Flink报错:org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: SQL validation failed. Unable to create a sink for writing table 'xxx'. The cause is following: Unsupported options found for 'sls'.
Caused by: org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Unsupported options found for 'sls'.
Unsupported options: xxx Supported options: accessid accesskey baseretrybackofftimems batchgetsize connector consumergroup directmode disabledirectmode endpoint endtime exitafterfinish failonerror fallback_to_old flushintervalms iothreadnum logstore maxblocktimems maxretries
maxretrybackofftimems maxretrytimes nullreplacestr partitionfield project property-version sourcefield starttime starttimems stoptime timefield timezone topicfield