- 冒泡排序(Bubble Sort)
- 鸡尾酒排序(Cocktail Sort)
- 选择排序(Selection Sort)
- 插入排序(Insertion Sort)
- 归并排序(Merge Sort)
- 原地归并排序(In-place Merge Sort)
- 堆排序(Heap Sort)
- 快速排序(Quick Sort)
- 希尔排序(Shell Sort)
- 计数排序(Counting Sort)
- 基数排序(Radix Sort)
- 桶排序(Bucket Sort)
- 二叉排序树排序(Binary Tree Sort)
- 鸽巢排序(Pigeonhole Sort)
- 侏儒排序(Gnome Sort)
- 块排序(Block Sort)
冒泡排序(Bubble Sort)
funcBubbleSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } i, j :=0, 0fori=begin; i<end; i++ { forj=begin; j<end-i; j++ { ifarray.Less(j+1, j) { array.Swap(j, j+1) } } } }
鸡尾酒排序(Cocktail Sort)
// CocktailSort 鸡尾酒排序// @see https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E9%B8%A1%E5%B0%BE%E9%85%92%E6%8E%92%E5%BA%8F// @see https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/125008445funcCocktailSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } low, high :=begin, endi :=0swapped :=trueforswapped { swapped=falsefori=low; i<high; i++ { ifarray.Less(i+1, i) { array.Swap(i, i+1) swapped=true } } if!swapped { break } swapped=falsehigh--fori=high-1; i>=low; i-- { ifarray.Less(i+1, i) { array.Swap(i, i+1) swapped=true } } low++ } }
选择排序(Selection Sort)
// SelectionSort 选择排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_sortfuncSelectionSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } i, j, minIndex :=0, 0, 0fori=begin; i<end; i++ { minIndex=iforj=i+1; j<=end; j++ { ifarray.Less(j, minIndex) { minIndex=j } } ifminIndex!=i { array.Swap(i, minIndex) } } }
插入排序(Insertion Sort)
// InsertionSort 插入排序funcInsertionSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } i, j :=begin+1, 0for ; i<=end; i++ { forj=i; j>0&&array.Less(j, j-1); j-- { array.Swap(j, j-1) } } }
归并排序(Merge Sort)
// MergeSort 归并排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort// @see https://www.enjoyalgorithms.com/blog/merge-sort-algorithm// @see https://qvault.io/golang/merge-sort-golang/funcMergeSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } tmp :=mergeSort(array.Part(begin, end+1)) fori :=0; i<length; i++ { array.Set(i, tmp.Get(i)) } } funcmergeSort(arrayInterface) Interface { ifarray.Len() <2 { returnarray } mid :=divisionByTwo(array.Len()) left :=mergeSort(array.Part(0, mid)) right :=mergeSort(array.Part(mid, array.Len())) returnspaceMerge(left, right) } // spaceMerge 归并funcspaceMerge(left, rightInterface) Interface { lengthLeft :=left.Len() lengthRight :=right.Len() varresult=make(InterfaceSlice, 0, lengthLeft+lengthRight) i, j :=0, 0fori<lengthLeft&&j<lengthRight { ifless(left.Get(i), right.Get(j)) { result=append(result, left.Get(i)) i++ } else { result=append(result, right.Get(j)) j++ } } for ; i<lengthLeft; i++ { result=append(result, left.Get(i)) } for ; j<lengthRight; j++ { result=append(result, right.Get(j)) } returnresult}
原地归并排序(In-place Merge Sort)
// InPlaceMergeSort 原地归并排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort// @see https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/in-place-merge-sort/funcInPlaceMergeSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { ifbegin<end { mid :=int(math.Floor(float64(begin+ (end-begin)>>1))) InPlaceMergeSort(array, begin, mid) InPlaceMergeSort(array, mid+1, end) inPlaceMerge(array, begin, mid, end) } } // inPlaceMerge 原地归并funcinPlaceMerge(arrayInterface, begin, mid, endint) { indexLeft, indexRight :=begin, mid+1endLeft, endRight :=mid, endifarray.Less(endLeft, indexRight) { return } sortedIndex :=0forindexLeft<=endLeft&&indexRight<=endRight { ifarray.Less(indexLeft, indexRight) { indexLeft++ } else { tempValue :=array.Get(indexRight) sortedIndex=indexRightforsortedIndex!=indexLeft { array.Swap(sortedIndex, sortedIndex-1) sortedIndex-- } array.Set(indexLeft, tempValue) indexLeft++endLeft++indexRight++ } } }
堆排序(Heap Sort)
