
简介: 基于C#的ArcEngine二次开发37:循环查询过程的内存管理与性能优化

3 Geadatebse API使用最佳实践


本主题旨在成为使用Geodatabase API的开发人员的“备忘单”。有许多可以提高性能的最佳实践,也有许多可能损害性能或导致意外结果的常见错误。本主题中的信息是两者的组合,并基于支持事件、论坛帖子和其他第三方代码中的代码示例。


3.1 对recycling的理解


Recycling is a property of cursors that determines how rows from the cursor are created. Recycling can be enabled or disabled and is exposed through the API as a Boolean parameter on several cursor instantiation methods, including ITable.Search and ISelectionSet.Search.  If recycling is enabled, a cursor only allocates memory for a single row regardless of how many rows are returned from the cursor. This provides performance benefits in terms of both memory usage and running time, but has drawbacks for certain workflows. Recycling is useful in situations where only a single row is going to be referenced at any time, for example, drawing geometries or displaying the current row's ObjectID to a console window. When multiple rows from a cursor need to be compared in some way, or when rows are being edited, avoid recycling. Consider the following code example that compares the first two geometries from a feature cursor to see if they are equal:


public static void RecyclingInappropriateExample(IFeatureClass featureClass, Boolean
    using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
        // Create a search cursor.
        IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(null, enableRecycling);
        // Get the first two geometries and see if they intersect.
        IFeature feature1 = featureCursor.NextFeature();
        IFeature feature2 = featureCursor.NextFeature();
        IRelationalOperator relationalOperator = (IRelationalOperator)feature1.Shape;
        Boolean geometriesEqual = relationalOperator.Equals(feature2.Shape);
        Console.WriteLine("Geometries are equal: {0}", geometriesEqual);

如果启用回收,则前面的代码始终返回true,因为 feature1和feature2引用将指向同一对象,第二个NextFeature调用不创建行,它将覆盖现有行的值。调用IRelationalOperator.Equals是将几何体与自身进行比较。出于同样的原因,“两个”特性的ObjectID或属性值之间的任何比较也表示相等。禁用回收是一种更为谨慎的方法,因为不恰当地使用非回收游标不太可能返回与上一个代码示例中的结果相同的意外结果,但它可能会对性能造成很大的影响。



public static void RecyclingAppropriateExample(IFeatureClass featureClass, Boolean
    using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
        // Create a search cursor.
        IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(null, enableRecycling);
        // Create a sum of each geometry's area.
        IFeature feature = null;
        double totalShapeArea = 0;
        while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
            IArea shapeArea = (IArea)feature.Shape;
            totalShapeArea += shapeArea.Area;
        Console.WriteLine("Total shape area: {0}", totalShapeArea);

前面的代码示例在geodatabase文件中的一个要素类上进行了测试,该文件包含大约500000个要素,结果如下(在下面,~表示大约):在启用回收的情况下,流程的工作集增加了约4%,而在禁用回收的情况下则增加了约48%。在禁用回收的情况下,该方法的运行时间大约是原来的2.25倍。其他类似的工作流在不恰当地使用非循环游标时可能会导致更大的差异,例如工作集增加了近250%,执行时间比启用循环时长12倍。【The preceding code example was tested on a feature class in a file geodatabase containing approximately 500,000 features with the following results (in the following, ~ indicates approximately): (1). The process's working set increased by ~4 percent with recycling enabled as opposed to ~48 percent with recycling disabled. (2). With recycling disabled, the method took ~2.25 times as long to run.Other similar workflows can result in an even more dramatic difference when inappropriately using non-recycling cursors, such as a working set increase of nearly 250 percent and an execution time 12 times longer than with recycling enabled】



3.2 存储FindField的结果

方法(如IClass.FindField和IFields.FindField)用于根据字段的名称检索字段在数据集或字段集合中的位置。依赖FindField而不是硬编码字段位置是一个好的做法,但是过度使用FindField可能会影响性能。【Methods, such as IClass.FindField and IFields.FindField are used to retrieve the position of a field in a dataset or a fields collection based on its name. Relying on FindField as opposed to hard-coded field positions is a good practice but overusing FindField can hinder performance】


public static void ExcessiveFindFieldCalls(IFeatureClass featureClass)
    using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
        // Open a cursor on the feature class.
        IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(null, true);
        // Display the NAME value from each feature.
        IFeature feature = null;
        while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)



The following code example shows an additional good practice (checking that FindField values are not –1). If a field cannot be found, FindField returns –1. If a value of –1 is then used as a parameter for the Value property (the get_Value and set_Value methods in C#), a descriptive error message is not returned, as Value has no way of knowing what field the client intended to access.


