from random import * from turtle import * from freegames import path car = path('car.gif') tiles = list(range(32)) * 2 state = {'mark': None} hide = [True] * 64 def square(x, y): """Draw white square with black outline at (x, y).""" up() goto(x, y) down() color('black', 'white') begin_fill() for count in range(4): forward(50) left(90) end_fill() def index(x, y): """Convert (x, y) coordinates to tiles index.""" return int((x + 200) // 50 + ((y + 200) // 50) * 8) def xy(count): """Convert tiles count to (x, y) coordinates.""" return (count % 8) * 50 - 200, (count // 8) * 50 - 200 def tap(x, y): """Update mark and hidden tiles based on tap.""" spot = index(x, y) mark = state['mark'] if mark is None or mark == spot or tiles[mark] != tiles[spot]: state['mark'] = spot else: hide[spot] = False hide[mark] = False state['mark'] = None def draw(): """Draw image and tiles.""" clear() goto(0, 0) shape(car) stamp() for count in range(64): if hide[count]: x, y = xy(count) square(x, y) mark = state['mark'] if mark is not None and hide[mark]: x, y = xy(mark) up() goto(x + 2, y) color('black') write(tiles[mark], font=('Arial', 30, 'normal')) update() ontimer(draw, 100) shuffle(tiles) setup(420, 420, 370, 0) addshape(car) hideturtle() tracer(False) onscreenclick(tap) draw() done()
from random import choice, random from turtle import * from freegames import vector def value(): """Randomly generate value between (-5, -3) or (3, 5).""" return (3 + random() * 2) * choice([1, -1]) ball = vector(0, 0) aim = vector(value(), value()) state = {1: 0, 2: 0} def move(player, change): """Move player position by change.""" state[player] += change def rectangle(x, y, width, height): """Draw rectangle at (x, y) with given width and height.""" up() goto(x, y) down() begin_fill() for count in range(2): forward(width) left(90) forward(height) left(90) end_fill() def draw(): """Draw game and move pong ball.""" clear() rectangle(-200, state[1], 10, 50) rectangle(190, state[2], 10, 50) ball.move(aim) x = ball.x y = ball.y up() goto(x, y) dot(10) update() if y < -200 or y > 200: aim.y = -aim.y if x < -185: low = state[1] high = state[1] + 50 if low <= y <= high: aim.x = -aim.x else: return if x > 185: low = state[2] high = state[2] + 50 if low <= y <= high: aim.x = -aim.x else: return ontimer(draw, 50) setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) listen() onkey(lambda: move(1, 20), 'w') onkey(lambda: move(1, -20), 's') onkey(lambda: move(2, 20), 'i') onkey(lambda: move(2, -20), 'k') draw() done()
from turtle import * from freegames import line def grid(): """Draw tic-tac-toe grid.""" line(-67, 200, -67, -200) line(67, 200, 67, -200) line(-200, -67, 200, -67) line(-200, 67, 200, 67) def drawx(x, y): """Draw X player.""" line(x, y, x + 133, y + 133) line(x, y + 133, x + 133, y) def drawo(x, y): """Draw O player.""" up() goto(x + 67, y + 5) down() circle(62) def floor(value): """Round value down to grid with square size 133.""" return ((value + 200) // 133) * 133 - 200 state = {'player': 0} players = [drawx, drawo] def tap(x, y): """Draw X or O in tapped square.""" x = floor(x) y = floor(y) player = state['player'] draw = players[player] draw(x, y) update() state['player'] = not player setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) grid() update() onscreenclick(tap) done()
👉 游戏规则:单击靠近空正方形的方格以交换位置。将所有数字从左到右按顺序排列。
from random import * from turtle import * from freegames import floor, vector tiles = {} neighbors = [ vector(100, 0), vector(-100, 0), vector(0, 100), vector(0, -100), ] def load(): """Load tiles and scramble.""" count = 1 for y in range(-200, 200, 100): for x in range(-200, 200, 100): mark = vector(x, y) tiles[mark] = count count += 1 tiles[mark] = None for count in range(1000): neighbor = choice(neighbors) spot = mark + neighbor if spot in tiles: number = tiles[spot] tiles[spot] = None tiles[mark] = number mark = spot def square(mark, number): """Draw white square with black outline and number.""" up() goto(mark.x, mark.y) down() color('black', 'white') begin_fill() for count in range(4): forward(99) left(90) end_fill() if number is None: return elif number < 10: forward(20) write(number, font=('Arial', 60, 'normal')) def tap(x, y): """Swap tile and empty square.""" x = floor(x, 100) y = floor(y, 100) mark = vector(x, y) for neighbor in neighbors: spot = mark + neighbor if spot in tiles and tiles[spot] is None: number = tiles[mark] tiles[spot] = number square(spot, number) tiles[mark] = None square(mark, None) def draw(): """Draw all tiles.""" for mark in tiles: square(mark, tiles[mark]) update() setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) load() draw() onscreenclick(tap) done()
from random import random from turtle import * from freegames import line def draw(): """Draw maze.""" color('black') width(5) for x in range(-200, 200, 40): for y in range(-200, 200, 40): if random() > 0.5: line(x, y, x + 40, y + 40) else: line(x, y + 40, x + 40, y) update() def tap(x, y): """Draw line and dot for screen tap.""" if abs(x) > 198 or abs(y) > 198: up() else: down() width(2) color('red') goto(x, y) dot(4) setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) draw() onscreenclick(tap) done()