// HeapSort 堆排序// @see https://brilliant.org/wiki/heap-sort/funcHeapSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } varmaxHeapheapmaxHeap.buildHeap(array, begin, end) maxHeap.popTop(array, begin, end) } typeheapstruct { } func (h*heap) siftDown(dataInterface, lo, hi, firstint) { root :=lofor { child :=2*root+1ifchild>=hi { break } ifchild+1<hi&&data.Less(first+child, first+child+1) { child++ } if!data.Less(first+root, first+child) { return } data.Swap(first+root, first+child) root=child } } func (h*heap) buildHeap(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { low, high :=begin, endmid :=int(math.Floor(float64(end+1>>1))) fori :=mid; i>=begin; i-- { h.siftDown(array, i, high, low) } } func (h*heap) popTop(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { first :=beginlow, high :=begin, endfori :=high; i>=begin; i-- { array.Swap(first, first+i) h.siftDown(array, low, i, first) } }
快速排序(Quick Sort)
// QuickSort 快速排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort// @see https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/W/2011/Notes/s4_quick_sort.pdffuncQuickSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { ifbegin<end { pi :=quickSortPartition(array, begin, end) QuickSort(array, begin, pi-1) QuickSort(array, pi+1, end) } } funcquickSortPartition(arrayInterface, begin, endint) int { pivot :=array.Get(end) pi :=begin-1fori :=begin; i<end; i++ { ifless(array.Get(i), pivot) { pi++array.Swap(pi, i) } } array.Swap(pi+1, end) returnpi+1}
希尔排序(Shell Sort)
// ShellSort 希尔排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShellsortfuncShellSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } i, j :=0, 0gap :=divisionByTwo(begin+ (end-begin)) for ; gap>begin; gap=divisionByTwo(gap) { fori=gap; i<=end; i++ { forj=i-gap; j>=begin; j-=gap { ifarray.Less(j+gap, j) { array.Swap(j, j+gap) } else { break } } } } }
计数排序(Counting Sort)
// CountingSort 计数排序funcCountingSort(arrayIntSlice, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } maxValue :=array[begin] i :=0fori=begin+1; i<=end; i++ { ifarray[i] >maxValue { maxValue=array[i] } } bucketLen :=maxValue+1bucket :=make(IntSlice, bucketLen) fori=begin; i<=end; i++ { bucket[array[i]]++ } sortedIndex :=0fori=0; i<bucketLen; i++ { forbucket[i] >0 { array[sortedIndex] =isortedIndex++bucket[i]-- } } } // CountingSortNegative 计数排序 - 可以处理负数的版本funcCountingSortNegative(arrayIntSlice, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } minValue, maxValue :=array[begin], array[begin] i :=0fori=begin+1; i<=end; i++ { ifarray[i] <minValue { minValue=array[i] } ifarray[i] >maxValue { maxValue=array[i] } } bucketLen :=maxValue+1bucket :=make(IntSlice, bucketLen) negativeBucketLen :=0ifminValue<0 { negativeBucketLen=int(math.Abs(float64(minValue))) +1 } negativeBucket :=make(IntSlice, negativeBucketLen) fori=begin; i<=end; i++ { ifarray[i] >=0 { bucket[array[i]]++ } else { negativeBucket[int(math.Abs(float64(array[i])))]++ } } sortedIndex :=0fori=negativeBucketLen-1; i>=0; i-- { fornegativeBucket[i] >0 { array[sortedIndex] =-isortedIndex++negativeBucket[i]-- } } fori=0; i<bucketLen; i++ { forbucket[i] >0 { array[sortedIndex] =isortedIndex++bucket[i]-- } } }
基数排序(Radix Sort)
typeBuckets []IntSlice// RadixSort 基数排序// @see https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Z8gU9QLpMnA-zoMc9ZeR2w// @see https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/radix-sort/// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_sortfuncRadixSort(arrayIntSlice, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } maxNumber :=getMaxNumber(array, begin, end) constNumberOfBuckets=10n :=1bucket :=make(Buckets, NumberOfBuckets) forn<=maxNumber { for_, v :=rangearray { digit :=getDigit(v, n) bucket[digit] =append(bucket[digit], v) } n*=10k :=beginfori, v :=rangebucket { for_, d :=rangev { array[k] =dk++ } bucket[i] =bucket[i][:0] } } } funcgetMaxNumberOfDigits(arrayIntSlice, begin, endint) int { maxNumber :=minInttemp :=0fori :=begin; i<=end; i++ { temp=int(math.Log10(float64(array[i])) +1) iftemp>maxNumber { maxNumber=temp } } fmt.Println(maxNumber) returnmaxNumber} funcgetMaxNumber(arrayIntSlice, begin, endint) int { maxNumber :=minIntfori :=begin; i<=end; i++ { ifarray[i] >maxNumber { maxNumber=array[i] } } returnmaxNumber} funcgetDigit(integer, divisorint) int { return (integer/divisor) %10}
