationAtBestFit(1) = gen; generationAtBestFit(2) = fitnessX(fittest); end if generationAtBestFit(1) > fastestGenerationForBestFitness, fastestGenerationForBestFitness = generationAtBestFit(1); end %fprintf('Image %d is max fit. fitness %f. Achived at gen %d\n', fittest, fitnessX(fittest), generationAtBestFit(1)); if fitnessX(fittest) > bestFitnessAmongTrials, bestFitnessAmongTrials = fitnessX(fittest); bestThresholdAmongTrials = X(:,fittest); end %---decrease beta to lower exploration and favour exploitation if vBeta > 1/40, vBeta = vBeta - 1/40;end %if vBeta > 1/(thresh*4), vBeta = vBeta - 1/(4*thresh);end end %end of generation loop runtime = [runtime toc]; if bestFitnessAmongTrials > tempBestFitnessAmongTrials, tempBestFitnessAmongTrials = bestFitnessAmongTrials; fitStore = tempFitStore; end end %end of trial loop %---DE completed. Now display data fprintf('mean: '); mean(runtime) fprintf('standard deviation: '); std(runtime) fprintf('fastestGenerationForBestFitness=%d\n', fastestGenerationForBestFitness); fprintf('Best fitness achieved until now=%f with thresholds ', bestFitnessAmongTrials); disp(bestThresholdAmongTrials'); %-----Display multithresholded images of each vector figure(figNum);clf;figNum=figNum+1; T = I; for j = 1:thresh+1 if j == 1,%first bunch T(I < bestThresholdAmongTrials(j)) = minThresh-1;%0 else if j > thresh,%last bunch T(I >= bestThresholdAmongTrials(j-1)) = maxThresh-1;%255 else%everything else T(I >= bestThresholdAmongTrials(j-1) & I < bestThresholdAmongTrials(j)) = bestThresholdAmongTrials(j-1); end end end imshow(T); title('Best thresholded image'); %-----Display fitness graph figure(figNum);clf;figNum=figNum+1; plot(linspace(1, gen, gen), fitStore); xlabel('Generation');ylabel('Fitness');title('Fitness over time');
🌈3 Matlab代码实现
🎉4 参考文献
[1]赵艳丽. 差分进化算法在图像处理中的应用研究[D].中国石油大学,2010.