《Elastic Stack 实战手册》——三、产品能力——3.4.入门篇——3.4.1.Elastic Stack 安装部署——本地及docker)(2) https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1231418
MacOS 环境
MacOS 系统其实是一个类 Unix 系统,所以大部分的命令、环境属性等都和 Unix 系统类似。
tar 包 安装和上文提到的,在 Linux 系统中基于 tar 包安装的过程大致一样。
1、需要注意的是,MacOS 作为一个较为特殊的操作系统,也会有一个专门针对 MacOS 系统编译出来的安装包
2、路径上的主要区别为 Linux 系统的安装包被标记了 linux,MacOS 的安装包被标记了
brew 安装
1、Kibana 的 brew 安装和 Elasticsearch 类似,需要一些非常规的操作顺序
2、通过命令 brew tap elastic/tap 将 Elastic 原厂的仓库地址加入 homebrew 的配置
brew tap elastic/tap Updating Homebrew... ==> Tapping elastic/tap Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/elastic/homebrew-tap'... remote: Enumerating objects: 890, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (131/131), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (104/104), done. remote: Total 890 (delta 80), reused 57 (delta 26), pack-reused 759 Receiving objects: 100% (890/890), 206.46 KiB | 310.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (666/666), done. Tapped 17 formulae (51 files, 327.7KB).
通过命令 brew install elastic/tap/kibana-full 进行安装:
➜ ~ brew install elastic/tap/kibana-full ==> Installing kibana-full from elastic/tap ==> Downloading https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-7.12.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz?tap=elastic/homebrew-t ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Caveats Config: /usr/local/etc/kibana/ -> 配置文件路径 If you wish to preserve your plugins upon upgrade, make a copy of /usr/local/opt/kibana-full/plugins before upgrading, and copy it into the new keg location after upgrading. To have launchd start elastic/tap/kibana-full now and restart at login: brew services start elastic/tap/kibana-full Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: kibana ==> Summary 53,439 files, 719.9MB, built in 1 minute 26 seconds
注意,通过常规方式安装 brew install elasticsearch 会安装 7.10.2,通过命令 brew info
elasticsearch 也可以得到相应的信息。
还是建议通过原厂建议的 brew info elasticsearch-full 命令进行安装和测试,目前通过这个命令会安装 7.12 版本,和本文中其它的版本不太一致。
这些路径可能会因为系统的不同而有些许不同,也可能会有 /Users/steven/working/sourcecode/homebrew/etc/kibana/ 等格式的情况。
主要文件路径,也可以通过命令 brew info kibana-full 查看:
➜ ~ brew info kibana-full elastic/tap/kibana-full: stable 7.12.1 Analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana Conflicts with: kibana /usr/local/Cellar/kibana-full/7.12.1 (53,439 files, 719.9MB) * Built from source on 2021-05-15 at 15:33:02 From: https://github.com/elastic/homebrew-tap/blob/HEAD/Formula/kibana-full.rb ==> Caveats Config: /usr/local/etc/kibana/ If you wish to preserve your plugins upon upgrade, make a copy of /usr/local/opt/kibana-full/plugins before upgrading, and copy it into the new keg location after upgrading. To have launchd start elastic/tap/kibana-full now and restart at login: brew services start elastic/tap/kibana-full Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: kibana
《Elastic Stack 实战手册》——三、产品能力——3.4.入门篇——3.4.1.Elastic Stack 安装部署——本地及docker)(4) https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1231416