NVIDIA之AI Course:Getting Started with AI on Jetson Nano—Class notes(二)

简介: NVIDIA之AI Course:Getting Started with AI on Jetson Nano—Class notes(二)


       The  NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ Developer Kit is a small AI computer for makers, learners, and developers. After following along with this brief guide, you’ll be ready to start building practical AI applications, cool AI robots, and more.

      NVIDIA®Jetson Nano™Developer Kit是一款面向制造商、学习者和开发人员的小型人工智能计算机。在遵循了这个简短的指南之后,您将准备好开始构建实际的AI应用程序、酷的AI机器人等等。

    Initially, a computer with Internet connection and the ability to flash your microSD card is also required. Downloading the image may take a considerable amount of time, depending on your internet speed. You may wish to begin downloading the NVIDIA DLI Jetson Nano SD Card Image immediately so that it can work in the background while you review the rest of the setup information.

    才开始,还需要一台具有能够联网和带有闪存microSD卡功能的计算机。下载图像可能需要相当长的时间,这取决于您的互联网速度。您可能希望立即开始下载NVIDIA DLI Jetson nano SD卡图像,以便在您查看其余设置信息时在后台工作。

Included In The Box

Your Jetson Nano Developer Kit box includes:   您的Jetson Nano开发工具包包括

Jetson Nano Developer Kit   Jetson Nano开发工具包

Small paper card with quick start and support information.  小纸卡具有快速启动和支持信息

Folded paper stand

For This Course, You’ll Also Need:  这门课,你还需要

microSD Memory Card (32GB UHS-I minimum),microSD存储卡(最小32GB UHS-I)

5V 4A Power Supply with 2.1mm DC barrel connector,5V 4A电源,2.1mm直流电筒连接器

2-pin Jumper                 2针跨接器

Compatible camera:      兼容的相机:

Logitech C270 USB Webcam,Logitech C270 USB网络摄像头

Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 with CSI camera connector ,Raspberry Pi相机模块v2与CSI相机连接器

USB cable (Micro-B to Type-A)   USB线(微型b至a型)

Prepare For Setup 准备安装

Items For Getting Started 入门项目

MicroSD Card

    The Jetson Nano Developer Kit uses a microSD card as a boot device and for main storage. It’s important to have a card that’s fast and large enough for your projects; the minimum recommended for this course is a 32GB UHS-I card.

     Jetson Nano开发工具包使用microSD卡作为引导设备和主存储。对于你的项目来说,拥有一张足够快和足够大的卡片是很重要的;本课程推荐的最小容量是32GB的UHS-I卡。

    See the instructions in the "Write Image to the microSD Card" lesson that follows to flash your microSD card according to the type of computer you are using: Windows, Mac, or Linux.


5V 4A Power Supply With 2.1mm DC Barrel Connector 5V 4A电源,2.1mm直流电筒连接器

    For this course, the 5V 4A DC barrel jack power supply is required. Although it is possible to power the Jetson Nano with a smaller microUSB supply, this is not robust enough for the high GPU compute load we require for our projects. In addition, you will need the microUSB port available as a direct connection to your computer for this course.

    本课程需要5V 4A直流电筒千斤顶供电。虽然可以使用更小的microUSB电源为Jetson Nano供电,但对于我们项目所需的高GPU计算负载来说,这还不够健壮。此外,本课程还需要使用microUSB端口作为与计算机的直接连接。

    The barrel jack must be 5.5mm OD x 2.1mm ID x 9.5mm length, center-positive. As an example of a good power supply, NVIDIA has validated Adafruit’s 5V 4A (4000mA) switching power supply - UL Listed.

     筒形千斤顶外径5.5mm,内径2.1mm,长度9.5mm,中心正。作为一个良好电源的例子,NVIDIA已经验证了Adafruit的5V 4A (4000mA)开关电源- UL列出。

2-Pin Jumper

    To specify use of the barrel-type power supply on the Jetson Nano Developer Kit, a 2-pin jumper is required. This is an inexpensive item available at many outlets.

