A Generative Adversarial Network-based Deep Learning Method for Low-quality Defect ImageReconstructi

简介: 本文提出了一种基于生成对抗网络 (GAN) 的 DL 方法,用于低质量缺陷图像识别。 GAN用于重建低质量缺陷图像,并建立VGG16网络识别重建图像。

A Generative Adversarial Network-based Deep Learning Method for Low-quality Defect ImageReconstruction and Recognition




0 Abstract

this paper proposes a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based DL method for low-quality defect image recognition. A GAN is used to reconstruct the low-quality defect images, and a VGG16 network is built to recognize the reconstructed images.

本文提出了一种基于生成对抗网络 (GAN) 的 DL 方法,用于低质量缺陷图像识别。 GAN用于重建低质量缺陷图像,并建立VGG16网络识别重建图像。

the results on PSNR, SSIM, cosine and mutual information indicate that the quality of the reconstructed image is improved greatly, which is very helpful for defect analysis.



Although these methods, especially DL, achieved good results, most of their performances are sensitive to the quality of the defect images.


In the low-quality defect images, the mask and noise are two main causes.


First, most of these methods require explicit knowledge to design or select the operator. If the operator is not suitable, these methods might not work well as expected.


Second, most of these methods only consider the noisy defect images, the masked images, which is also important, has not been considered yet.


Furthermore,previous researches only aimed to avoid the influences on the recognition results, but the lost information is not filled so that it is still difficult for defect analysis.


it is urgently needed to propose an effective DL method for the low-quality defect images.


The motivation of this paper is to propose a generic and automatic method to improve the image quality and recognition results, which avoids the explicit operator design and replaces manual repair.


To achieve this goal, the proposed method uses a GAN for low-quality image reconstruction, and a contextual loss [17] is introduced to ensure the reconstructed image as realistic as possible. And then, a VGG16 network [12] is built to recognize the reconstructed defect images.

为了实现这一目标,所提出的方法使用 GAN 进行低质量图像重建,并引入上下文损失 [17] 以确保重建图像尽可能逼真。然后,建立一个 VGG16 网络 [12] 来识别重建的缺陷图像。

In the first one, the proposed method is compared with conventional reconstruction methods. This part is to evaluate the reconstruction performances of the proposed method. In the second part, the proposed method is compared with the conventional DL methods and defect recognition methods. This part is to show whether the proposed method has better performances for low-quality defect recognition or not.



A. The Framework of the Proposed Method

The motivation of the proposed method is to use a GAN to learn the textural information from the defect image, and reconstruct a high-quality defect image to improve the image quality and recognition results. The proposed method is composed of defect reconstruction and defect recognition, and the diagram of the proposed method is presented in Fig. 1.

该方法的动机是使用 GAN 从缺陷图像中学习纹理信息,并重建高质量的缺陷图像以提高图像质量和识别结果。该方法由缺陷重建和缺陷识别组成,该方法的示意图如图1所示。


The detail of the proposed GAN is presented in Section II.B. To ensure the reconstructed as realistic as the ground truth high-quality defect images, a contextual loss Lcon is introduced into the proposed GAN.

所提议的 GAN 的详细信息在第 II.B 节中介绍。为了确保重建与地面实况高质量缺陷图像一样逼真,在所提出的 GAN 中引入了上下文损失 Lcon。

Since previous work suggests that a pretrained VGG16 will perform better [12], the VGG16 network is firstly pretrained by ImageNet.

由于之前的工作表明预训练的 VGG16 会表现更好 [12],因此 VGG16 网络首先由 ImageNet 预训练。

In the training phase, the GAN is firstly to learn the textural information from the high-quality defect images. After that, the GAN is fixed to reconstruct the low-quality defect images, and the reconstructed images are used to train the VGG16 network.

在训练阶段,GAN首先从高质量的缺陷图像中学习纹理信息。之后,固定 GAN 重建低质量缺陷图像,重建图像用于训练 VGG16 网络。

B. The Proposed GAN for Low-quality Defect Reconstruction

The whole GAN canbe regarded as a two-player minimax game, and a well-trained GAN can generate fake images and fool the discriminator.


The architecture of the proposed GAN is Fig. 2.



After training, the discriminator is discarded and only the well-trained generator is retained and fixed to reconstruct the low-quality defect images.


C. Contextual Loss

Traditional regularizations, such as L1 and L2, can produce a rough sketch, but fail to reconstruct the exquisite information.


To overcome this limitation, a contextual loss Lcon [17] is introduced into the proposed GAN.


D. The VGG16 Network for Defect Recognition

The VGG16 network has five blocks.The first two blocks have two convolutional layers and one max-pooling layer, while the remaining three have three convolutional layers and one max-pooling layer. At the end of the last block, a global average pooling (GAP) layer is added for vectorization, and a classification layer is connected to the GAP.



