之前一直做启发式算法,最近突然对精确算法感兴趣了。但是这玩意儿说实话是真的难,刚好boss又叫我学学column generation求解VRP相关的内容。
一看里面有好多知识需要重新把握,所以这段 时间就打算好好学学精确算法。届时会把学习过程记录下来,也方便大家学习!
01 什么是branch and bound?
1.1 |
官方一点[1] |
Branch and bound (BB, B&B, or BnB) is an algorithm design paradigm for discrete and combinatorial optimization problems, as well as mathematical optimization. A branch-and-bound algorithm consists of a systematic enumeration of candidate solutions by means of state space search: the set of candidate solutions is thought of as forming a rooted tree with the full set at the root.
The algorithm explores branches of this tree, which represent subsets of the solution set. Before enumerating the candidate solutions of a branch, the branch is checked against upper and lower estimated bounds on the optimal solution, and is discarded if it cannot produce a better solution than the best one found so far by the algorithm.
The algorithm depends on efficient estimation of the lower and upper bounds of regions/branches of the search space. If no bounds are available, the algorithm degenerates to an exhaustive search.
1.2 |
通俗一点 |
02 原理解析
1) 首先从主问题分出两支子问题:
通过线性松弛求得两个子问题的upper bound为Z_LP1 = 12.75,Z_LP2 = 12.2。由于Z_LP1 和Z_LP2都大于BestV=-INF,说明这两支有搞头。继续往下。
2) 从节点1和节点2两个子问题再次分支,得到如下结果:
子问题3已经不可行,无需再理。子问题4通过线性松弛得到最优解为10,刚好也符合原问题0的所有约束,在该支找到一个可行解,更新BestV = 10。
子问题5通过线性松弛得到upper bound为11.87>当前的BestV = 10,因此子问题5还有戏,待下一次分支。而子问题6得到upper bound为9<当前的BestV = 10,那么从该支下去找到的解也不会变得更好,所以剪掉!
3) 对节点5进行分支,得到:
4) 此时,所有的分支遍历都完成,我们最终找到了最优解。