    要在Jetson Nano开发工具包上指定桶型电源的使用,需要一个2针跳线。这是许多商店都能买到的廉价商品。

Logitech C270 USB Webcam网络摄像头

    You'll need a camera to capture images in the course projects. As an example of a compatible camera, NVIDIA has verified that the Logitech C270 USB Webcam works with these projects. The ability to position the camera easily for capturing images hands-free makes this a great choice. Some other USB webcams may also work with the projects. If you already have one on hand, you could test it as an alternative.

    在课程设计中,你需要一个相机来捕捉图像。作为兼容摄像头的一个例子,NVIDIA已经验证了Logitech C270 USB网络摄像头可以与这些项目兼容。定位相机的能力,方便地捕捉图像免提使这是一个伟大的选择。其他一些USB网络摄像头也可以与该项目一起工作。如果您手头已经有一个,您可以测试它作为替代。

    The Jetson Nano Developer Kit includes a MIPI Camera Serial Interface (CSI) port. As an example of a compatible camera, NVIDIA has verified that theRaspberry Pi Camera Module V2-8 Megapixel,1080p works with these projects.

    Jetson Nano开发工具包包括一个MIPI摄像机串行接口(CSI)端口。作为兼容相机的一个例子,NVIDIA已经验证了Raspberry Pi相机模块v2 - 800万像素,1080p可以与这些项目兼容。

    Instructions to test both USB and CSI cameras are provided in the Hello Camera lesson.

     在Hello Camera教程中提供了测试USB和CSI摄像机的说明。

USB Cable (Micro-B To Type-A)  USB线(微型b至a型)

    You'll also need a Micro USB to USB-A cable to directly connect your computer to the Jetson Nano Developer Kit's Micro USB port. The cable must be capable of data transfers, rather than only designed to power a device. This is a common cable available at many outlets if you don't already have one on hand.

    您还需要一个微型USB到USB-电缆直接连接到您的计算机到Jetson Nano开发工具包的微型USB端口。电缆必须能够传输数据,而不仅仅是为设备供电。如果你没有一个现成的话,这是一种常见的电缆,可在许多插座。

Write Image To The MicroSD Card

    To prepare your microSD card, you’ll need a computer with Internet connection and the ability to read and write SD cards, either via a built-in SD card slot or adapter.


Download the NVIDIA DLI Jetson Nano SD Card Image , and note where it was saved on the computer. 下载英伟达DLI Jetson Nano SD卡图像,并注意保存在计算机上的位置。

Write the image to your microSD card by following the instructions below according to the type of computer you are using: Windows, Mac, or Linux.   根据您正在使用的计算机类型(Windows、Mac或Linux),按照下面的说明将图像写入microSD卡。


      Format your microSD card using SD Memory Card Formatter from the SD Association.


Download, install, and launch SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows.   下载、安装和启动Windows SD存储卡格式化程序。

Select card drive   选择卡驱动

Select “Quick format”    选择“快速格式化”

Leave “Volume label” blank   将“卷标”留空

Click “Format” to start formatting, and “Yes” on the warning dialog    点击“格式化”开始格式化,在警告对话框中点击“是”

Use Etcher to write the Jetson Nano Developer Kit SD Card Image to your microSD card

使用Etcher 将Jetson Nano开发人员工具包SD卡映像写入microSD卡

Download, install, and launch Etcher.    下载、安装和启动Etcher。

Click “Select image” and choose the zipped image file downloaded earlier.   点击“选择图像”,选择先前下载的压缩图像文件。

Insert your microSD card if not already inserted.    插入你的microSD卡,如果还没有插入。

Click Cancel (per this explanation) if Windows prompts you with a dialog like this:    如果Windows提示您如下对话框,请单击Cancel(按此解释):

Click “Select drive” and choose the correct device.    点击“选择驱动器”,选择正确的设备。

Click “Flash!” It will take Etcher about 10 minutes to write and validate the image if your microSD card is connected via USB3.   点击“闪!“如果你的microSD卡是通过USB3连接的,Etcher将花费大约10分钟来编写和验证图像。

After Etcher finishes, Windows may let you know it doesn’t know how to read the SD Card. Just click Cancel and remove the microSD card.   蚀刻完成后,Windows可能会让你知道它不知道如何读取SD卡。只需单击“取消”并删除microSD卡。






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