Furthermore, the image is normalized into [0,1] before feeding into the VGG16, and no extra data augmentation is adopted.



To evaluate the performances, the proposed method is tested on several types of low-quality defect images with masks and noises. The masked defect images involve center mask, random mask, multi-mask and Nvidia mask [18], and the noisy defect images involve the binary noise with different fractions.


A. Experimental Dataset and Setting-up

In vision-based defect recognition, masks and noises are two main causes that influence the image quality.


The masked defect images involve center mask, random mask, multi-mask and Nvidia mask [18].The center mask blocks the center of the defect image and the random mask blocks the defect images randomly. Multi-mask adds several blocks into the images, and the Nvidia mask is painting randomly.

掩模缺陷图像包括中心掩模、随机掩模、多掩模和Nvidia掩模[18]。中心掩模对缺陷图像的中心进行分块,随机掩模对缺陷图像进行随机分块。多遮罩将几个块添加到图像中,而Nvidia mask是随机绘制的。

NEU dataset is a hot-rolled steel strip surface defect dataset with six defect types. The defects include crazing (Cr), inclusion (In), patches (Pa), pitted surface (PS), rolled-in scale (RS) and scratches (Sc).


In the training phase, the masks and noises are added to the high-quality defect images, and the proposed method is trained to reconstruct and recognize these low-quality defect images.


In the application, the testing set, which adds some masks and noises, is fed into the well-trained model to evaluate the performances. The examples of low-quality defect images are presented in Fig. 5.



B. The Reconstruction Results of the Masked Defect Images

GAN can learn useful information from the defect images, and based on the learnt information, the proposed GAN could reconstruct the high-quality images successfully.


the L1-AE and L2-AE are failed to reconstruct the images, and the CAE can only reconstruct a blur one.


the contextual loss is useful to improve the quality of the reconstructed images.


C. The Reconstruction Results of the Noisy Defect Images

The reconstruction images are presented in Fig. 7.



From this result, it can be seen that the proposed method outperforms the other methods, and the recognition accuracies for the low-quality defect images are improved greatly.


F. Recognition Results with the Reconstructed Defect Images

To evaluate the performances of the proposed method, this section presents the recognition results of the comparison methods with the reconstructed defect images. The comparison methods include GP-CNN, PDDNET, Alexnet and CASAE, and all of them are trained and tested by the reconstructed images. The recognition results are shown in TABLE V.



This result suggests that the VGG16 in the proposed method is more suitable to recognize the reconstructed defect images. This is mainly because the VGG16 has an appropriate network architecture, and the pretrained weights are also important.


These results also manifest that the purpose of the proposed method, that using a GAN to reconstruct the defect images and improve image quality, is effective.



A. The Performance of the Proposed Method under the Mixture of Mask and Noise

From TABLE I, it indicates the multi-mask is more difficult to reconstruct and recognize, thus, this section will evaluate the proposed GAN under the multi-mask and different noise fraction. All the experimental setup is as same as Section III, and the evaluation results are shown in TABLE VI and Fig. 8.


在多掩模和不同噪声比例情况下的性能分析 :



B. The Analysis of the Proposed GAN

the proposed GAN uses a hybrid loss function, including reconstruction loss Lrec , contextual loss Lcon, and adversarial loss Ladv, and warming up strategy is also used for stable training.



Fig. 9 presents the reconstructed samples under center mask.From the reconstructed images, it can be seen that the GANs with contextual loss have a clear reconstruction result in the masked area. For the non-masked area, the last GAN also retains some detailed information. Therefore, this discussion result suggests the last GAN, which is also used in the proposed method, is more suitable to reconstruct these low-quality defect images.



C. The Recognition Results of the Other GANs


These comparison methods are trained to reconstruct the low-quality defect images, and the reconstructed images are fed into the VGG16 for recognition.


Although previous work has shown that these GANs have strong abilities for images generation, these GANs fail to reconstruct these low-quality defect images and improve the recognition results.


The main reason for the worse results is because the defect recognition requires more detailed textural information, while most of the comparison methods focus on the rough sketches.



a GAN-based DL method for low-quality defect recognition.


Firstly, this paper proposes a new manner that uses GAN to reconstruct the low-quality defect images and improve image quality.


the proposed method is generic, and it not only shows the effectiveness on the noisy image but also on masked images,


a VGG16 network with global average pooling is built to recognize the reconstructed defect images.


Therefore, the future work of this paper will focus on two directions.


One is to develop a lightweight model, which is fast for model training. Another one is introducing incremental learning into the proposed method, and make it adaptable for the new-coming defect type.


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