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Trying to get some variables. Some pointer may be

I use mysql like select...from union all select ... from union select ... inner join on...left join which uses 10 tables,then mysql crashed usually,what should I do?

the mysql log as follows:

mysqld got signal 11 Most likely, you have hit a bug, but this error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. Thread pointer: Oxfff150029a10 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no megsages after this, something went terribly wrong. stack bottom = fff53c764868 thread stack 0x46000 /usr/sbin/mysa]d(my print stacktrace (unsigned char const*, ungigned long) +0x44) [0x1b51eb4] /usr/sbin/mysqld (handle fatal signal+0x2c4) [Oxea9244] linux-ydso.so.1( kerne] rt sigreturn+O) [Oxffff9a9f066c] /lib64/libatdc++.so.6(std:: Rb tree insert and rebalance (bool, std:: Rb tree node base*, std:: Rb_tree node base*, /wax/spin/musgid (std: : Rb tree iterator<temptable: :Indexed cellg›> std:: Rb tree‹temptable: : Indexed cells, temptable: /usr/sbin/mysald(temptable::Tree::insert(temptable::Indexed cells const&, temptable: :Curgor*) +0x84) [0x205281c] /usr/sbin/mysald(temptable::Table::indexes insert (void* ) +Oxd4) [0x2049abc] /usr/gbin/myag]d(temptable::Table::insert(ungignedcharcongt*)+0x10c)[0x2049d14] /usr/sbin/mysald(handler::ha write row (unsigned char* ) +0x1a4) [Oxf9da44] /usr/spin/mysqld(MaterializeIterator::MaterializeQueryBlock(MaterializeIterator::QueryBlockconst&,unsignedlonglon /usr/sbin/mysald(MaterializeIterator::Init()+0x220)[Oxf50a20] /usr/gbin/mysald (NestedLoopIterator: :Read ) +Oxf4) [Oxf4dd8c] /usr/sbin/mysald (NestedLoopIterator: :Read () +0xcc) [Oxf4dd64] /usr/shin/mysald (FilterIterator: :Read () +0x2c) [Oxf4dc0c] /usr/gbin/mysald(MaterializeIterator::MaterializeQueryBlock(MaterializeIterator::QueryBlockconst&,unsignedlonglon, /usr/sbin/mysqld (MaterializeIterator: :Init () +0x220) (Oxf50a20) /ust/shin/nysald (filesort (THD*, Filesort*, RowIterator*, Filesort info*, Sort result*, unsigned long long*) +0x198) [0x /usz/gbin/mysald(SortingIterator::DoSort(QEPTAB*)+Oxac)[Oxdle684] /ust/sbin/mysald (SortingIterator: :Init () +0x28) (Oxdle798] /usr/gbin/mysa]d(LimitOffgetIterator::Init()+0x24)[Oxf4d944) /us/gbin/mysald(SELECT LEX UNIT: :ExecuteIteratorQuery (THD*) +0x234) [Oxe406fc] /uax/sbin/mysald(SELECT LEX UNIT: : execute (THD* ) +0xd4) [Oxe425b4] /ust/gbin/mysald(Sql cnd dml:: execute inner (THD* ) +0x1f0) [Oxde1300] /usr/sbin/mysald (Sql cnd dml:: execute (THD* ) +0x3ac) (Oxde89a4) /ugr/sbin/mysald (mygql execute command (THD*, bool) +0xef4) [Oxda3144] /us£/ shin/nysald (mysql parge (THD*, Parser state*) +0x2e4) [Oxda689c] /usr/gbin/mysqld (digpatch command (THD*, COM DATA const*, enum gerver command) +0x1b28) (Oxda8808] /us/sbin/mysqld (do command (THD*) +0x160) [Oxda90e8] /vex/gbin/mysqld0)[0xe9c668] /ugr/sbin/mysald()[Oxlfce4dc] /lib64/1ibpthread.so.0 (+0x77f8) (Oxffff9a9977f8) /lib64/libc.so.6 (+0xdOdec) [Oxffff9a140dec]

Trying to get some variables. Some pointer may be invalid and cause the dump to abort. Query (Eff150076758) : select CONTENT ID, TITLE, TYPE,

hoping for answer,how to do stop mysql from crushing

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