public static void SingleFindFieldCall(IFeatureClass featureClass)
    using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
        // Open a cursor on the feature class.
        IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(null, true);
        // Display the NAME value from each feature.
        IFeature feature = null;
        int nameIndex = featureClass.FindField("NAME");
        // Make sure the FindField result is valid.
        if (nameIndex ==  - 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("The NAME field could not be found.");
        while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)


3.3 DDL命令不能在编辑时使用


Data definition language (DDL) commands are database commands that modify the schema of a database. Examples include creating tables, adding a new field to a table, or dropping an index. Methods that trigger DDL commands, such as IFeatureWorkspace.CreateTable or IClass.AddField, should never be called inside an edit session, because DDL commands will commit any transactions that are currently open, making it impossible to rollback any unwanted edits if an error occurs.

This practice also extends to geodatabase schema modification that is not true DDL from a database perspective—such as modifying a domain—because these types of operations explicitly commit their changes. A real-world example of this is a custom editing application that adds new values to a coded value domain based on a user's edits, then fails unexpectedly when the application tries to commit the edits. The approach in cases like these is to maintain a list of values that the user has provided, then add them once the edit session has been stopped.

3.4 Calling Store inside of Store-triggered events

Geodatabase API公开了几个事件,这些事件允许开发人员在对方法调用存储时应用自定义行为,例如IObjectClassEvents.OnCreate和IRelatedObjectClassEvents.RelatedObjectCreated。实现通过这些方法定义自定义行为的类扩展或事件处理程序的开发人员,以及其他类似的开发人员,应确保不会在触发事件的行上再次调用存储,即使自定义行为导致了行的修改。再次调用对象上的存储将从模型中触发事件模型,从而导致意外行为。在某些情况下,这会导致无限递归,导致应用程序挂起,而在其他情况下,错误将随可能难以解释的消息返回。

The Geodatabase API exposes several events that allow developers to apply custom behavior when Store is called on a method, such as IObjectClassEvents.OnCreate and IRelatedObjectClassEvents.RelatedObjectCreated. Developers implementing class extensions or event handlers that define custom behavior through these methods, and others like them, should ensure that Store is not called again on the row that triggered the event, even if the custom behavior caused the row to be modified. Calling Store on the object again triggers the event model from within the model, leading to unexpected behavior. In some cases, this results in infinite recursion causing an application to hang, while in others, errors are returned with messages that might be difficult to interpret.


The following code example shows a simple "timestamp" example that is intended to maintain the current user's name on features being created, but produces different varieties of errors depending on the data source:不要这么干

private static void EventHandlerInitialization(IFeatureClass featureClass)
    IObjectClassEvents_Event objectClassEvents = (IObjectClassEvents_Event)
    objectClassEvents.OnCreate += new IObjectClassEvents_OnCreateEventHandler
private static void OnCreateHandler(IObject obj)
    obj.set_Value(NAME_INDEX, Environment.UserName);
    obj.Store(); // Do not do this!

3.5 获取要素


The IFeatureClass interface exposes two similar methods—GetFeature and GetFeatures—for retrieving features by their ObjectIDs. The former retrieves a single feature and takes an integer parameter, while the latter creates a cursor that returns the features specified in an integer array parameter (it also has a parameter that specifies whether the cursor will be recycling).For performance purposes, anytime more than one feature is being retrieved using a known ObjectID, always use the GetFeatures method. Compare the following two code examples:IFeatureClass.GetFeatures uses a conformant array parameter that makes it unsafe for use in .NET; IGeoDatabaseBridge.GetFeatures provides the same functionality in an interop-safe manner.


private static void GetFeatureExample(IFeatureClass featureClass, int[] oidList)
    int nameFieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("NAME");
    foreach (int oid in oidList)
        IFeature feature = featureClass.GetFeature(oid);
        Console.WriteLine("NAME: {0}", feature.get_Value(nameFieldIndex));
private static void GetFeaturesExample(IFeatureClass featureClass, int[] oidList)
    int nameFieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("NAME");
    using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
        IGeoDatabaseBridge geodatabaseBridge = new GeoDatabaseHelperClass();
        IFeatureCursor featureCursor = geodatabaseBridge.GetFeatures(featureClass,
            ref oidList, true);
        IFeature feature = null;
        while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
            Console.WriteLine("NAME: {0}", feature.get_Value(nameFieldIndex));


The preceding code examples have the same level of performance if a single feature is being requested, but the GetFeatures example outperforms the GetFeature example on as few as two features (especially with remote databases), and the difference between the two grows as more features are requested. With 100 features, the GetFeature example typically requires as much as 10–12 times to run, while with 1,000 features, it often takes up to 20 times as long.

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