桶排序(Bucket Sort)
constDefaultBucketSize=5// BucketSort 桶排序// @see https://www3.nd.edu/~dchiang/teaching/ds/2015/handouts/bucketsort.pdf// @see https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/bucket-sort-2/// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucket_sort// @see https://codecrucks.com/bucket-sort/funcBucketSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } minValue, maxValue :=array.Get(begin), array.Get(begin) i :=0fori=begin+1; i<=end; i++ { ifless(array.Get(i), minValue) { minValue=array.Get(i) } ifless(maxValue, array.Get(i)) { maxValue=array.Get(i) } } bucketSize :=DefaultBucketSizebucketCount :=int(math.Floor(float64(minus(maxValue, minValue)/bucketSize))) +1buckets :=make([]InterfaceSlice, bucketCount) fori=begin; i<=end; i++ { bucketIndex :=int(math.Floor(float64(minus(array.Get(i), minValue) /bucketSize))) buckets[bucketIndex] =append(buckets[bucketIndex], array.Get(i)) } sortedIndex :=0for_, bucket :=rangebuckets { InsertionSort(bucket, 0, bucket.Len()-1) for_, val :=rangebucket { array.Set(sortedIndex, val) sortedIndex++ } } }
二叉排序树排序(Binary Tree Sort)
// BinaryTreeSort 二叉树排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_sortfuncBinaryTreeSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } tree :=&binaryTree{} fori :=begin; i<=end; i++ { tree.insert(array.Get(i)) } tree.inOrder(array) } typebinaryNodestruct { datainterface{} left*binaryNoderight*binaryNode} typebinaryTreestruct { root*binaryNode} func (t*binaryTree) inOrder(arrayInterface) { ift.root!=nil { i :=0t.root.inOrder(array, &i) } } // print the binary treefunc (t*binaryTree) print(wio.Writer) { t.root.print(w, 0, 'M') } // insert a binary tree Node into treefunc (t*binaryTree) insert(datainterface{}) *binaryTree { ift.root==nil { t.root=&binaryNode{data: data, left: nil, right: nil} } else { t.root.insert(data) } returnt} // insert a binary tree Node into Nodefunc (n*binaryNode) insert(datainterface{}) { ifn==nil { return } elseifless(data, n.data) { ifn.left==nil { n.left=&binaryNode{data: data, left: nil, right: nil} } else { n.left.insert(data) } } else { ifn.right==nil { n.right=&binaryNode{data: data, left: nil, right: nil} } else { n.right.insert(data) } } } // inOrder traversal of the BSTfunc (n*binaryNode) inOrder(arrayInterface, i*int) { ifn==nil { return } ifn.left!=nil { n.left.inOrder(array, i) } array.Set(*i, n.data) *i++ifn.right!=nil { n.right.inOrder(array, i) } } // print the BSTfunc (n*binaryNode) print(wio.Writer, nsint, chrune) { ifn==nil { return } fori :=0; i<ns; i++ { _, _=fmt.Fprint(w, " ") } _, _=fmt.Fprintf(w, "%c:%v\n", ch, n.data) ifn.left!=nil { n.left.print(w, ns+2, 'L') } ifn.right!=nil { n.right.print(w, ns+2, 'R') } }
鸽巢排序(Pigeonhole Sort)
// PigeonholeSort 鸽巢排序// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigeonhole_sort// @see https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%B8%BD%E5%B7%A2%E6%8E%92%E5%BA%8FfuncPigeonholeSort(arrayIntSlice, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } i :=0minValue, maxValue :=array[begin], array[begin] fori=begin+1; i<=end; i++ { ifarray[i] <minValue { minValue=array[i] } ifarray[i] >maxValue { maxValue=array[i] } } holeRange :=maxValue-minValue+1holes :=make([]IntSlice, holeRange) fori=begin; i<=end; i++ { holes[array[i]-minValue] =append(holes[array[i]-minValue], array[i]) } sortedIndex :=0j :=0fori=0; i<holeRange; i++ { forj=0; j<holes[i].Len(); j++ { array[sortedIndex] =holes[i][j] sortedIndex++ } } }
侏儒排序(Gnome Sort)
// GnomeSort 侏儒排序// @see https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BE%8F%E5%84%92%E6%8E%92%E5%BA%8FfuncGnomeSort(arrayInterface, begin, endint) { length :=end-begin+1iflength<2 { return } fori :=begin; i<=end; { ifi==0 { i++ } ifarray.Less(i, i-1) { array.Swap(i, i-1) i-- } else { i++ } } }